Hunts that could have any storie?


Long Time Member
Been thinking about opportunities of hunting big private ranches and got to further thinking about ranches I could have hunted had things worked out just a bit differently.

My grandfather used to own this place. He sold it in the 30's, I think, for < 1$ per acre as I recall the story. It is now up for sale, or what's left of it, for $30M.

My dad used to work here just before I was born. I think his 31 Ford truck, which I still have, was from there.

I was born here: Fished on it a couple of times in the 60s, but never hunted it. I do remember dad coming home with venison from time to time. I guess hunting season was year round back then. :)

My brother used to work for a bank that specializes in loans made to farmers/ranchers. He used to get offers all the time to hunt their property. Told me he could not accept the offer due to ethics. I told him to ask them if I could take his place; I have no ethics to worry about. :)

What is your story?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Very interesting feddoc. Lots of history. Thanks.

I don't have any stories like that, unfortunatly. Unless you count the time I sneaked onto old man Carlson's, that don't count.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....


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