Hunting Poems

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
Black-tail Rut

I'm on a lonely winding trail
That takes me where I cannot see
Until each rugged mountain top and deep canyon
Reveals its landscaped mystery
Where nature's stage creates the plot
Whatever the scene may be
I sit now in this treestand and ponder
About this forests beauty that relaxes me
The sun sneaks over the mountain landscape
Sitting watching as its rays tear apart the sky
Reaching through the fog and canopy up so high
With a crispness in the air and the feeling of anticipation
I love the fiery fall hues
The colors mix and melt painting the forest a thousand shades of red, orange, and yellow

All is silent, all is still
No one around to see the rutting thrill
A shadow moves
The black-tail buck moves in search of a doe
Wind, rain and the sound of birds pick up, nature?s music starts

Nature is exciting and adventurous
A hunter never lets their soul be tame
So much more to see than a tree that is green or a sky that is blue
Nature feeds my body and soul
Some call a canyon a hole, a mountain a rock or a forest a tree
For I call it home amazing it feels
No camera could ever capture a moment so absolute

Heavy fog smothers the forest
I breathe in and let it fill my lungs
Before the light fades a black-tail doe comes running by with a buck on her tail
A breeze blows soft and free
Freeing the dancing leaves that float away into blackness
For today has gone away
There is stillness now in this chilly night
How peaceful is this forest that glimmers at night
With moonlight casting a silver glaze
Silhouetted trees black as ink
Where the only sign of life is the sound of deer hooves
And a soft grunt and bleat carried away by the wind

So I will leave for tomorrow is anew
When I will return to my retreat
Where the trees will hold me
The animals will welcome me
For this is the place I live for
The place that beckons me to come
For it is the only place I feel truly free

Black-tail Sheds

I love the mysteries of this forest
Nature guarding it secrets so well
For those who have no time to spend
Who will not find black-tail antler sheds
And listen to their tales
That each one has to tell

Pacific Gray Ghost (Black-tail)

It's a mysterious morning in the woods as the sun rays pour through the trees canopy as the fog dances with the wind. Rain drops fall from heaven beating on the ferns, maple and oak leaves creating flowing music through the woods. The forest smells in the crisp fresh air intoxicate my blood causing my mind to slow down, my muscles to relax, bringing me home in nature. The wilderness beasts that roam these woods have intrigued me so that I vowed to know their secrets and mysteries. This bow seems part of my life, both days and nights. These hunting moods and solitudes have got me dead to rights. The Pacific Gray Ghost emerges out of the shadows causing my mind to flash through the thousands of hours scouting, lifting, running, and shooting for this very moment?.. This is when I am most alive
Hmmm. Guess my poem went unappreciated. But I didn't think it warranted being pulled. Oh well.

How does a thread reach negative one status?! Never seen that before! ?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
PEAYDAY Yanked your Posts kinda like when they Yanked Ms Universes Crown!:D

>Hmmm. Guess my poem went
>unappreciated. But I didn't
>think it warranted being pulled.
>Oh well.
>How does a thread reach negative
>one status?! Never seen
>that before! ?
>Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club,
>NRA, UWC & DP Hate

"I'm Living & Dieing with the Choices
I've made!"
Zim I didn't see your poem,.Did it have either the word Nantucket , or canoe in it?? I did like the OP's poem
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-15 AT 07:22PM (MST)[p]First two verses ended in red, & blue. Very harmless and in good taste. Next two lines were not exactly literary works of art, but were not bad. They included references to SFW and ankles, and were very creative. I mean I know I'm not a Shakespeare or Robert Frost, but I put a lot of heart & soul into it and thought it warranted due respect.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club

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