Hunting through you guys


Long Time Member
This year is a tough year for me. My wife is almost finished with her college and to finish she needs to do student teaching. She will be a high school biology teacher. Well my vacation days will be spent babysitting along with the weekdays off on my normal schedule babysitting. She stays home with our kids so its gonna be a big change. At most I will be able to hunt 1 maybe 2 days every other weekend. So post up all the pictures and stories so I don't go crazy! Anyone elses schedule keeping them from hunting much at all this fall? I couldn't even draw a late cow tag for my hunting fix!

My luck is so bad when it comes to drawing tags I can't even draw flies... So other than a dove shoot in a couple of weeks I will most likely spend weekends watching football.
I thought I was gonna be like you, justr_86, and not be able to go. I had my back fused in April and my neck fused in May. Doc asked me last January about the surgeries..I told him all I cared about was being physically able to hunt in November.

Couldn't go last year because, like you, I had time commitments with my family. This year my vacation time jumped up by 50% so next year should'nt be a problem. Teaching...right behind being a cop, is a tough job.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Yep Justr, I feel your pain brother. I have gone out of state for the past 8 years religiously for the archery deer opener. Last year my wife started the RN program the same week that I was flinging arrows in Utah. We have 4 kids who are in school as well and my wife works every single weekend when she is in school. When I got home last year, she reminded me of the sacrifice that she is making to become an RN and that it wouldn't kill me to miss out on hunting for one year. So, needless to say, I am foregoing all hunting this year to do my part in the sacrifice. I can't even begin to believe that I will not shoot anything this year. I am already having major withdrawals and the season hasn't even started yet. You guys that get to hunt this year, will you do us a favor and save a few deer for next year? Hurry up 2011!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Don't your kids have Grandparents? Aunts?
.....Teach the oldest one to cook TV dinners.
Find a maid/nanny for the season.
Boarding school?

Desperate times call for desperate measures!
My oldest is 3 he is old enough that we could go but I have a 1 year old and its hard to go archery hunting with them. We might make it out for some quality time in the mtns but no "hunting" will get done with them. I have tags hoping I can get away after work here and there.

My wife is very excited about teaching. She has a huge heart and really wants to do a good job. I really hope something doesn't come up to break her spirit! In the long run it will be best.

boy, sounds like some guys need to remember "who wears the pants in the family"

there's always some excuse, and as soon as you give in- you aint getting as much back. you fold once, well next time you'll fold alittle easier.
good gawd, grow a set!

find a relative or a babysitter. or throw them in your backpack.
Grow a set... What a crock of shyt. Like none of you have ever given up something to do with hunting just once in your life. It's kind of hard to leave 4 kids with grandparents for 10 days especially when grandma already runs a daycare full time. Aunts, uncles all have jobs and kids of their own so it's a lot harder than you think. Besides if any of you had half a brain, you would understand that with sacrifice comes reward as in I've already got the wifey talked into hunting with me after all this school is done. What's better than spending all day hunting with your wife and then making the travel trailer squeak a little before bedtime? :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
dude, your screwed.

so you have to give up hunting, AND THEN your going to have to take her with you!

my wife hunts A TON. but never the same seasons, and i gladly take her on her hunts. but she WILL NOT join me on my solo backpack bowhunts- not happening brother....
i have two kids- 1 girl turned 4 yesturday, 1 boy will be 2 in nov. they are always on trips with me. but when daddy's time comes, it's an "understanding" untill they can hold their own in thw walking department.

again, grow a set!
Say I did find a buck big enough to shoot. Think I could get within bow range with a 1 year old and a 3 year old? Come on! I'm not putting up much of a fight because I will use all of my vacation next year for hunting. Dedicated, archery elk. Full month off!

sure you will
SURE YOU WILL.( well , thats until you find out she's planned a 2 week shopping spree with her mom) and then there is her hair appointments, then a week later those manicures.

thats important stuff, you cant just go hiking when they have their hair to get done???

your screwed buddy, hate to tell you- but your hunting is on it's way downhill. i just hope it dont get to far down the hill
Don't worry too much, I am sure you will get a couple days. I will make sure of it. Tell her you need to go to salt lake for some charity work. Don't roll over and give up, there will be plenty of days to sneek off after work.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Compromise works

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
"What's better than spending all day hunting with your wife and then making the travel trailer squeak a little before bedtime?"

I'd rather spank it.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That's the trouble with all you young guys these days. You spend too much time thinking about G strings, when you should be thinking about G-2s.


Eel.....I meant rather than taking my

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-10 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]Young Men;

Be proud to help your wives!

When you love someone, the sharing of love, is the best it can be.

You young married men with kids, that need a lot of care, your wives get bitchy, cause they never have a moment to themselves, without some kid steping in their crouch, or pulling on their breast, or strigng poop down the hallway, count your lucky stars.

You are one lucky sob.

Think of the young men and women, fightimg a war overseas.

Think of those same young people with their face blown off,
and their mother reads the note from the military, that says, pieces missing, or closed coffin or what ever they say.

A lot of those young people never tasted the rose bud of love, never laughed with their husband, during a lovemaking session,
when she toots a little one, they never know the joy of holding a new born, never know the feeling of walking into church, and have your sweet little angel, puck all over your suit, etc. , etc., etc

Be glad you can bit-h, some people, never live long enough, to even bit-h.

Be macho, if you like, but worship your family, thats the best thing in life, you will ever have, so cherish it.

I'm just an old fool, but I'm right as he!!

Steve Cheuvront
KBKiller, you must be one of those tough guys that shows your wife how it is huh? You probably have "grown your set" and just tell her "I'm going hunting b**ch, I'll be back whenever the hell I want" too huh? When you return, do you throw the big deer on the table and order her to butcher it too? I bet she bangs the neighbor dude while you're on your loner backpack trip!

My wife has been working full time and going to school full time for 4 years straight. She has never hunted anything in her life so to me it is worth giving up one season of hunting to help get her through school and then make a hunter out of her.

Why is doing something for the wife once such a ***** thing to do? Jeezus!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Geez......some of you guys are wound way too tight! Loosen up, it's humor!

One thing that AIN"T funny though, after your wife becomes a teacher and starts hanging with teachers, she will begin to get those "politically correct, anti hunting" influences pushed at her every day.

It won't be easy for you.
Small town northeast Utah, Opening day of deer season is still a huge holiday.. Doubt she will get much politically correct anti hunting pressure. What teaching she has done she has connnected with the kids from archery hunting so that has been working great.

I ain't bragging but let me tell you this:The only big fight my wife and I ever had was about 10 years ago when I was gone too much during hunting season and left her behind with 2 in diapers.

Know what? She was right and I was wrong. I was acting like nothing had changed when it dang well had-especially for her. Balance is everything. She is your partner,not your slave and love means putting the family's needs above your own.

Plus,you only get one chance to be there when the kids are little so don't miss it. A little hunting here and there can help restore your attitude and that's OK but when you are young with a young family the "all about me" days are over,at least for a while.

Hang in there justr. Sounds to me like you've got it together.
This post sure turned into an after school special.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
no cheet, you ever heard the phase "history repeats itself"?

yea, i'm a family man(and a purdy dang good one , if i do say so myself) ( how many of you jokers put their 30 lbs kid on their back and hike 10+miles to go shed hunting or mushroom picking?) i'd bet none.

but there is a time and place for it. if you left that "time and place " up to your wives, you would be screwed. AND YOU ALL KNOW IT. i spend 11 months a year working any weekends i can, doing anything in my power to make my amily life better. but for just "1" month, it's my time.

you go ahead and give up that "1 month", but next year it'll be 3 weeks, the following- 2 weeks-- next- 1 week-then hopefully you get a good 4 day weekend.

look at friends and family- thats what happens.

there IS A COMPROMISE, you might have to try harder, but if you really want to, you can make anything work.

You know you can't trust old crazy men, we are reallllll


LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-10 AT 01:12AM (MST)[p]Still a KB-Douche I it's gotta suck to be you lmao!!

86, don't read a word this joker says it's always the same bs and well to be honest...lil bee is a complete waste of your me!!

you must have a tight leash around you bulls too?:) glad to see you playing internet tuffguy, didn't you have a chance to meet me once and were "to busy"? i guess i'd rather be called a douche than for everyone to know i'm a *****. but to each his own i guess.
It's not you I'm afraid of little bee...I'm afraid I'd go to jail and have to go through one of rugarm77's famous cavity searches!! Honestly I'd love to meet up and bury your ass in the west desert...just not worth the risk of losing my hunting rights over a DOUCHE BAG LIKE YOU!! :) Have a douche day...

Awesome, another idiot who can kick everyone's ass! What a pathetic life your wife must live knowing that you're not a generous enough person to do something for her. I wonder if your wife had a passion for something that involved her being gone during your "KB time" and she asked you to give up your time for one season if you would care enough about her to do it? My guess is not because you are such a tough guy that your wife knows better than to even ask. Sounds like little man syndrome to me!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
It will be better for my family in the long run. I'm not happy about giving up a year but there is a bigger picture. I might get a little more give when I ask about going to Montana next year on a semi guided elk hunt with a friend.

Family 1st buddy. Your doing the right thing!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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