Hunting report ( Please share yours)

  • Thread starter mywifeishotterthentiffany
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Spent some time hunting south of the Missouri river in eastern mt. It hasn't been great. The bucks are really holding tight do to lots of wind. I have done alots of walking and haven only seen small buck and lots of does. Think I will take a break for a week or 10 days and hit it again.
Spent 4 days both north and south of my home base and still seeing bucks running in bachelor groups, lots of does and fawns and very few really mature bucks.

Haven't even seen what looks like the start of rutting behavior. While south I heard a couple of bulls bugling in the morning.

Waiting for the weather to start feeling like deer hunting weather.

My kid did fill his buck tag and took a doe at the same time. His first and second deer of his career came about 5 minutes apart out of the same field. They were whitetails though.


Hopefully he can find an elk to shoot next week.

There is a picture to make a Dad proud. Tell you son congratulations. Looks like you have done your part in teaching him too. Great job!!
Hey there, headed to 652 to look for a mule deer. i have some glasgow locals looking around and they are not happy with what they are seeing, they are thinking that it must have been a hard winter. Are u seeing the same thing? not to sure what part of eastern mt your hunting.
I live in Glasgow and have been seeing very few mature bucks. It is like this every year usually. There have been a few good ones taken but once the rut starts more big boys will show up.

652 is not the unit it was 5 years ago. One can find the same quality of bucks other places that are not special draw.

Just returned from the Mosby area. The hunting was tough with all the wind and rain and mud!!! We saw a few good bucks on the BMA's and on some BLM ground. We ended up shooting two bucks right by the wall tents, they were out on an open finger sunning themselves after that cool Wednesday night. Thursday was the best day of the week, we killed 5 deer that day. Hunted the Cat Creek area opening day without seeing a deer!!! You can definately be in the wrong area, seemingly devoid of deer, and then move a few miles away and really get into them, I would definately focus on any lands close to the rivers or creek bottoms with crops near by, especially as the rut approaches.
What quality of deer were the bucks and Whitetails or Mulies

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
From what i have been hearing the wind is getting taken out of my sails. it all has been pretty accurate info. i guess the good thing is that it is my good friends tag. i just think i am more determined to find a decent buck. Thanks for the note.
lightw8, have you been up to 652 yet. I have had the tag three times in the last ten years. It is a very fun hunt but not to sure about the quality of bucks, like nemont said. The next time I get the tag I am going to spent more time in the southern part of the unit. Im sure alot of people are telling you about bear creek, but I would check out the south end.
It has been real windy, I just got back last night from fort peck. The deer are holed up and were bedded down at day break already. I did see two 4 points about 300 yards up the coulee watching the does down below him. My last group I saw before leaving had a total of 17 with 5 bucks in the group, a little strange...I am not to sure about horn growth this year, but we will see what happens when we go back up there on the 15th.
Anyone hunt from Forchette Bay area(sp)? We are heading over next week and plan to camp there and hunt to the west via boat. Never been there and hope if we are willing to hike to see some descent bucks. Thanks nwhunter
Have shot a lot of elk in that area but have never saw any good bucks.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
One of the guys that I know from Malta said that opening weekend the campground at Fourchette looked like the KOA in Billings during 4th of July weekend.

My kid and I fished up Bear Creek alot this summer and fall. He glasses the shore alot and I do occasionally. We found a couple of good looking bucks one about 170-175 with a kicker off both sides and the other was a great looking typical that was not realy wide, 24 in. maybe but tall with way above average mass. Both were on the shore and we got the boat in about 50 yards to look them over good. Saw them both a couple of times However due to the cold October we put the boat away and have not been back out.

Nemont, have you ever spent any time around Haxby and down south into Rock cr. with your boat? (on the 700 side) Just wondering as we are thinking about looking at that area. Thanks..
We were kind of all over on the lake this year. The best buck we saw all year was on Gilbert Creek, on the other side. I don't remember seeing many deer around Haxby. We also saw a couple of nice ones up Sand Arroyo but that is back in 652.

We boated from the dam to Hell Creek and then on to Bone Trail a couple of times. Were up to Rock Creek alot but don't recall many deer around Haxby.

Saw a doe and fawn on York Island. Kind of weird.

ya I heard that the campground at Fourchette was full on the opener. Sounded like most were elk hunting lots of cow tags in that area ?? Probably better spots to go but I have been told if we get out and hunt we will see lots of deer there??? May end up bouncing around some but hope to hunt from camp there after the long haul down in there don't really want to drive everyday. First time is always a gamble. nwhunter
nemont, thanks for the info. sounds like you did alot of boating this summer. I did not see much deer activity around haxby this week. lots of private signs anyway. I did head towards gilbert off haxby rd. until I hit another posted sign on the cmr. I just don't understand private ground on the cmr.
but it looks like there is another access road. if I make it up again I may check it out. thanks again.....Are you hunting deer around fort peck with your boat or?
We live at the lake in the summer time. Boating just goes hand in hand with being near the lake.

I don't like to hunt out of my boat very often. Weather is just too iffy on to many days in the fall for my liking. Easy to get stranded somewhere and the boat traffic in the fall is so much less then in the summer.

Also the way the crowds have been out there I choose to hunt different places.

I'll play

I'm in the far western part of the state and have been mainly just looking for elk so far. Opening day we got into a valley just full of elk, but unfortunately we weren't the only ones that knew about the herd and were able to only get one cow out of the herd.
Since then I've been grinding it out and getting into some elk, but haven't seen much for bulls. I have a feeling I'm close, and for the most part am hunting elk that aren't getting much pressure, so feel pretty good about the rest of the season.

As for deer, I've hunted for whitetail two days on private land, and done alright. The whitetail haven't started to rut much at all yet, so the bucks aren't moving much during the day. My girlfriend was able to kill this nice 5x5 though, and I passed on a few a bit bigger right at last light that I couldn't get a real good look at. Rut should start kicking in this next week though, so hopefully the big guys start coming out with the does.


The one day I made my mule deer trek was productive, tons and tons of deer with quite a few nice bucks starting to push does around. Nothing big enough for the 6-7+ mile pack out though. Someone's been in there and shot one out of a horrible steep rock canyon, really curious what that guy looked like to make someone want to haul him out of there. I'll head back in there in a few weeks when the rut should be in full swing, should be a couple bruisers in there somewhere.
I talked to a guy today that said that there was a mule deer taken north of Poplar on the rez the was in the 250 B&C range. He has not seen it. He did see to mule deer around 28 inches that he said he couldn't get his hands around at the bases. Not many big buck come from the rez do to the hunting pressure. i was wanting to shoot a big whitetail this year but I probably be chasing MM.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
The rumor now is it is 220 class 9x11

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Well, I haven't had much luck yet. I saw a nice muley buck this weekend, but could not shoot. I have a bridger tag and was NOT in the bridgers! DoH!

Elk hunting was really tough in the belts as all the snow is crunchy.....

on the way home yesterday, on I-90, we had a truck pulling a trailer come by us... it had two NICE 6 point bulls, like 290-300 class, fairly whole in the trailer, and two nice bucks, one a 150 class nicely shaped buck, the other a 175 type buck with heavy horns and a couple stickers! They were a couple smilin hunters as we gave them the thumbs up!
we are heading up to fort peck resevoir on thursday morning will be hunting for mule deer for a week .
has anyone been there yet and had success. or have any info for me any would be helpful Thanks
Had friends over the weekend who hunted 622 and they said there were tons of people there.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I dumped a small bull in the east valley on the 1st. Sent another guy(nonresi)that hasn't seen diddly into "my" spot and he killed a 5x5 bull, not 80 yards from my carcass. Haven't seen much for whitetail rut activity at all!!

Been hearing just about everyone is killing elk around here, but not seeing squat for whities or mulies.

Still hoping to plug a wolf, but can't cross paths in the daylight with them since they were shot at. Although one in that pack I chase around was shot on the 3rd, very nice.
drahthaar what part of the state are you hunting?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-09 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]How bad are the wolves around Dillon and Twin Bridges area? I have been hearing some bad stories

Success is failure that tried one more time
This is my wife's buck. Mine was a tad smaller. We also filled 9 does tags! We came back with a load of meat. Regret not having an elk tag, we did see one nice 6x6 near camp.


Enjoy the meat. Sure sound like you have a lot.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I was out today and the rut is on!!! I saw 4 good buck and 80 or more deer for the day. May get some picture up if I haven time. In the next day or two.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Just got back last night,(eastern MT, around fort peck) the rut seems to be happening with the younger to middle aged bucks. Alot of times while looking over does with a buck pushing them (small 3/4 point) there was a bigger buck by himself 1/4 mile away roaming ridges. There is a drop in older class bucks this year due to the march and april storms. Talked to a bio. while out and he also agreed and also said it was a dry summer/fall, as you can tell by looking at the ground, not much grass.
The wheather is darn nice also. I will wait another week for the older class bucks to get into the swing of things. The smaller bucks are having fun right now. We saw 5 bucks in the 23-24" width, with 3 to 4 inch forks, tons of two/three pointers.
Any reports from 652 yet?
I have been seeing 26 to 28 inch bucks. Things are good.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
no they have good deep wide forks. I took my father inlaw and his boss hunting. I let them both fill there tags first. Tomorrow is my fist day getting to shoot. My father inlaw just shot a Whitetail that scored 147 and his boss took a nice 5x5 Mule deer but not great. He shot the smaller buck out of the herd.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Sounds like you have seen some good bucks..Good luck today. Thats a great whitey, congrats. I have hit the cmr pretty hard the last two weeks, from the musselshell to the east, all the way to big dry. Seen quite a few but nothing worth pulling the trigger on. Had my 8 year old son with me for four days, he wanted me to shoot at some smaller 4 pts., had to remind him of bambi, now he's only looking for old bucks.
Are you still hunting south of the missouri? 650,651.
Let me know how you do...
I shot this little bull last weekend... Passed up a few 19-20 inch 4 points (130 type mulies) this weekend I passed up a nice buck, maybe 157-160 ish max... but not what I was looking for! In another spot, I would have plugged him big time!

Nice bull!! I gave up today. To much hunting pressure. I will wait until next year. It is tag soup for me.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
>i will buy into that thought, people everywhere, virtually no one knows how to use the door handles on these new trucks there driving, but they can drive every ridge and coulee edge where theres brush, never mind all the restrictions on block management as well as federal land, many of the farmers and ranchers i have spoken with this year are talking removing there land from block program, lots of rule breakers and virtually no enforcement,,,,,3 weeks ago there werent very many roads thru the grass, last week or so the roads thru the grass everywhere,,,,,

Nice bull!! I gave up
>today. To much hunting
>pressure. I will wait
>until next year. It
>is tag soup for me.
>"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean
>for Peet's sake there are
>kids in Africa that don't
>even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
yep, Not many follow the rules. It just makes it harder for us who do.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I think there would be a lot less hunters out if the were the wasn't so nice. I can hope for snow for next years rut.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Tagsoup, how did you do north of Jordan on the south shore?
No doubt the weather had people driving around more, and also had a big impact on the rut, which is just now heating up (in my opinion). The younger to middle aged bucks have been goofing around for a couple weeks, but the older class bucks are now joining in from what I witnessed on the last weekend. I even still saw mature bucks bedded all alone. It was a strange rut this year, and strange weather.
We went 4 for 4 on small bucks. All were between 20-22 inches wide. One 3pt. One 4pt. One 3x4. And one 4x5. Never saw a buck better than about 135 inches. It was my first time in that country. Had a great time and saw lots of deer. Hope I draw next year.
We went up there a couple times and saw the same size as you did. Were you guys on the cmr? I think I will hunt on the north side a little more, we did see some better looking bucks up there than on the south side. I think the cmr closing on the 15th (north)has maybe helped save a few bucks from getting blasted. Its hard for a buck in MT to grow some size with a hunting season open through the Nov. rut.
You gents don't know how good you have it in Montana!!!! In WA you get to hunt Muleys for only 9 days!!!! You want to see crowded just check it out!! Everyone is cramed into their favorite little piece of public ground and fighting over certain hills and mountains for a spot to sit! You guys have it great, a long season to spread everyone around, we had a great time around Winnett. Not crowded, places to hunt, we even asked a lady if she minded us hunting her ground and she said yes no problem, she had about 16 sections and no one else was hunting it!!!
I just can't believe it took me this long to get out there and hunt, I will be going back every year with or without a buck tag!!
You can't even draw a doe tag in WA, but you can buy them for $75 in Montana over the counter! I like hunting as much as the next guy, but I love venison too.

You fellas need to have a little appreciation for what you have, many people have appreciation for far less!
finnman, welcome to Montana hunting. I have plenty of appreciation for what this state has for outdoor recreation, is there a problem with being picky with what size of a buck I'm looking for? Us Montanan's live here because we appreciate
where we live and play, even though we have pretty low income levels compared to some states, like WA.
I have been hunting since Labor day weekend and just finished up on Sunday 11/29/09, 3 months of hunting, no tags left, Boy Montana is great. Maybe you sould appreciate the fine fishing WA has to offer since the hunting seems slim.....

You have no clue what hunting in Montana used to be like even 15 years ago. We know what we have here and do not want it to turn into WA, that is why we complain about the idiots who think 4 wheeler can be driven every where. There are far more resident hunters who never leave the cab of the pick up or the seat of a 4 wheeler so it is not picking on NR hunters.

Just wait a couple of years at that place at Winnett will be leased by some of your buddies from WA, or CA or by an outfitter because the word gets out even more about the great access.

Just wait you will bring a friend and he tells a buddy and they bring a friend and he tells a buddy and pretty quick any access you had is overrun by people you told.

I use to hunt 651 and do well. Now there are oil wells everywhere and every oil field worker hunts that area. There are also a lot of BMA's there now and every buddy and his brother hunts this area. Most bucks don't make it past 3 years old so there is no quality bucks left. I found a nice spot down by Broadus to hunt and the FWP sent out letters 14,000 to out of state hunter to let them know they could hunt there. The hunting went to crap and it was not worth going back. Now I am hunting by the Canadian border and word has gotten around the local community and locals are driving places they are not suppose to and shooting more then one deer. Hell it won't be long and I will have to hire an outfitter to be able to find some decent land to hunt on.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

nemont is right; the area you hunted by Winnett maybe, maybe, has 25% of the deer that area had just one year ago. How do I know this?? Because I saw your posts on the HuntWA website and have hunted this area for years. In fact, I know right were you camped thanks to your detailed messages and pictures. The area you hunted has never held big bucks, but, had great deer numbers, and great numbers of medium sized bucks. I have hunted montana for years, in many different areas, including the broadus area that "hotwife" used to hunt. That area was heaven in the 1990's; and now, is completely overun. MFWP blasted roads through and labled every good chunk of BLM ground around there. It practically provided a roadmap for everybody. What used to take a little work and investigation to find can now be found by anybody.

Unfortunately, the "Breaks" are now that way. I swear half of WA state is in the Breaks now. I can guarantee you that there are WA guys already pulling the landowner maps off of the FWP website and, with a little investigative work, they will find your 16 sections of land owned by a little old lady..........

Montana can be a mule deer paradise, but, I can tell you certain areas of the Breaks got hammered by winter kill last year. Unit 410 (winnett) was one of them. I cannot believe the irresponsibility of the MFWP in not reducing the mule deer doe tags entirely in this area. They gave out 600 mule deer doe tags for this area alone. That is ridiculus given the winter kill. And, your normal buck tag can also be used for either sex, so we saw tons of people filling their buck tags with doe tags. This happened in an area we used to hunt in SW mt in the late 1980's. Winter kill; plus increasing hunter numbers; plus doe tags; plus any deer tags; and this area went from seeing 100 deer a day and 25 bucks to 15 deer a day and 2 bucks, and still to this day has never been the same. Because the mentality of a non resident, is that: "I paid $300 for a deer tag, and drove a 1000 miles, I'm not going home empty handed".

Nemont is right, if Montana is not careful, it is going to have a WA on its hands. In unit 410, the specific area you hunted is one of the areas that, due to higher deer densities last year, came through the winter kill better, but it is still a disaster compared to just one year ago. It is just that WA is a much bigger disaster so its seems good........ You wait, give it another year, or two, and all the hunters in 410 will get concentrated along the Lower River Rd because that is the only place the numbers are still even remotely close to what they used to be. After that happens, then even the small remaining pockets of decent deer densities get hammered. Instead of 3 or 4 trucks driving up and down that road in the morning and evening, there will be 10 or 15.
The FWP Broadus thing still kills me. I hunted for years nearby and used to see many more deer than I do now. "My" antelope spot where I didn't see anyone for years had three parties hunting on it this year. Very depressing.

I really wish the Block Management program would promote walk in only and not let people drive up to their kill site. Couple this with parking spots that are far from gates and fewer idiots would ruin it for the rest of us. Of course fewer people would hunt BMA areas, but the hunting would be better and it would keep the lazy folks driving the roads.

Did anyone read the article about how the FWP hasn't spent the game bird enhancement program money in NE Montana? The rancher was right on: if this was West of Billings it wouldn't have been a problem. Since its NE Montana, the funding has been languishing and the program has been mis-managed.
We hunted the CMR, BLM, and the BMA's. I saw the biggest buck of the trip on the north side of the lake.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-09 AT 11:05AM (MST)[p]Wapiti11,
No I passed on a couple of decent bucks but they were not bigger then what I already had on the wall. My kid shot 4 deer and an antelope so we have plenty of venison so I really was trophy hunting.

Sorry fellas, didn't mean to hit a nerve! LOL! I don't claim to know it all or even part of it all, I am just expressing how I felt about my trip. I didn't know the winter was so harsh up in that area last year so I can appreciate the resentment of the MWFP for giving out all those surplus doe tags.

Where I live in Western WA, many times a 5 day hunting trip consists of seeing a hand full of does. ( like maybe 9 or so!)
Just last week we spent 3 1/2 days hunting on a ranch in eastern WA hunting muleys with the bow and we saw from 20-50 deer a day. We only saw 11 bucks.

I have been putting in for the Deer Combo off and on since an employeer talked me into doing so in '92. This is the first time I have been drawn, hoping not the last. I get this notion you fellas think all roads are paved with gold out here in the NW! I have a handful of hunting friends that won't put in because the Non-resident fee is too much money.
If you know where we hunted thats fine. If you think that area sucks or doesn't have any TROPHY bucks, thats fine too. We had a good time, met some very fine people and learned where and where not to go next time. In the mean time my cousin who is recoperating from breast cancer and can only eat organic meat, is really going to enjoy the venison we brought back, and so is my family.
It was a great vacation!
I think the point was if you find something good keep yer damn mouth shut.
I hit eastern MT last week. I hadn't hunted out there in about 5-6 years. Holy crap what a rat race. Very few deer, a million ATVs and road hunters driving in circles, lots of hunters pounding the country side too. I don't think I'll be going back any time soon. I think I'm pretty much done hunting elk in MT too. Pulling into my favorite trail head and seeing 18 horse trailers and 20 cars parked there was too much. I left and went somewhere else. The hunting pressure is unreal in MT these days. I don't care if there is a 5 week season, the pressure is never ending.

I would say that vast majority of the hunters I saw were from MT probalby 90% or more. I love how the NR's get blamed for everything in the state... There is only 23,000 buck tags given to NR which included outfitter tags most of which are used on private, and there is nearly 150,000 buck tags sold to residents. So that small percentage of NR are really screwing up the game mangement?

IMO the only way to manage it effectivly is to make the whole state a draw
Bambistew.... riiigghht. :D You just need to find a new place where people aren't hunting. There's plenty of it in Montana, that or you're just used to your new home in AK.
Montana is managed for quantity not quality, it's all about the money to FWP.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]Plenty of quality in Montana. I bought the a sportsman's license this year for $85 and took all these on USFS land. Spent another $19 on the antelope license. MT residents are spoiled rotten and don't know how good they got it. I hope you're kidding about the statewide draw.. that's CRAZY TALK.
Montana sucks for sure. I'm not sure where a better place to live and hunt would be, honestly. Tons of public land easily accessible, and lots of animals to hunt. Walk a little farther than a mile and you get away from all the Bozeman and Billings hunters and most of the NR's.

AK isn't so bad however. I like all the OTC tags especially the free ones. :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]Hunting in Montana really does suck! I filled my sportsman w/bear this year too along with an A9 elk tag. I didnt fill my WT B tag though. The two cow elk, muley buck, and a black bear didnt leave enough room in the freezer. :) I really do hope my season is this crappy next year!

Yea, Montana has some quality just not managed for quality. I filled my tags also.
dang SPAZ, you had a pretty good year! You got a lot more bone than I did. I had to fill the freezer with a few B tags and a decent whitey with the A tag. Had lots of close calls during the Archery season, but never got to fling an arrow. Since moving to MT 4 years ago, the hunting is enough make me never want to leave. I have lived/hunted in both UT and WY in the past and love what MT has to offer!

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