Hunting story code


Long Time Member
Not wanting to highjack ramtagless's thread on the muledeer forum (I know, so unlike me) I decided to start a new thread here. We all know that hunting stories, especially when published, get embellished. Here are a few code words and phrases that I am aware of.

"using a series of hand signals we worked out ahead of time, I guided my partner to the bedded buck" actually means "I got on my FRS radio and told Bob to open his damm eyes, the buck was running out on him!"

"after a long three mile pack out we enjoyed a nice meal of backstrap" = "we drove our ATVs off-road right to the buck and cracked another cold Bud after we got him on the quad. Time we got back to camp we were too drunk to eat so we drove to the cathouse and left the deer sitting in the sun"

"clean, humane, one shot kill" = "I think I gut shot that sucker when I emptied the 30 round clip on my Mini14"

"I spent every Saturday the entire summer at the range honing my skills and developing handloads" = "I grabbed the rifle out of the closet the day before we left to hunt and fired a couple rounds through it over the hood of the truck at a beer can on the way to camp. Damm good rifle, been using the same box of ammo from Kmart for years"

"after I drew the tag I spent every day at the gym getting in shape" = "I spent every day at the gym with my daughter, watching her friends play girls volleyball"

"I've been applying for that sheep tag every year for 42 years. Damm point systems do not work!" = "whenever I had the money I'd throw my application in and hope for the best"

"I glassed for hours every day through my Swaravski binoculars" = "wandered around in the brush and when the deer jumped up I looked at him through my Tasco riflescope"

"I passed up good 28-29 inch bucks every day holding out for a true 30 incher" = "I saw some deer a mile or so away and figured they were little bucks because I wasn't about to walk all the way over there to find out"

"I hunted hard for two solid weeks passing up bucks everyday. At the end of my hunt I decided to take a nice meat buck forky" = "I spent the first two days drunk in camp and then one afternoon went for a drive and shot the first thing I saw. Spent the next 12 days drunk in camp"

"After hiking four miles in the dark I spotted a giant buck. I threw my bipod down and shot but when I got to the buck I found there had apparently been two bucks and this forky must have stood up in front of the big boy as my bullet was in flight" = "I really have no idea what I'm looking for and when I saw horns I shot. Besides he was close to the road".

And my fav (which was actually told to my buddy)
"There were two rams with the one I shot that were easily 180+" = "I'm clueless and shot this two year old 112 ram because I was scared to be out there alone"

Let's hear some others.
good ones NV.

One i always get a chuckle out of are guys that "walk/hunt 12-15 miles" every day for a week straight. Total BS. if you walk that much ground every day you arent hunting effectively... you are in a footrace. Its more like some 300 pound guy gets out of the truck and walks to the top of the gentle sagebrush slope, takes a quick peek, staggers back to the truck and drives to the next spot and repeats this 12-15 times a day between beer breaks.

also the guys that pack a whole mature mule deer out in one trip, along with backpacking gear,gun, cape and antlers. sure as cr#p someone is going to come on here and say they do it all the time without wasting an ounce of meat.
Wow - almost as if you were a long on the hunt. Eight of the elven apply to the hunt I mentioned.

Thanks for the laugh....
Actually - I am going to re-read the article and add to your list. There were some part of the story had any basis in fact.
Here are a few more true stories that I have heard that have differed greatly from the actual truth - some of them may even cover up some illegal activites for which the statute of limitations has long-since exipred and the offenders have long since passed on, nonetheless, this is what you may hear:

"It was right near dark on the last night of the hunt and we decided to hit our honey hole one last time..." = it was the day after the hunt ended and the buck ran in front of us as we were pulling the trailer back to the highway. We didn't really mean to but we hit it with the truck and broke its back legs so we

"We were in our the right spot at first light and the buck right over the ridge, just as it got light enough to shoot" = we shot him in the spotlight at 4AM and man did dawn come quickly!"

"We were sitting in camp when I heard some distant bugling so my husband decided to answer back - perfectly bringing the bull to within 200 yards of where we had decided to set up for a shot when it became apparent he was coming to our location. In all, we only had to hike 100 yards from camp" = I was cooking dinner and we heard some bugling, my husband didn't know what the hell he was doing and started blowing on that bugle thing and the elk kept answering back, well I didn't want the taters to burn so I just ignored it until the bull ran right up to camp, shredded a tree 50 yards behind us and I grabbed the gun and went to see if I could see him, I had two shots within 20 yards, but the motorhome was directly behind the crazed bull once as he charged through camp knocking over lawn chairs going after my husband who was now running through the cedars screaming like a lunatic. I finally gut-shot the bull and we found him the next day, about 500 yards from camp.

"After several days of hard hunting with no sign of any good bucks I decided to change locations. The new area was surrounded by a considerable amount of private land but the gamble paid off - and in the new area I immeditately spotted a great buck for the area and decided that I shouldn't let the opportunity pass by. I quickly found a dead rest, shot once and turned the buck back my way, then, after clearing myself from an obstruction, I readjusted my rest, and after two more shots, put the buck down for good! It turned out to be a fairly easy pack out and I was soon back at home taking care of my buck." = I hunted hard for three days and didn't see squat but I had to get back to town for work and school and because of my schedule I only had one morning left to hunt, closer to town where I had never before been. I didn't know where the hell I was going and just my luck, I was pissed to see that everywhere was posted private. However as I turned a corner, I noticed a buck on the hillside, it was the first deer (let alone buck) I had seen all season and I was itching to get something on the ground. I pulled off the road, noticed the hill wasn't posted as private so I carefully killed the engine and rolled down the window and with a good dead rest on the window I shot and to my surprise, the buck started coming straight down the hill towards me! The angle now changed so I needed to get out of the truck. I got caught up in the seatbelt, jerked it off, got another dead rest on the door and shot three more shots, missing twice, but finally I put him down! I was able to back the truck up to a small part of the slope, drag him straight down the hill, over a small fence (that wasn't posted!!) and right into the back of the truck. I made it back to town in time to run up and down main a couple of times showing the buck off, then get him over to my brother-in-law's house, cape him out and quater him up just in time to get cleaned up and make it in to work at 1PM.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
what about the ever popular 1000 yard shot at a dead run 3 miles straight down into the thickest hellhole you ever saw ,,,, = 40 feet off the road and the inconsiderate deer just fell dead and didnt roll off the cut bank to the road :)
My favorite one is the "hand signals" one, but since it's already taken my next favorite is:
"we found a big buck on private and we waited him out for 4 days till he finally came out on public ground"= we saw a big buck on private and after a quick look around we dusted him off and drug him under the fence and threw him in the truck and hauled ace to the forest to gut him."
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-09 AT 09:29PM (MST)[p]"I killed a nice representative, mature four point, but I didn't bring the pictures" = "I caved and shot a two point with milk on his lips... again. But if you count all his points he's a four point"

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