Hunting the Burn??


Long Time Member
I've taken my share of bucks in Cali. I've taken a few in old burns. I have never though, hunted a fairly fresh burn and would appreciate some tips and advice on the subject if willing to share.

Last year, a HUGE chunk of the area South of L. Almanor burned up. I'm thinking of looking down there, scouting trip tomorrow, for deer sign and places that used to be way too thick to effectively hunt but now might be good for several or more years to come.

I know some of you guys have done pretty good in one year old burn places. Any help appreciated?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
There is burn upon burn in that country. A fire that started in Feather River canyon burned up west of Butterfly Valley a few years ago, and so you will have a variety of successional stages to choose between. I have killed deer in that burn and in surrounding clear cuts. There is a lot of downed timber in the older burns now, and this ensures that not many people get into them (no quads). The Pacific Crest trail provides access to some of the more remote country. I have had good luck at the headwaters of Yellow Creek and spotted a heavy, 28" (outside) 5x6 with a dropper in there three years ago. Obviously I would not expect to find him today, but it simply shows that the potential for a great buck exists, and in fact is probably better now than ever. Oh, and hunt the oak draws when you find them. As for the most recent burn, I would expect it to be very similar to the conditions I describe for the older burn, but with poor visibility (standing, burned timber) easier terrain, and more hunters. Good luck.
Joey, heading to your neck of the woods this afternoon. Hoping for some good chili, and music. Hope we're not too late.

Oh, your friend beat my a$$ about 5 weeks ago, in shoes. Now I know who you were talking about.

Thanks for the info guys both posted and thru pm's. Started above Butt lake and ended way below Humbug valley putting about 75 miles on the rig. We saw two good bucks that we know for sure are shooter bucks and several other groups that we just saw bits and pieces of. Though there was a good amount of fresh fire country way across canyons, i missed the mark when it came to burn area being where i had hoped to find it. The deer and bucks we did see though, were either in the burn areas or just on the outside edge of it.

More scouting needed.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-13 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]More scouting needed or no, i'll be leaving in the morning and hoping to get a nice spot to camp on fairly close to where we saw the biggest concentration of deer.

Getting the camper ready is gettin to be a bigger job each year. I keep it ready, kind of, but this year it got a good, more extensive than normal, cleaning. Glad i have stuff dedicated just for the camper, pots and pans, the basic stuff like oil and flour, spices, silverware,.. but still i have a good list of stuff to throw in in the morning.

This year, i want to shoot a buck. Besides this weekend hunt that is planned thru Tues, i'll be going on another 3-4 day hunt with Larrbo later in the C-4 zone season which he also has a tag. My reloading buddy is going on this trip, maybe Larrbo too for a day, my camper rig for a home base and his pickup that we'll be hunting out of. He only has a little time to hunt and the last time i took him was about the same so i passed on a nice bedded 4x4 until he got back from his hunt so he could shoot it.

Things worked out that trip for him and i was very happy to see him tag out but i didn't see a better buck all season so went tag soup for the winter. This year, i may have to take a buck like that and just be a helper when Larrbo's and my hunt comes up in a couple weeks. I enjoy the heck out of a good eating buck!

Anyway, i guess that a lot of the rifle B, C, and D zones are opening up this weekend. For the most part, they ain't that great a hunting anymore and can be tough to fill out but we still get to hunt bucks most every year and not everybody in these western states can say that. I hope you guys though, all get your asking type bucks and have a great but safe trip. Take em!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks Joey. I'm headed out to a burn myself. We'll see if my advice works out.:) 80% chance of rain Saturday.

Hope you do good Steve!! Would be very nice to have some rain this weekend. I really like hunting in light showers or snow. We got a 50% chance of rain over here, thunder showers predicted.

Are you hunting the 6mm this year? I really like that cartridge for blackies! Porks them up!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
bullskin, i sent you a pm.

good luck guys, i'm out the door!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
No blood or shooting from our group opening weekend. There were few bucks spotted and fewer killed by those we talked to but there were deer around and i know from experience, that ain't the case everywhere.

We saw 12-15 deer each hunt but mostly slick ears. We spent most of our time from Humbug valley on down in the the burns, west side of the Yellow creek drainage. Too bad the roads dead end about 8-9 miles below the Humbug, the country was getting pretty good before we had to stop and return.

Lots of hunters the opening Saturday, a few less on Sunday morning, only a couple rigs around Sunday night, and we just about had the place to ourselves this morning. I think it might be a good place for a mid week hunt!

More hunts to come, more country to see. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
My hunt was kind of the same way. It rained all night Friday and all day Saturday. When the rain would let up it got foggy. The rain kept most of the hunters in their trucks though. I felt like a drowned rat most of the time. Eight deer for two days of hunting, no bucks. I only heard one shot fired all weekend. I could have shot two bears, no thanks.

I saw very little sign on the ground. Good country just not many deer.

I was hiking side hill past the end of an old road on a trail and found a brand new wheel barrow, still in the box. WTF? Some would be pot farmer I guess. I guess I'll leave it there for now and maybe use it later to wheel out my buck if I get one. I'll have to remember to take a wrench so I can put it together though.:)

Eel, you are the first person that I have ever heard of that went deer hunting and bagged a wheel pics.

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