"Hunts Gone Bad"


Long Time Member
Lets hear Outfitter & Guide stories of hunts gone bad.

One funny one I know was a local guy here in the early 90's went on a guided elk hunt with his new BADA** 7mm STW and missed an elk 11 times!!!
thats not funny thats SAD....

I've never hunted with a guide, nor do i associate(purposefuly)with those that do use them! so i have no second hand guide stories.

But i may be able to come up with one about a guy i knows who's uncle worked with the cousin of the guy in the guide gone wrong story. -maybe another time ,in another thread-

I have a good elk hunt guiding story that involved a guy who only brought 11 shells with him on a kill, fired 10 at the bull missing horribly.

You can only imagine what was going through my mind at that time, especially when he looked at me and said-
"well Slam, i got one shot left, what should i do?"

..........your all going to have to wait till i get home and have time to type up the rest of the story, it's worth the wait......i promise. :p

Many Many years ago two buddies and I hired a guide for a duck hunt down here in the marsh on the Gulf Coast. We were supposed to have a air boat, dog, fancy blinds, you know the works.
Well we showed up and the gude said his buddy who was also guiding took the air boat and the dog. We ended up in a flatbottom boat. Off we go and he gets lost in the thick fog. We sit underneath a bridge on Interstate 10 until the fog lifts. We then get to the blind and his buddy is hunting there. We get ready to leave that spot and he runs out of gas. At that point we are ready to string this dude up and skin him alive. Finally we get back to the boatramp with O Quackers and he asks us for money. LMAO at that point. No more guided duck hunts for me.
4 years ago i went on a guided elk hunt in mt.i had know idea on the ways of the world just picked one because of a name drop.to make a long story short if his new hunting cabin turns out to be his unfinished house and you show up a day early and have to help hang kitchen cupboards and the guides all look like there nine months pregnant and they start drinking at high noon and pair you with some one twice your age who smoked two packs of camels everyday you were there and would never let you get more than half a mile from the truck and it turned out to be one of the biggest screw jobs you have ever had in your life don't leave a tip!! $4200 lesson learned there the hard way.
The Rest Of The Story

Ok, get your popcorn, junior mints and diet Coke's, this is good. :)

I won't bore you with the events leading up to this grand finale, and although there was never a dull moment, i don't have time to write a weeks worth of events, i'll just give you the whip cream off the top.

My hunter who will remain annonymous, was a great guy, full of life and character, very enjoyable guy to be around and constantly cracking jokes, yet could be very serious when the situation called for it.
He was a little overweight for what i liked to see out where we hunted, but he assured me he could get wherever i would take him, he would just get there a little behind me, no big deal.
Well on our last day there, and after missing a couple "easy bulls", we had one last chance at a giant 5x6 that would easily go 380" (noone else wanted this bull because he was missing a 5th point, but still went 380....go figure!).
He was a hawg of a bull but was hanging out in a pretty dang tough place to get too, way up high.
We looked at the bull from camp and knew we could kill him if we were able to get to a certain spot on the mountain.
You could almost set your clock to this bull coming out in the evenings in the same spot, same time.
My hunter agreed to the game plan and we headed out early that afternoon knowing it was going to be a hell of a hike to get to the killing spot.
Well we parked the truck and i pointed up to where we need to glass from. It's only about 400yds up....but STRAIGHT up.
He bocked a bit, wiped his brow, tightned up his belt and headband and said "ok, let's go"..............

ONE hour later, he got up to where i was at and said to me..."Sorry man, i had a quadruple bypass last year and i'm a little slow".
WTF!!!!!!! i said!!! "Are you serious???" "You chose NOW too tell me this?"

Well we both calmed down, i was freezing to death from sitting there so long and he was pouring sweat, but we had a sip of water and a snack.
I had been sitting there a while and had a few bulls picked out but not the big 5x6 we were after, it wasn't time for him yet.
I was watching this gorgeous 360" bull all by himself playing in a wallow and i was picking our trail to get up to where the big dog was when my hunter asked me, "so where do we need to get too?" I said "see that last quaking aspen tree up there that's still yellow....we need to be right there and you can kill that bull."

He looked at me with this look of death in his eyes and very calmly yet sternly said "F-U"!!!, there is NO flipping way i can get up there, no way in hell!"
Well after reasessing the situation, a 380" bull simply wasn't big enough to get this guy up that hill the rest of the way.

He said as he looked at the other bulls starting to come out of the timber, "What's wrong with these bulls?" i said "they are just bulls (pisscutters in Bessy's words) and we didn't come all the way up here to kill, just a bull".

Well after much pondering i showed him the 360 i had as a "back up plan".
He loved it and said, "what's it going to take to get him?"
I told him "if i can get you to that rock pile, that bull is yours".....he agreed he could do it and we proceeded forth.

Well we finally made it to the rock pile and the bull had a suicide not taped to him apparently, cuz he was out in the wide open, with absolutely NO obstacles or trees withing 500 yards from him. We ranged him at 310yds, the bull was ours.
I got him all set up to shot across my big Leica scope mounted on a sturdy Bogen tripod, solid as a rock, he assured me the shot was easy for that .300 ultra mag.....YEAH RIGHT!!!

1st shot....the bull didn't even look up, let alone flinch.
2nd shot, same thing, bull just bugeling away like there's no tomorrow.
3rd shot (WTF!!!) now panick is setting in with the shooter, same thing, not even close.
We're so far off we can't even see dirt fly for God's sake!!
I try my hardest to calm him down, he's pissed now and wondering what's happening!!
I tell him, "calm down buddy, that thing aint even scared, he aint going nowhere, we'll get him! Just buckle down and hammer him."

After reloading...
1st shot (now fourth) i see dirt fly....12 feet BEHIND the bull, but perfect heighth.
I told him what i had seen, he adjusted forward and fired, same thing....12 feet behind.

Ok guys, i'll try to shorten this story, this scenerio happened for the next 4 shots, leading up to shot number 10, the bull hadn't moved 3 feet the entire time and still totally unaware he was even being shot at.

How i kept my hunter from having ANOTHER heart attack is beyond me....but i was about too have one, i just didn't want HIM too know it!!
I continued to act all kool like nothing was the matter, yet i think i wet myself twice duringh this time, i just rolled in the dirt so he couldn't see it. Lol

Well he FINALLY had the side to side figured out on where he needed to aim, but there was one problem.....he told me he only had one shell left and he said, "what should i do now?"

You can't even guess what i'm thinking right now!!
I'm asking myself, "who goes on a $17K elk hunt and only brings 11 shells???" Hell i brought more protein bars on that excursion that he brough bullets!!

So as we are sitting there thinking about what to do, i'm KNOWING that i'm about to tell him, "we're done, we're not even going to chance wounding this bull and not have a way to finish him off"........ i hear a loud, BOOOOOM!!!!!

"I got him, he's hit".....
I'm thinking to myself, "Oh sh*t my worst nightmare scenario just turned into reality!!"

The bull is hit high in the back, no power to his back legs and he's crawling down the hill towards the trees and we're out of freaking bullets, not too mention it's getting dark!!

I'm sitting there with the deer in the headlight look and he's looking at me like i have all the answers (i'm supposed to though right, i'm a guide!)

So i start thinking how i'm going to make a spear out of my longest knife and a long stick while he's fumbeling through his pack looking for some tape to tape the knife to the stick when all of the sudden he shouted out with glory...
"I found a loose shell in my pack, OMG!!"

Well he didn't notice the tears rolling out of my eyes and down my face, not sure out of sadness or happiness, but it really didn't matter at that point what the reason was, we were done!

Well folks, i now beleive in Jesus Christ, because HE put that extra shell in there for us and we were able to finish this story with a happy ending.....other than i got to pack that bull out By MYSELF the next day in five seperate trips!!

Eelgrass.....now you are REALLY impressed that i'm still guiding after all these years aren't ya!!! Lol

Wheeeeew, glad that's over, my fingers are cramped!! :p

RE: The Rest Of The Story

Slam thats one hell of a story but dang it was long I hope im not the only sucker to read it all the way through. I also ran out of popcorn and coke way before that was over. hehe All I can say is I hope he tipped you good.
this one tops them all...........
about..... well I don't really know how many ..however laid good money down...
for a hunt in ARIZONA for ELK and ANTELOPE Only to never make it in to the drawing because the application service they used dropped the ball and there shipping company delivered them after the dead line..talk about shattered dreams!!
how would you feel if you chose to do use a service of a billion dollar company

and they screwed it up?
Slam, that was a GREAT story. I can imagine what it must have been like to be up on that mountain.

I've got one I'll contribute later. It's even crazier, and doesn't have as happy of an ending. And, it's turned around, since the guide was the rookie.

Tageater, don't bother reading it. Since you don't knowingly associate with people who ever go on guided hunts, I'm sure it wouldn't amuse an elitist like yourself. You need to lighten up your outlook, buddy.
Was guiding an archery elk hunt a few years back. The clients were very nice guys. First morning going in was talking about the "Primos" videos. I told them then - This is public land and it does not happen like the videos on public land. Gonna have to work for it and if you see the tips of antlers coming in on a setup - DRAW YOUR BOW.

Well was working a bull up the mountain. He had some cows so he was not interested in my sweet cow talk. Pushed him and since he was going into the wind - just was following him up the ridge. Bugle wars persisted. Got in real close and I heard the tone of his bugle change - he turned and was coming. 2 Clients - ONE HEAR - ONE THERE - GET READY - HE IS COMING! I back off 40 yards - one more bugle and I see antlers - dang nice bull - WOW he is coming straight to the younger client oh man - gonna be good. Nice he is now broadside to the client - WAIT - WHY HASN'T HE DRAWN YET? Ok draw your bow - pause - elk still there - elk starting to sense something is wrong - DRAW NOW - DRAW NOW - DRAW NOW - elk runs off a few yards. I cow call - he stops. DRAW YOUR BOW AND SHOOT HIM - WTF? after stopping the bull several times never did draw. Bull had enough runs off.

Both clients were without words - very excited! Me "what happened?" Client "Too scared to draw thought he would see me since he was only 8 yards away." Me "So what do you think?" - Client - "Your right not like Primos videos - BETTER THAN PRIMOS"

Had a very fun hunt with these guys - several other close encounters - but that one was the best opportunity's at one of the largest bulls we seen over the next few days.

Well I guess it really is not a hunt gone bad. But I like to remember the good ones and forget the bad ones.
Good stories!

Slam, I waited until I had some quiet time to read your story. I feel for both you and the hunter. You earned every penny of that fee! It turned out well thank goodness. Seventeen years of guiding must feel like 170 years sometimes.:)

I was hunting in New Mexico near Chama one year on a semi-guided deer hunt. Private ranch. I passed on a few small bucks and got down to the last day. I shot a coyote one evening but that was it. It started to snow and the land owner told me to hike up top and maybe catch one of those big brutes migrating down from the high country. So I hiked up before daylight and found a great opening to watch. I sat there for a couple hours and noticed a deer moving down along the far edge. I glassed it and it looked like a good buck, but still too far away to be sure. He kept comming and I could see he was a 4X4 about 30" wide. I got a very good rest on a log and waited. He came to within 200 yards, and that was about as close as he was going to come. I tracked him in the scope and when he stopped I touched one off, just knowing he was mine. No sign of a hit! WTF? The deer spooked and ran directly towards me across flat open ground! I got another shell in the chamber and waited. He came closer and closer. Then at about 75 yards he stopped, sensing that something wasn't right. He was facing me and I put the cross hairs on the dark spot on his brisket and squeezed it off. A complete miss! He turned and dove into some quakies and the hunt was over.

I set up a coke can at 50 yards and missed 11" to the left. I think someone in camp messed with my scope, but of course can't prove it.

I still have nightmares about that hunt.

Don't we all just LOVE hunting?:)
>........them bastards...LOL eel

JB, this one 'ol boy from Alabama had it in for me. We slept in the same cabin and every time he started to snore I woke him up. Neither one of us slept all week.

That sucks Eel!!
I sure hopee someone wouldn't stoop lower than a snakes belly to sabatoge you.
If that happened and someone got caught doing it....the camp cook just might have a big mess too clean up if i caught somone messin with my rifle!!

I guess that proves why some guys sleep with their rifles in their sleeping bags and lock them up in their gun cases in camp!!

We always have our clients shoot the first day we get in camp, but i guess nothing gurantees it's going to STAY zeroed in!!

There's a RMEF chapter starting in the area so I went to one of the meetings last week. There was a guy there that had used Cabelas T.A.G.S. for Arizona. All he could do was just smile.
Caelknads....If you aint figured it out by now numbnuts.....i kid around..... alot! I associate with all kinds of folks. to be quite honest, i'd probably do ok with hanging out with you too, but i'd rather not as you got kin folks in Wells is it? and that place is a hole!


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