Hunting Pranks



How about sharing some stories about Hunting pranks. Here is one that happened to me.

I had the pleasure to Hunt Africa in 2006. During that trip I had the misfortune of Shooting 8 times at the same Steenbuck over 2 different days. No worries right ? Wrong .

This is a Steenbuck. They weigh about 15 lbs.


My Hunting Buddy and I returned to Africa again in 2008. The first morning at breakfast I pull out My chair to find a brand new Ball cap with the words STEENBUCK JIM neatly embroidered. Ha Ha. The next morning my PH came to Breakfast with a brand new STEENBUCK JIM'S PH hat. The next morning was STEENBUCK JIM'S TRACKER. The next morning was STEENBUCK JIM'S COOK. The next morning was STEENBUCK JIM'S HUNTING BUDDY. Well there was nobody left in Camp so I was confident the joke at my expense was over. The next day we drive 300 miles to hunt a different area. Well, we stop for Gas at a tiny station in the middle of no where only to see the attendant with a hat that reads I KNOW STEENBUCK JIM. The icing on the cake was when my Wife picked me up at the Airport when I arrive Home with STEENBUCK JIM'S WIFE. Ha Ha.


Thats my story. Lets hear some more Hunting Pranks.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-10 AT 09:21AM (MST)[p]LMAO!! That is awesome Steenbuck JIM!!!

At that gas station was a woman standing there who had been left by her husband?
I learned my Hunting Buddy could not be trusted. Even if it was at my expense I have to admit it was a great prank.

I would love to hear others pranks to maybe get an idea for revenge.
That was a pretty good one.

When we backpack into an area its always fun to slip a Mountain Dew into the mormons backpack when he's not looking. Its great fun to watch him unload his pack just to find a nice refreshing cafinated beverage.
Another favorite is to put a rubber snake in your buddies boots so he gets a supprise in the morning. This is best done while really far from the truck. They never expect me to pack any extra wieght for a prank, so they always work.

Theres lots more, but I have a newbie coming along this year, so I dont want to give them all away.
When I started bow hunting at the age of 16, I went with a couple of buddies on a long hike on opening morning. One of my buddies found a big turkey feather and somehow managed to stick it in the back of my hat early in the morning. They let me lead the way. We would stop for a break and before starting back up the mountain, my friend would ask, "where to chief?" He called me chief all day and I never could figure out why until I got back to my truck, got in the drivers seat and brushed the feather against the top of the cab. It all made perfect sense after that. I have yet to get him back for that one.
I can't confirm or deny my involvement in this, but awhile back, it was found out where a certain party was hunting/camped. Some pretty nice signs were made up, and starting from the main road, giving directions to their camp, and also advertised coffee and hot dogs for a price. They weren't too happy when people started to show up. Especially the pissed off ranger who wanted to know if they had a license to sell things on federal land. I guess it took them awhile to convince the ranger they had no idea what he was talking about.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
I have taken quite a few guys out for their first deer or on their first bird hunt. My longtime friend and hunting partner has a trophy room that few of us will ever have or even hope to have. There was a time though, we were both 16, that he was new to hunting, very raw and naive. We had hunted way down this pretty much open draw looking for the large group of quail that i'd seen in the area. Across this draw was a small but tightly put together brush patch that i told him the birds must be in, to go over and hunt it while i spotted for him from this side.

My pard dropped down and then up into the bottom of this patch. I told him that the birds were near the top so he fought his way up over and under through the thick branches yet found no birds. i told him that they had got around him somehow and were now down by the bottom...

I had him thrashing around in that birdless nightmare of a brush patch for almost an hour before him finally catching on that there were no birds in that patch. Maybe it was me across the canyon, laughing with tears in my eyes and rolling on the ground that finally gave him the clue, poor guy. When we finally met back up, his arms were all scratched up and i could see that he thought it not funny. He didn't take a swing at me though i thought that he might. He had passed the test. We've been out hunting and fishing together hundreds of times since then and yes...he's got me back a plenty. :)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 05:54AM (MST)[p]I was Elk hunting with my ex father in law some years back. He had never Elk hunted before and our first time out he thought it was gross when he saw me pick up Elk pellets to see if they were warm / fresh. The next time we went out I had some black jelly beans in my pocket and the first pile of droppings we came across I reached into my pocket without him seeing and grabbed some of the jelly beans. I reached down pretending to pick up some of the elk pellets and said "wow these are real fresh.....I then popped the jelly beans in my mouth made a show of tasting them and told him.... Those Elk can't be more than a couple of minutes ahead of us... The look on his face was priceless. I never did tell him what I had done and he told the story for years...... Terry
Some Great Stories Guys.

Buck, I am thinking My Buddy may have the same experience real soon. LMAO.

Sage, Another great story. You have a gift for telling them.
A couple of years ago a buddy and I holed up under a big pine during a rain storm. We broke out the MREs that heat themselves and settled in for a good meal. They were labeled as lasagna. My buddy took off down the hill to fill his water bladder, and while his MRE was heating, I switched out the lasagna pouch with his applesauce pouch (they look identical) and closed everything up to look the same as when he left. Upon returning, we opened our meals and dug in. His pouch was steaming hot. As he started eating, he got a strange look on his face. After a minute he says, "man, this lasagna sucks." I busted up laughing and the gig was up.
While heading back to camp on an old dirt road I ran into a friend going the other way. We stopped, he jumped out of his truck and started shooting down a "hell hole" ravine below us. I franticly tried to see what he was shooting at and could see nothing. He shouted "I got him". I still couldn't see anything but he assured me he had just dumped a nice buck and since I was there how about I help him drag it out. After a nasty trip down through the oak brush we found his deer, however it was gutted and hanging in a large oak brush. He had shot it earlier in the morning and was waiting for some chump to drive by and help him get it out.
2 years ago me and a couple backpacking buddies were going to do a 4 day trip. We parked at the trailhead where there were a couple forest service bathrooms. One of my buddys decided he had to drop a big ugly one before hitting the trail. While he was doing that we pulled the packs out of the back of the truck. I got this bright idea to put two 4-5 pounds rocks in my buddys pack. Don't sound like much but every pound is a burden at 10,000 feet. He gets back to the truck and we shoulder our packs.... and he comments what a long trip this is going to be as his pack already feels like its filled with lead. My other buddy can hardly contain his laughter but doesn't get noticed. 6 tough miles later we arrive at camp. The reaction when he pulled out the stones was priceless!!!
Turns out My Hunting Buddy is not so bad after all. Some of you Guy's are warped. Lol.

Looks like I will use Buck's idea of signs leading to camp. I may change the sign to read.

Years ago, before I was born, dad was hunting down by salina with a couple of buddies. They had heard of a sighting of some sort of large wolf-like creature in the area. My dad could care less about all the tall tales floating around but he had a buddy along that was convinced the story was real and he had seen something similar that evening while hunting back to camp but could not get a good look at it. My dad, being the prankster that he is decided to feed off this poor guys fear of the unknown and told his buddy (who was pretty shook up by this time as it was now dark) that they had better string a line of cans up around the tent to set up a warning parameter in case this beast came in that night to feast on some "defenseless hunters". The guy bought into it and dad helped him string the cans up around the canvase wall tent. They all went to bed not knowing that dad had the end of the string with the cans on it threaded into the tent and into his sleeping bag. On occasion dad would wake up and pull the string, rattling the cans until his buddy woke up. His buddy was in complete panic mode after the second time this happened. My dad would tell him to stay put and he would go out and check for the man eating beast. Each time dad would go out to take a piss and then come back and say he didn't see anything. Well, The next night the joke was on all of them as the cans rattled but it wasn't dad or anyone else in the group. They could hear heavy foot steps out side and heavy breathing. (They were bowhunting so no guns around) It got quiet just before one side of the tent collapsed. Dad said his buddy rose up out of his sleeping bag with fully dialated eyes and a commitment to kill or go down trying. He unsheathed a mechete and said, "@#$ you want me, come and get me cause I'm gonna eat whats left of you!" The thing jumped off the tent and took off running into the dark with the string of cans attatched to its leg. They went out to investigate and saw that the "man eating beast" was just a stray cattle. Dad laughed at that guy the remainder of the hunting trip. Sooo, if you have a buddy in camp that has a fear of the unknown especially out in the woods, bring some cans and string, you can do all kinds of things to a persons mind with these two props.

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