Hunting with AC Joint(Shoulder) Injury


Very Active Member
Two weeks ago today I received a 3rd degree seperation of my AC Joint in my left shoulder. I have 90% range of motion but only about 20% strength right now. I am right handed. It seems this is a fairly common injury. Just curious about opinions on recovery. Oct 10 is deer opener. Nov 1 is elk. Son has a Muzz elk cow tag this weekend. Feel like I can go along as long as I dont put any stress on the shoulder. Hoping to hunt deer on opener knowing I won't put more than 25lbs in pack with most weight on Rt shoulder, expecting about 50% use of shoulder by then. Expecting for about 80% use by Nov(almost 8weeks recovery).

Any experiences.
I did the same thing to my right shoulder. It affected my archery shooting for two years and still when I'm not warmed up it pops a little. I do feel I have full strength in it and it doesn't limit me anymore.

The best thing I have found is to strengthen the muscles around it. I really believe that has been the best cure for me.

The elliptical with the handles has found invaluable. Low impact excercises for a year and I feel pretty good

It took me a year before I felt 100%
Three years ago I had surgey on my shoulder, messed it up pretty good. I can 2nd the 1 year recovery and strengthening the muscles around the joint. Be sure to do any physical therapy but, don't over do it. Good luck.
Be extra careful hiking. Something as simple as slipping and reaching to catch yourself with the bum arm can turn bad to terrible. Happened to my Dad just like that. Enjoy your hunt...carefully!

Had surgery to shave down bone spurs on my right side ac joint over 2 yrs ago. My right side sits a little higher than my left and any pack I wear puts a lot of extra pressure on it- after any amount of hiking, it's the sorest part of my body. Just got back from the CO wilderness and after reaching the truck, could barely raise my arm enough to adjust the radio. Shoulder has never been the same as far as strength either. Recently went back to trying some more therapy as that seems to be the only option as the post-surgery MRI came back negative. Good luck.
I have always had shoulder issues.. The first time dislocating was the worst... it got easier after that.. I have dislocated my shoulder in my sleep a couple times and several other times doing other things... I archery hunt and one year did it two weeks before the hunt. It usually takes about a day or two to be feeling well enough to pull the 60# bow back. Be carefull like it was said.. when you are hiking to not throw your arm when trying to catch your balance.. working out you shoulder with bungees always helps me. If I quit for a while, my shoulders slip more and soon after that comes the complete dislocations. Good luck and I feel sorry for you for sure.
I feel your pain, brother. Had the same separation 14 years ago and it's now developed into arthritis. I don't remember being 80% at 8 weeks, and I never had 90% range of motion prior to recovery, but I would guess it varies per person. In any case, if your doc suggests surgery (like mine did) have it done (I didn't) and am paying for it now!

In any case, good luck on the hunt(s)!

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
As stated above, find a good physical therapist and follow the program to the letter. Don't push it. No hunt is worth crippling yourself over.
Well, I see the doc again tomorrow. He didn't even mention PT last visit but I will ask as that has been a recurring theme. 2.5 weeks since the injury and I can use the arm but it is clearly weak and anytime I forget and reach wrong or god forbid sneeze it hurts like hell. I did go with my son muzz hunting, I just walked in our horse with our gear. I did have a few occasions where I over did it. It's hard to hold back this time of year. I have tried to work it as much as is reasonable without too much pain just to keep the muscles going, but they sure seem weak.

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