hurt deer



i was just wondering what you guys would do if you found a deer that was fatally injured, like hit by a car and its leg has bones sticking out of it, it cant get up. Would you just slit its throat and go on your way or call the DWR?
shoot it

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

i suppose it would depend where i was at and what i was doing at the time. If i were near home, where people know me if confronted, i probably would pull over and put one behind its ear, drag it off the road so nobody had to see it while driving. I have, in the past, taken one home for the freezer that i witnessed getting hit and "might" do that again sometime if eating tag soup that winter.

If i were traveling, say on a outa state hunt, i'd feel bad for the animal but being in someone else's back yard, no one to vouch for my character and unfamiliar with the laws, would probably pass on by.

You Kali boys better keep your Kali ways in Kali.
Just so you know,you can't legally shoot & finish a roadkill off.
You can't take the roadkill home,even if you're hungry or even if you're eating tag soup.
I know fresh venison must be tempting in Kali,lol!
And I don't blame you guys for wanting to get the fresh meat before the Illegals & Roadkill Cafes snag it,lol!
When a night time shot is heard in Kali I'm sure most people just think it's another drive by,when in fact sage & D13er are just putting meat in the freezer,lol!!!
So who all is gonna admit to taking a roadkill home?
Sage already Ponied up.
I haven't yet,but by golly theres been a few times I shoulda hit the throttle rather than the brakes.
"So who all is gonna admit to taking a roadkill home?"

I think Snort has a whole section in the cooking forum dedicated highway vittles. :) Ransom is known near and far for roadkill jungle rooster cooked southern style.
Like Ramone said it is illegal. I persnonaly would hate to see that and would want to finish him off but,best to call LE officer. I have seen UHP do it.
+1 Joey

I've never been in the right place at the right time to take one home but given the opportunity........yummy!

I've never hit a deer with my truck. I drive too slow! No reason to have 4th gear in my rigs, they always rust up.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Hey Eel,
Would you like to participate in the Mormon 500 at quitting time?
And yes we do use 4th gear,in fact that's the gear we start out in.
I had a doe run into the side of the horse trailer. spooked the horses so I stopped to get them to calm down. I could see the deer in another cars headlights. Dont know how it didnt kill her but I walked back with a pistol and shot it. An officer was there before I made it back to my truck. I was in trouble but the only thing that saved me was the officer understood the situation and warned me that another officer might not be as understanding.

It was in daniels canyon just out of heber where the cell phones dont work so that helped too.
That is a TUFF picture...glad you finished it.

Over the years, I've killed 6 fatally-injured deer in four separate instances. In one of those cases, the deer had a compound fracture of two separate legs. Even with that much damage, there was a lady with out-of-state plates, who just couldn't comprehend that I wasn't going to take it to the "doctor". That was just outside Cody, Wyo. I had a similar experience south of Reno, NV...but I didn't have a gun. Fortunately, a highway patrolman stopped; he shot it, over the protests of a woman who wanted us to take it to the "hospital in Reno".

I'm (honestly) not kidding.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Ive taken home some roadkill, but here in Tennessee its pretty common to do and perfectly legal. Opossum is best slow cooked then BBQ'ed.
Right/wrong and legal/not legal dont always jive. Most of the cops I know would'nt even bat an eye as long as it was'nt on main street.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I come upon a buck hit by a car with a broken back. Alert as he could be. Called the f and g. They told me they would have an officer out there within three hours. I asked if I could put the buck down and clean him for them so he wouldn't have to suffer. Then they could donate the meat and it would be well taken care of. The response was if I shot the animal, it would be a criminal offense. They asked me to leave. I left thinking which is more criminal...?

Next time I won't call.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-09 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]I found a spike once that had been hit by a car and broke both front legs. I called the F&G and he told me to shoot it, but to be discret. I felt horrible walking up to the deer to shoot it, it just sat there and stared at me.
I hit 2 deer in the road once at night. I called the state police to file an insurance claim for vehicle damages. I also called the f and g. They told me to leave the deer where they where until the state patrol was done. Well, everyone was nice and went around the deer. Then the state trooper arrived and put flares in the lane with the deer so people would stay away. He was mortified that I was gonna take the road kill. Well everything was finished and settled. The officer stood back to let me out of my truck to go and grab the two dead does just 3 feet out my drivers side door. Well a frikin 18 wheeler decided to be a moron and blow through the flare and dead center both does. Needless to say my hopes of free venison where thrown all down the side of my truck and splattered all over the poor state trooper. yuck! lol. True story.
my opinion, if you come across an injured animal like that you kill it. allowing an animal to suffer is wrong.
Not a deer, but bull elk. Several years back (closer to ten now), I had heard of a crippled or wounded bull elk in an area near where I was living,and I had heard NDOW officers had been trying to locate it. I encountered a small 5-pt. bull which had apparently broken (or injured) his back near the rear haunches. It had been days since I had initially heard about the wounded elk; from the looks of the bull he appeared to have been struggling quite a while... I hesitated at first; thought of looking for an officer to report to, but took my chances and finished the bull off; then went to report it. NDOW officers did come out to investigate, finding a muzzle-loader slug had done the damage, but they couldn't tell if he was wounded during a just ended muzzle-loader hunt, and had been suffering awhile, or had been illegally shot. But I felt I did the RIGHT thing, ending his further misery and suffering, and I was up front with NDOW in reporting my actions.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 11:24AM (MST)[p]Just this year - found a wounded buck, contacted the local CO - he just couldn't get there in time before dark. Figured no big deal, the poor thing is going to have to suffer through the night, but I thought he was pretty much imobile and I'd be able to find him easily enough the next day. A pack a coyotes found him first and got him moving though. I felt pretty bad that he had to go out that way, had I not already contacted the CO, I would have done it myself.

Just to play devil's advocate though.....when I was a kid, probably 10-12, my dad hit a fawn with the truck - fawn actually hit us, tried to jump through the closed window, smacked her head right into the glass. It twitched off the side of the road in an appearent seizure for a good 5 minutes, tongue hanging out, head cut up and everything. My dad decides we should put it down, and directs me to get his gun and shoot it. So I grab the gun, dad and I walk up to it, I pull the hammer back, aim at its (I'm a little nervous, didn't load it).
Dad walks back to get the shells, and I watch this little fawn - who I am sure to this day was in the throws of death, jump up, shake off, and bound away. She would have been dead if I was not nervous......

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