Hyde Park Buck


Long Time Member
I saw the arraignment on the shooters of the Hyde Park buck was scheduled for this morning at 10:00am.

I wasn't able to attend but was hoping somebody knew the outcome and could post it up since it is public record and there is lots of interest in that deer on this site.

Any updates?

I guess one of the attorneys had a meeting conflict today so they had to postpone.

The court date got changed because of a schedule conflicts. More news to be coming before too much longer.
I've been hearing for awhile now that they finally got the guy. It'll be interesting to see how they prosecute him. I wonder if the penalty will be less because all the emotion has gone from the case?

Either way, a tremendous trophy was wasted, and a lot of people haven't been able to enjoy this particular deer. Sad deal.

I wonder what his buddies that got on here last year defending him have to say now? I doubt we'll hear from any of them.
Two guy's are charged with the Hyde Park buck poaching case.
Court date is Jan 26th 10 AM in Logan. People have been asking me about the date. I'm not printing names. They will be seeing the Judge soon. We will leave it up to the legal system. There are no winners. It was a great city buck, that many people enjoyed watching.
i dont think he guy in this picture is one of the guys that has been charged. i think he may have been the taxidermist.
I'm excited to see what the penalties and final outcome will be on the 26th. These two men charged I'm sure are sweating it for these next few weeks. Thankyou to the sportsman who wouldn't let the investigation die.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-15 AT 03:46PM (MST)[p]Hunter 567,
The guy in the picture, holding the buck, is the shooter.

Its not the taxidermist.

I would post his name, or the city he lives in, but if a guy really wants to know, they can find out, without me getting involved.

The interesting bit is, this guy, since the justice system takes soooo long, drew a limited entry elk tag on the pilot mountains this year.
Killed a 380 bull.
Should not have been eligible for the hunt if he is convicted.

But, the wheels of justice turn so slow, he slipped one in before getting justice.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-15 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]Shed,
I know the two guys who poached the buck. They will be seeing the judge soon. I'm sure their names will come out after they see the Judge. I don't know either guy, just know of them, and some family. I agree the wheels of justice is sometimes slow, but hopefully things will be just in the end. We will see.

I hope the hunters involved will learn and move on with their lives. I'm sure this has been very difficult for their families. It has also been very difficult for those who spent hours a week watching their tame town buck.
I hope they throw the book at them! Sob's

Mistakes happen when people are out hunting. There should be room within the law to differentiate between a mistake, whether honest or not, versus a deliberate and purposeful disregard for the law. I have long held there should be mandatory jail time for the second variety. And it should be a long time before that person should get privileges back to hunt.

These are public resources. When someone totally and completely ignores and violates the law, they rob the public of the resource.
Do they have a confession or any hard evidence in this case or are they crossing their fingers and hoping for a conviction. Personally,I am neutral on this case until I see the evidence.
Plenty of evidence on this one.It will come down to what plea bargains are made and judge thinks is ok. The wheels of justice move slowly unfortunately. Mon 26th logan, will change these two guys lives unfortunately. Hope they learn and move on. No one won in this whole deal.
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