hunting options



I maybe moving to the corvallis area and im just wondering what the hunting options around there are? I know nothing about the area, just wondering if im going to have to have to pay for out of state licenses to come hunt back in Utah every year. Thank you in advance for all the good news you are going to give me.

About the only thing worth hunting in Cornville is rodent. They come in all shapes and sizes, but most are Huge. The closer you get toward the College you'll find some really nice Fat Beaver. However, even the trophy Beaver is not worth Mounting. Most have loseritus, which can be contagious especially during the Fall. Whatever you do DO NOT eat any Beaver. Like most rodents, it smells funny and only tastes good if you haven't had anything to Eat for months and after about a case of beer. I hope I inspired you to move. BTW residency is 6 months here. Don't no lose your Utah residency even if you have to risk jail time....'cause our "game" (compared to Utah's) simply sucks.

Once you get settled in they do shoot some big Rosie Bulls aroung there and toward the coast. State record came from that area 4 or so years ago 400 plus. There are over the counter archery deer and elk, as well as an over the counter cascade elk if you don't pull a tag in the draw. There is some good bird hunting around there as well. JB
400" Rosie? Where can I see a pic of that. Did not think they got that big. Must be unreal....

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
The 400 rosie is for real. It was killed on private ground between Eugene and Cornville (Corvallis). Great article about the bull and the guy who shot it. I'll see if I can find it somewhere.


I moved to Oregon from Utah. I can give you my opinion of Oregon if you PM me. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]Great Rosie hunting in Oregon. Other than that.....well, hunting sux here, and is getting worse RAPIDLY.

Guess the sage rat shooting on the other side of the mountain has been fantastic the last week, though!
that 409 rosie was at the sportsman show back in the early 2000's. I entered my mule deer in the head and horns contest and would have won the new polaris 700 sportsman if that dude wouldn't have brought his PIG! There is still debate whether it was raised behind a high fence or not...Folks say they had seen it on property around the area it was killed in, but who knows!

Huntin is what you make of it. I think its great, but most disagree that live here. I've killed P&Y bucks and know for a fact there are many more out there! Oh and yes all have been on public land.

it's pretty pointless to try and convince alot of guys on here, that if you still put in a bunch of work, you can find some decent bucks. in the end- i guess it's better if they think it's a lost cause.
hunting here is going to be what you make it. If you get out a scout and hunt hard you will find animals if you sit on the computer and complain about how much it sucks then it will. Oh yes the 400 inch rosie was raised or shot behind a high fence. It was shot on private ground that the hunter had permission to hunt. There is a decent sized herd out there but they live on private ground or the refuge so they are hard to hunt. There is some big bulls too. If or when you move shoot me a pm and I will try to give you some starting points.
You guys who think Oregon's game is so great have never hunted in most any other Western Big Game State. Tell me what state is worse hunting Muleys than Oregon? Tell me what state is worse hunting Mature Elk? Yes we can all find a bull and buck and I've killed my share of them in Oregon, but get real about the quality and quanity of Oregon's is nothing compared to what it was or what it should be. To say "hunting is what you make of it," is really naive.

Oregon is not known as a trophy state but if you acually go and scout there are plenty of animals out there. My family has no problem filling there tags but we hunt harder than most people and scout more and acually like to work to kill are animals. There is a reason for sucsess you can not just expect hunting in oregon to suck. I know there are still trophys out there and we see more every year maybe because we are working harder but they are out there.
bballs, you're talking to the wrong guy when it comes to "hunting harder." If you actually hunted other states you know what how piss poor Oregon's big game situation is. I've been around long enough to know what the Interstate Herd was like. I've hunted archery for 20+ years and rifle for many before that and killed a pile of bulls and bucks. The last 5 out of 7 years I killed two bulls/year. One in other states if you're wondering. I hunt archery 30+ days/year all DIY and prob another 30-40 days other game. I know Oregon's elk and deer better than most. It is a fraction of what it was and what it should be. The only way you'll understand that is to hunt other states. Hell even Idaho, which is plagued with wolves, has better muley hunting than Oregon. I know there are "pockets" of success every year in Oregon and the "hunting is off the hook." I get that. But the truth is Oregon is about the 6th best state to hunt in even for "opportunity hunts." I've hunted Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado and feel I have a better chance at a buck or bull in all those states. Been there, done that.

I agree with killerbee and buckballs there are plenty of animals out there my family and friends have no problem filling tags or seeing alot of bucks or bulls. If you dont like it and want to moan and complain go to another state and hunt
HKS not saying Oregon is the best, I am just saying I think the hunting is fine. sure I remember when hunting was better but its still good if you are willing to work for em. I think the animals are in spots they used to not be in an example is elk in juniper flats and such. I believe most any other states have better opurtunity especialy with land to hunt. If your one of the harder hunters good for you not saying you dont I just know lots of people that dont wanna work. I love it and Will hunt any time I can. I am just young and the money is a little tight but yes ill be hunting idaho this year and hopefully wyoming the next.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-10 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]I grew up in the "last heyday" of deer hunting in Oregon, the 80's. The numbers do not lie......deer numbers since then, on both sides of the Cascades are down signficantly, in some areas catastrophically. Blacktail decline can probably mostly be attributed to the lack of logging on federal timber land, and herbicide use on corporate timberland. Muley's have a multitude of issues, no one answer there.

Rosie numbers are holding their own, and there's certainly more elk now on the far south coast than there were anytime after the 1950's. Rocky Mt. numbers are up from the 80's, but down from the late 90's and will continue to fall with the predator disaster, and poor management caused by politics.

So, if you've hunted other states, and/or have been here for 40 years, yes, the hunting in Oregon sucks. Oregon has NEVER been managed for trophy animals, it's been a maximum production state. It's only recently we have some premium late deer tags....but when you don't cut the general season way back, it's tough to justify those. The "trophy" units in the Blues for elk are an accident; they didn't get that way on purpose, the push there was to increase the bull/cow ratio.

If you're an archer, it's better, but getting worse.

>bballs, you're talking to the wrong
>guy when it comes to
>"hunting harder." If you actually
>hunted other states you know
>what how piss poor Oregon's
>big game situation is. I've
>been around long enough to
>know what the Interstate Herd
>was like. I've hunted
>archery for 20+ years and
>rifle for many before that
>and killed a pile of
>bulls and bucks. The
>last 5 out of 7
>years I killed two bulls/year.
>One in other states if
>you're wondering. I hunt archery
>30+ days/year all DIY and
>prob another 30-40 days other
>game. I know Oregon's
>elk and deer better than
>most. It is a fraction
>of what it was and
>what it should be. The
>only way you'll understand that
>is to hunt other states.
> Hell even Idaho, which
>is plagued with wolves, has
>better muley hunting than Oregon.
>I know there are "pockets"
>of success every year in
>Oregon and the "hunting is
>off the hook." I get
>that. But the truth is
>Oregon is about the 6th
>best state to hunt in
>even for "opportunity hunts." I've
>hunted Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah
>and Colorado and feel I
>have a better chance at
>a buck or bull in
>all those states. Been there,
>done that.

im not complaining, but i agree. yeah, there is game out there, but its still one of the worst states in the west.

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
HKS, dont hurt yourself patting your back there, nobody said oregon was great place to hunt or even as good as it was 20 years ago. There are still a few animals here to be hunted, if you go spend time scouting and get away from your rig and hunt it can still be good. Not everyone feels that the score of an animal is the most important part of the hunt. Back in the day people hunted for food now it is more for trophy it seems. And agian hunting here will be "What you make it" and you have already made it a bad time for yourself.
Bugle2nobulls, you might want to read what you just wrote. You said everything I said. "nobody said oregon was great place to hunt or even as good as it was 20 years ago. There are still a few animals here to be hunted..." Wake up and listen to yourself. That is the ENTIRE POINT. You are actually agreeing with everything I said, but for some reason you have to slight my success.

You seem to put a lot of words of your own in what I'm saying. I never said I had a bad time hunting EVER. If some of you want to accept OR for what it is and what it will be then more power to you. I won't. When you get a bit more miles under your boots then you can come on here and pop off about how "fine" OR is. When you actually experience another state then come on here and pop off about how "okay" OR is. Actually just do a little reading and research and you'll understand the greater picture of Oregon's game. It isn't all about your little section of your hunting world. It is about all of Oregon. Oregon's hunting has become more a camping trip for most people. I think some of you hunt one spot and kill something once in awhile and that makes everything okay with you.

HKS, Bugle2nobulls that is very cute. I simply said hunting here will be what you make it in my original post. You climbed on board and replied how some of us think oregon is so great and that "hunting here is what you make it" to be naive. You are right I did say alot of the same things you said in my own words hunting is not as good here as it has been in the years past or as it is in other states. I have not hunted out of state so I have nothing to compare to, but by reading and talking with other people who have, it sounds like there is better opportunity elsewhere. The person who posted this thread wanted to know what opportunities there were here not other states, he may be moving here and not really have a choice I dont know so if he does I will be glad to help him out with what I know. As for you it sounded like you were all proud of yourself for hunting elsewhere and I didn't want you to get hurt patting yourself on the back. What does miles under my boots have to do with posting here? I dont have as many posts as you so I dont deserve to post my opinion? All this proves is I dont spent as much time on my azz in front of the computer as you. How do you know how much ground I cover or where I hunt or how successful I am? My little section of the hunting world? What is that? What do you plan on doing to make oregon a better place to hunt? If some hunting here is nothing but a camping trip and they have fun doing it then that is great. Sometimes it is not about the killbut the experience of the hunt. The sad part about this whole thing is the youths that are introduced to hunting here now, This is the best they will ever know of this state.
HKSHOOTER, i only read to #14 post, so if this has already been covered- oohps.

but i'd be willing to bet i've hunted out of state a 10 times as much as you.

i've hunted EVERY western state exept utah and arizona.
i spent 8 months a year hunting, well getting paid to guide, in new mexico and colorado. for almost 10 yrs.

so to try and pull the " if you only knew" card is stupid.

no-one is saying oregon kicks ass. but it is what it is. you are the guy who starts drinking beer at 9:00 am opening morning complaining saying " yep this is oregon, no chance at all, mizz well drink"

believe it or not, there are "SOME" guys who stick out every season, and make due with the cards we are dealt.

i'm sure everyone knows, i've been in these arguement a million times,[ by the way- wheres NASCARR88??] and again, get off your lazy ass if you want to still have some sucsess. i have a buddy who has the oregone state record archery elk 387g 378 n, also a 360 bull, and 350 bull, alll in the last 3 out of 4 yrs.

that might not be respectable for someone of your "outta state" knowlege, but i see 10 posts a day on here from utah,arizona, montana, new mexico, etc...... that would still make that "decent" hunting.

again, NO-ONE is saying oregon is great, in fact i think most will agree, oregon is in the top 2 worst hunting states there is.

but with some hard work, YOU CAN STILL HAVE SOME DECENT HUNTING. to argue with that simply shows how ignorant you are.;)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-10 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]

WOW, i just got to #20, and HK, must REALLY think he is a big time outta state hunter?

how many hunts do you do each year?
you got any "trophys" you wouldn't mind postind?

where are you from? and what unit in oregon do you hunt?

if you can ABSOLUTLY make nothing out of the hunt. it's time to hang up that 20 yr old unit and find a new " stomping ground "buddy.
dang, it stopped at #21. i was starting to get a kick out of reading this ignorance:)
OK, TJ801- GOING BACK to the begining of this tread you asked for some suggestions, so your moving to Corvallis and don't know anything about hunting around in oregon right?
First forget about trying to get a tag for deer/elk in eastern's a draw tag and unless you already have some points saved I wouldnt worry about it.
focus on blacktails and local elk on the west side of the cascades,you can get blacktail deer and cascade elk tags over the counter, rifle or bow.
next, go scouting- look at some maps-ask some locals etc. and find a few spots for deer, and a few for elk.
The good news is that it's not as bad a hunting as some seem to think it is, on the west side anyway!
ONE tip I will give you is it rains quite a bit in or. but don't let that stop you, go hunt'n in the rain, the game comes out, and most people tend to stay home. some of my best days have been in the pouring rain!
>Killerbee. You are an idiot.

re-read your posts, you might edit your own name in here;)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-10 AT 04:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-10 AT 04:00?PM (MST)

>HKSHOOTER, i only read to #14
>post, so if this has
>already been covered- oohps.
>but i'd be willing to bet
>i've hunted out of state
>a 10 times as much
>as you.
>i've hunted EVERY western state exept
>utah and arizona.
>i spent 8 months a year
>hunting, well getting paid to
>guide, in new mexico and
>colorado. for almost 10 yrs.
>not worth the time, this has been argued about before. might as well just put everyone on the springer show and we can go at it. LOL
>so to try and pull the
>" if you only knew"
>card is stupid.
>no-one is saying oregon kicks ass.
>but it is what it
>is. you are the
>guy who starts drinking beer
>at 9:00 am opening morning
>complaining saying " yep this
>is oregon, no chance at
>all, mizz well drink"
>believe it or not, there are
>"SOME" guys who stick out
>every season, and make due
>with the cards we are
>i'm sure everyone knows, i've been
>in these arguement a million
>times,[ by the way- wheres
>NASCARR88??] and again, get off
>your lazy ass if you
>want to still have some
>sucsess. i have a
>buddy who has the oregone
>state record archery elk
>387g 378 n, also a
>360 bull, and 350 bull,
> alll in the last
>3 out of 4 yrs.
>that might not be respectable for
>someone of your "outta state"
>knowlege, but i see 10
>posts a day on here
>from utah,arizona, montana, new
>mexico, etc...... that
>would still make that "decent"
>again, NO-ONE is saying oregon is
>great, in fact i think
>most will agree, oregon is
>in the top 2 worst
>hunting states there is.
>but with some hard work, YOU
>HUNTING. to argue with that
>simply shows how ignorant you

been there talked about this
Thanks for all the replies. I didn't mean for my questions to come across as making oregon out to be a lessor state to hunt. What is the public land access like in that area? A lot of you said the elk are mainly on private property, do they ever migrate off for winter months or later hunts? Are there muleys in that area or only blacktails? How is the hunting in the La Grande area?
There is hunting fairly close to corvallis. Deer and elk both Public and private. and for the Private, a lot of the Timber Companies allow walk or bicycle access. Deer by Corvallis will be blacktails. You need to get east of the mountains for Mule deer (other than a few cross breeds) Lagrande area has great hunting, elk or deer.

So what are you looking for? ( and yes, you may have answered this above but i lost it in the long chain?

Deer or Elk? Archery or Rifle?

If you are used to hunting in other western states, hunting in the Jungle of the west side of the mountains may take some getting used to.
I love to hunt everything. I am just now getting in to archery so for the first little bit I will be hunting with a rifle. I was in in oregon the first part of the week and decided to drive back to salt lake and saw a lot of elk over by le grand, how many points does a person need to draw that area? What kind of success rates do people have on the west side of the mountains for deer and elk? I also have heard that there are a lot of bear and couger in those parts as well.
to start with, most of the state is OTC for archery. East half of the state is draw for rifle deer and draw for most Elk Tags. Some eastern Elk Tags are OTC but most of those are spike only. West part of state is OTC for deer and an assortment for Elk. There are lots of animals in the West part of the state but are not as visible. If you are coming from Utah, the west half of the state will probably take some getting used to to figure out how to hunt it. East part of the state will be much more like you found in Utah.

Pick up a set of Hunting regs and a book called Percentage tags. they'll get you started with explaining hunts, public land, chance of drawing, etc. You have until may 15 to decide.
I live in La Grande area. PM me if you want to talk. I can put you into as good of areas as you can get, with what we have to work with. For obvious reasons, I cant tell you the BEST ares, as I am a guide, but can get you started!:)
Killerbee: where were Colby's 350 and 360 bulls shot? On Public ground, on a super hard, pack in, stay till the end hunt, like for "Mr Big?"
Killerbee: I know you can be a big emotional reacter, so I want to be sure you don't think I'm knockin Colby's big bull...I am knocking you using it as an example of someone working super hard in Oregon to harvest a fine trophy on Public Ground like you keep telling HKShooter and others is possible for them...

His 350 and 360 bull that you used as an example may be those types of hunts, I don't know, so that is my real question.

I think a better example of a Public Ground hunt, where anyone had a chance at the bull, and someone worked super hard and killed a stud Oregon bull is probably the #2 bull....
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