Hunting Wolves in Mongolia


Very Active Member
I thought this was a really cool video. I guess this wouldn't really work on our wolves; their wolves appear to be the size of coyotes. I wonder how many birds are lost when the wolf gets the upper hand?
Falcory, or in this case Eaglery, is the ultimate sport of awesomeness. Combine it with killing Wolves, riding a fury Pony, and wearing a babushka hat, and you are the ultimate badass...

I thought it was radass except for winemuche's song...just mute the vid and blast some metallica!! NVPete think doctors could build us some great big eagles to fight wolves here out west?? }> just think it could be a new sport with it's own league...I wonder if Vick would leave the NFL to be the commissioner over it all??

That is cool and those birds (guys) are tough!! Those wolves are not as big as those that have been foisted upon us.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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