Hunting Utah, changes



Just thinking about the changes comming to Utah from the DWR. Some I agree with and some not. But as I was thinking as a hunter how I can do my part in improving hunting in Utah. Talking with friends, family, coworkers I come up with a thoughts. How many hunters go out and shoot the frist buck they see 2,3,4 points what ever just to say they killed a deer. Then they give the deer away because they don't like deer meat or ther family don't like deer, and if a family has four or five tags and fill them all and give the deer away. All I'm saying if you need the meat to feed your familys or like the meat then go for it. If not be picky on what you shoot look for that monster buck and shoot him. Let the little ones go and grow up. On to elk hunting, same thing goes I had a cow tag for the fish lake unit and I watched a slauthter.. Those elk did not no were to go and when it was all over ther hunters gutting elk everywere is that hunting driving up and down the road untill the elk come out and slaughter them to me this not hunting. Yes the dwr need to manage the elk herds but that made me sick and I will never put in for a antlerless tag again. No I was not part of the slaughter I was up on hll watching this. And no did not take a cow on that hunt. I know that one family killed three spikes on the rifle spick hunt and four cows on the cow hunt what do they do with all that elk meat thats alot of meat. I hear hunters complain, or say the changes are good. But us as hunters can do are part and only take what we need to feed are familys or look for the wall mounter and if we don't find him go with out that year.
Mostly agree with what you are saying, but it is to the point now that if you pass on that 2,3,4 point whatever your not really letting it grow til the next year. Realistically what happens is you just pass on it for the next guy to come along and kill it and I myself would rather take it cause I know I won't let the meat go to waste and will do everything right.. I am using this as just an example to what usually what happens if I can't find one that meets my expectations I will pass but good luck pushing that through some peoples heads
thats a good point. i know a lot of people who say before the hunt that they arent taking anything smaller than a 3 point but its a whole different ball game when they are out in the field, the first two point they see they shoot. i personally try and look for the "mature" bucks, but always am looking for that monster, as is everyone else, but some other people just get more excited and get that fever when they see the animal in the crosshairs. as far as the meat goes, i dont think there is anything better than an elk or deer back-strap on the grill!! i keep every bit of my animal that i harvest and use every bit of it!!

"Shoot Strait"
I agree 100%.

Not everyone is a trophy hunter though. A lot of hunters know how to tell if a buck is mature or not.

Did you know that on Le units most bucks and bulls taken haven't reached maturity. People that draw the Pauns deer tag will still shoot a 2 or 3 year old 20 inch 3 or 4 point. Even seen a couple spikes come from Le units.

Everything changes in the field.

Ya had a friend who drew the pauns with a dedicated hunter permit hunted all three weapons came back with a little three 18" 90lbs soakin wet.
That is a problem in utah,They need to do something different
to get the deer populations up,
hear alot of folks talking about micro managing I personaly dont know about that idea someone mentioned cutting tags
doubling permit fees?
Id like to see the state give antler ristiction a try or at least in one region just to see if it would work.
need to do something different with the winter ranges also.
I am an archery hunter I dont think it is fair to cut the
general season and not the archery or muzzy.
on my last post I meant "Dont know how to tell." sorry.

With antler restrictions you get big 2's 2x3's 3's and 3x4's. then you have to do management hunts. If you could change peoples minds on what they shoot that would help, We all know thats not gonna happen. Improve habitat and it will help the herd.

Do any of you remember when they tried to make the book cliffs a four point or better area? It was a long time ago. All it did was sent the number of poachings through the roof. They had to make it a LE area to get it were it is now. I do wish more hunters would hold out and not shoot the first buck they see. I don't understand these fathers out there that are teaching their children that the only thing that matters is shooting a deer no matter the means. A good hunt doesn't have to mean that you killed anything at all.
I guess they dont know the impact it has teaching there kids to shoot any buck they see. how long ago was the book clifs
antler ristricted?

you related to dudley concrete pumping?
Well theres alot they need to do to get deer to capacity
better predetor control,
They issued less lion tags last year,
seems to be alot of lions in boulder, fishlake area.
Fences along highways,
seen alot less deer fatalities this year by camp williams after there fences were up.
better habitat control, development incroaching on winter ranges is a big problem, and lack of winter ranges
They definitely need to cut tags or close down deer hunt
until deer herds are closer to objective or I dont think they ever will be close to DWRs 418,300 number
If your buddy drew a pauns. deer permit....his dedicated hunter status does not matter. When you draw for a limited entry deer tag. You must hunt with whatever hunt you draw for. He can use a rifle, bow or muzzy, but it has to be during the any weapon season. He cannot hunt all three hunts because he or she is a dedicated hunter. That only applies on general units. Just fyi
The bookcliffs was antler restricted before they had to close it. They opened it back up as a Le unit, there are a lot of big management bucks.

here in years ago cache valley they changed the Wellsville mountain range to a 3 point or better. and being from there myself a lot of the old timers say it helped the heard a lot. until they opened it back up again than the heard dropped dramatically. now your lucky to find a young 4 point too many people, and not very much "pride" i guess you could call it. it will be interesting to see what this next hunting season will be like though...

"Shoot Strait"
>If your buddy drew a pauns.
>deer permit....his dedicated hunter status
>does not matter. When you
>draw for a limited entry
>deer tag. You must hunt
>with whatever hunt you draw
>for. He can use a
>rifle, bow or muzzy, but
>it has to be during
>the any weapon season. He
>cannot hunt all three hunts
>because he or she is
>a dedicated hunter. That only
>applies on general units. Just

I asked him about that, it was 9 or 10 years ago he claimed
he was legit, I dont know if the regulations were different back then
funny thing was he claimed to draw another LE deer tag 3 years later.

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