Hunting with a Dick Cheney

Babylon Bee

WILSON, WY — Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who famously started two wars in the Middle East and shot a dude in the face while hunting, now says Donald Trump is the greatest threat America has ever faced.

"Donald Trump is an evil reprobate and a big meanie, and a danger to our Constitutional rights," growled the retired politician who orchestrated the brutal torture of hundreds of detainees who were held without trial. "We must make sure he never gets elected to office again. And also, vote for my daughter, Liz."

Political consultants applauded Liz Cheney for her brilliant move of tapping one of the most hated politicians in history to help boost her political chances. Initial polling indicates her approval has climbed .0000002 percentage points since Dick Cheney's statement.

"If there's a singular figure universally adored by every hard-working American, it's Dick Cheney," said a spokesperson for the campaign. "We are grateful for his endorsement, and look forward to seeing her represent the citizens of Wyoming."

Trump was quick to respond to Cheney's statement, saying "Poor little Dick Cheney! He's so mad that I got elected president instead of him. Boo hoo! Maybe he should stop shooting dudes in the face! Sorry, Dick!"

At publishing time, Liz Cheney's approval dipped again after her Dad accidentally shot another dude in the face.
The Dems hated, loathed, excoriated Cheney to the ends of the earth. He was the Antichrist to them. I can't imagine that has changed. This leads one to wonder how incredibly isolated the Cheney's must feel in the world they have made for themselves.

I get not liking Trump (he's got issues, but you can be damn sure I'm voting for him). But to be a Cheney level hard right guy and come out saying your voting for KamCackla due to your feelings about Trump is akin to building your own prison, locking yourself inside and flushing the key. Just dumb...

Bush (who by all accounts is no fan of Trump either), has taken a classier approach- stating he will not publicly endorse anyone or state who he is voting for.
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It's amazing what Trump accomplished in 2015. By simply walking down an escalator the dude single handedly blew up all the old norms.

The establishment RINO class exposed themselves for what they were. The far left that hid among the Dems, took full control of that party.

The working class left the lip service of the Dems and found a new home. And the party of the rich, was now the D.

Dems openly are pro war, pro censorship, pro CIA, FBI, pro globalist.

In less than a decade, one dude totally realigned politics in America.
It's amazing what Trump accomplished in 2015. By simply walking down an escalator the dude single handedly blew up all the old norms.

The establishment RINO class exposed themselves for what they were. The far left that hid among the Dems, took full control of that party.

The working class left the lip service of the Dems and found a new home. And the party of the rich, was now the D.

Dems openly are pro war, pro censorship, pro CIA, FBI, pro globalist.

In less than a decade, one dude totally realigned politics in America.
Hard to argue that...

Would add that he propelled the MSM into a realm less trusted than accident lawyers.
You know things are looking bad when they try to get Cheney’s and Bush to endorse Kamala. Liz lost by a HUGE margin, her dad is an idiot that most Dems hate, and Bush is a tool.

The MSM won’t say it but betting markets and unbiased polling gurus know Kamala is down big.

The more Trump pulls ahead the bigger and more severe the October surprise is going to be. Be prepared.
The more Trump pulls ahead the bigger and more severe the October surprise is going to be. Be prepared.
True- but Trump has damn near proofed himself (or the MSM/Left has done it for him). Unless they get video of him doing an unspeakable act on a horse, nothing will change opinions about him much.

It'll be about the economy. Left knows it- that's why KamCackla is changing all her positions. Hopefully, voters see thru it...
True- but Trump has damn near proofed himself (or the MSM/Left has done it for him). Unless they get video of him doing an unspeakable act on a horse, nothing will change opinions about him much.

It'll be about the economy. Left knows it- that's why KamCackla is changing all her positions. Hopefully, voters see thru it...
I agree but I’m thinking the October surprise isn’t about Trump.

Kind of like what Hossblur said it will be more along the line of a riot, terrorist attack, etc.. I don’t think it will be blm but I could see a riot with illegals. I could even see something to do with the power grid.

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