Hunting Pinenuts



I cant find much info on getting pine nuts on the web so i thought I would check on here and see if any of you fine fellars had any tips or know of a website.
Any way I went and picked 4 burlap bags full of green cones over the weekend up to the peaks. I am from St. George and dont know if its to hot to spread them over the ground outside on a tarp. I got them on a tarp in my garage now just to be on the safe side. Any info would be greatly appreciated
Wow seems early to me. Last year I was picking them off the ground first week in Nov. That is after they fell out of the shell bumper crop. We use to just keep them in the burlap bag in a cool place till they opened. You didn't get any pine gum on you did you? I remember as a kid we would go out after they started to open up. We would place a tarp on the ground under the tree and bat the tree with sticks and shake the tree and the nuts would fall on the ground. Along with a few cones that were not open.
After harvest I like to place them in a aluminumn pie pan and put just enough water to submurge them along with a bunch of salt and cook them till the water is gone.
Place them in water the bad ones will float.

I have always only found them later in the year as well. Late October to November. I don't think the green cones you picked are going to be any good. But, I am no expert...
Ok thanks for the input and ya we were covered in pine gum all over it sucked its some sticky stuff. I broke a few open today and the nuts seem mature and tasty. I just got 2 figure out the best way to let them open. I guess its gonna be just letting them sit on my garage floor.
Ya last year we picked a bunch off the ground in september and later I am just looking for a better way to stock up on alot of them. So if anyone is willing to share any more info I would really appreciate it. Especially a prime location. Its not like a shed hunting spot. Just a mountain range around the peaks or Pioche something I know thats asking alot but it couldnt hurt to ask. Thanks again
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-10 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]Thanks a ton T_Ball took me awhile to find my PMs and I had a few others I didnt know about
Hey Curtis,
To the right of your MM name,click on the 2nd envelope to the right!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
We used to pick pinenuts by the truck loads when I was a kid. One of my favorite memories is building a big bon fire and roasting those cones in the coals. They open up nice and there is nothing in this world that beats a warm pinenut!!! My mouth is watering right now.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-10 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]Where did you find the cones? I need to re-supply this year & if you found trees with cones we're good to go!

Never mind... just re-read. You found them around Indian Peak? Was there any in Modena canyon? It's a lot closer than the peak.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-10 AT 09:09PM (MST)[p]I was in the management area on Indian Peaks. There were not a whole lot of them there does anyone know of a better spot by Pioche or Atlanta? let me know if ya do please. PM me if ya wanna thanks. I wanna stock up big time this year I love those little buggers
I didnt check Modena canyon we went straight through Beryl is that a good place some years?
tear open them packrat nest's and steal theirs

>tear open them packrat nest's and
>steal theirs
>...............or go to the store by the res and buy more than you can eat in a year, for $20.
i used to just spread out a big tarp and take a long branch and shake the limbs on the tree. But i think its too early for that, more like the middle to end of October.
From what I have witnessed this year, there are not many pinenuts around the peaks this year. A few trees here and there, but nothing like last year. I picked a few gunny sacks last year about this time. I broke them open and they looked and tasted good. by the time they dried out, almost all of them were rotten. I wasted a lot of time. Green cones is the best way to get a lot of pinenuts fast, but after last year, I decided I would wait until they were just starting to open up, and then pick them. Usually they are opening around the 15th of september.

Make you a 5x 10 box with 2x6's put a legs on it and put chicken wire in the bottom. Place a tarp underneath it, and then go out ever day and shake your box good and watch the pinenuts fall in the tarp.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-10 AT 01:39PM (MST)[p]Dang coyoteslayer thats not what I wanted to hear. Ya we did real good up there last year to. I guess like ya said better off waiting then. I need a new spot though it isnt near as good as last year. I guess I will just tour Nevada tell I find some unless I can good info somewhere. I have tried the forest service and havnt got any good info from them.

I dont know anywhere you can buy them right now. It seems like another month and stands start popping up
fishon.... I don't know about this year but sometimes Modena Canyon and the south end of Hamlin Valley can be real good.

I remember one year we was picking up pinenuts so big we had to quarter them just to get them back to the truck.

Ya those are the ones I am looking 4 so big ya got to quarter them to get them to truck thats perfect

Thanks for thw wd-40 trick I tried it and it worked awesome
I usually wait for the first freeze to open the cones. I know that doesn't help your situation much, but waiting a bit may save you from hauling home a boat load of cones, rather than a bucket full of pine nuts.
Help a guy out here! Sounds like fun. I live in tall timber country of North Eastern Calif and we have hundreds of square miles of mostly nothing but trees! Ok, Pine nuts must come from pine cones which must come from Pine trees!! What kind of pine trees??

We got yellow pine, sugar pine, ponderosa pine, bull pine, to name a few and more. What kind of pine tree should i be looking for, the best kind(s)to get good eating pine nuts? Thanks!!

Draw a later NM elk hunt, during a good pinion year.

All you have to do is follow the 1987 Ford Taurus stuck on a 4x4 road blocking you from hunting!

As far as I know pinyons are one of the best, From what I have heard in years past the best place to go is on the Cal. Nevada border but that is a long drive foe some nuts. I finally got a little info from a forest service guy in Caliente and he told me a few spots but it sounds like a bunk year
Thanks fishon0, I did some more checking into it and from what i could find out, what you are saying is the straight stuff. There was also mention of Sugar Pine cones having decent nuts as well but, again i don't know. We have LOTS of Sugar Pine in this area. Their cones are huge and not at all hard to find. The trees are pretty huge themselves. I just don't see knocking the cones outa the tree with a pole. :)

Elkman is right about the pinion harvest down in NM one year we had more pickers in our area then hunters. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Lol nickman! That would be too easy and economical. (I know we do lots of things for reasons other than ease and economics!) For me pinenuts are one of those things. But they are tastey

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