HUNTING in 2040


LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 07:41AM (MST)[p]I will start off by saying I am 38. That being said I look back when I when on my first deer hunt with my dad. A-few of those "areas" are now closed for various reasons such as privatization, hunting clubs, housing, development, etc.

With the population growing and the demand, what do you guys see as the future for the next generations? I look back at the real old days when there was no 4-wheel drive and people didn't use scopes on thier rifles. Now we have range finders, trail cameras etc. What will we have then????

What can we expect???
Laser guided bullets you can launch from your couch while watching the game on your tv...
OH WAIT. seems like that is almost a reality now...
Hopefully there is something for that generation to hunt...
>Laser guided bullets you can launch
>from your couch while watching
>the game on your tv...
>OH WAIT. seems like that is
>almost a reality now...
>Hopefully there is something for that
>generation to hunt...

Not to far off it seems. I look at upland game. The only good hunting without the crowds seems to be a private ranch or join a club.
As seen by Nickman........

2040 Websters Dictionary; Liberals' Definations;

HUNTING...(hun-teeng) from early American Redneck.

A heathanistic practice, whereby individuals, called "hunters", slaughtered innocent creatures in the name of "sport". The animals hunted were subsequently eaten!

Using cutting edge technology, the animals were systematically observed, chased down and shot, with "weapons of mass destruction".

The practice was discontinued after 2020, when the World Government banned the private use and possession of all small arms worldwide.

With no means of killing wildlife, hunter funds to Fish and Wildlife agencies dried up and nearly all native species of wildlife became extinct, due to loss of management funding, habitat protection and predator control.

Alternate means of funding were rejected by taxpayers, who, unfortunately, only comprise about 1/3rd of the American population.

A comprehensive collection of the animals formally living in the United States, and the firearms used to hunt them, can be seen in several Natural History Museums located throught the country.


The practice of finding small, oval shaped items which resemble "eggs" item used in the reproduction of birds.

The practice is generally left to children, who find the hidden items and recieve applause for each find.

There was formally some religious holiday involved, but it's origin and significance are lost to history.

"Eggs" disappeared in about 2023, after a worldwide outbreak of Newcastles disease went unchecked, due to the elimination of Government Wildlife Agencies when their research and importation enforcement funding was lost.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 07:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-09 AT 07:28?PM (MST)

2040....A list of topics on MM:

1.Governors tags set new record...$3.5 Million for deer tag.
who agrees with 100 Governor tags per state?

2.Wolves in Florida?
Wolves have spread to Florida from Idaho.

3.1st Wolf hunt challenged in court, again
48 years and still no hunt.

4.Who remembers OTC tags?

5.New 4000 yard rangfinder!
Accurate to 2 inches.

6.644 B&C Bull (pics)!

7. I have 43 PP, where should I put in?

The only Bobcat


>AT 07:34?PM (MST)

>AT 07:28?PM (MST)

>2040....A list of topics on MM:
>1.Governors tags set new record...$3.5 Million
>for deer tag.
>who agrees with 100 Governor tags
>per state?
>2.Wolves in Florida?
>Wolves have spread to Florida from
>3.1st Wolf hunt challenged in court,
>48 years and still no hunt.
>4.Who remembers OTC tags?
>5.New 4000 yard rangfinder!
>Accurate to 2 inches.
>6.644 B&C Bull (pics)!
>7. I have 43 PP, where
>should I put in?
>The only Bobcat

eel thats what I am afraid of.
Good post, I don't have the imagination or energy to top nickman. At least not today.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Formerly referred to as hunters we are now regarded as mammalian and avian terrorists.
Barack Husein Obama is still President of the world. Hugo Chavez is the ambassador to Venezuela - Fidel Castro, yes still alive, (thanks to the taxpayer funded stem cell research) was given one stem cell from each of the following H- Dude, Zigga, Piper and one half of a stem cell each from T-Final and Eel. The stem cell transplant did save his life but his body rejected the stem cell from Eel due to the conservative makeup of the nucleus, but he does have a strange fascination with turtles. Anywho he's the ambassador to Cuba. The world is a pretty bleak place and we are all eating soylent green as all farm subsidy's were eliminated on the last farm on the planet belonging to H-Dude, who is now the Prime Minister of Oregon.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-09 AT 00:23AM (MST)[p]Wetmule WTF?????????? LMAO

What do relly think will happen??? Sounds like some are on track.
Rugarm, sorry like Nickman said their is no more hunting. Nickman you are wrong, not all animals are extinct. We still have wolves, roofrats, cockroaches and thanks to the trillions in stimulus money spent during the first O'Bama Administration; the planet is teeming with the SanFrancisco Salt Water Marsh Mice and we do have a few pigs in Iowa that don't smell. However, they are highly toxic and unedible at this time. The good news is that another 10 Trillion in stimulus was just approved with half of it going to a grant to fund T-final's pork edability study. More good news is that Global Warming - I mean - "Climate Change" was solved and Antarctica now extends to the Gulf of Mexico and the average global temperature hovers around 10 degrees farenheit - 15 degrees at Guantanomo Bay, where most of us now live. Also O'Bama's new book, sure to be a best seller, as it is now required reading in all colleges and Universities worldwide, just hit the shelves (the 666th in a series) "The Audacity Of Hunting". you can also get it online at
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-09 AT 01:46AM (MST)[p]Mule, my man!

Keep this up and you will end up being placed on the "cynicaly obnoxious" list along with me!

I love it!

Try this scenario.

Deer Hunting in California, circa 2029.

Since there is a strong need for funds in the State Treasury, the practice of hunting in this state will continue.

Tags will be sold and auctioned off, but you will not actually be allowed to kill a deer or elk.

All deer and elk are confined to zoos, federal or State parks and private farms. At the time of their birth, these animals are fitted with a "lojac" chip.

Should you be lucky enough to draw a tag....$1500.00, up front, non refundable, drawn or present yourself to the Parks and Recreation division where you and a guide will plan your hunt. Your guide is totally familiar with the 25 acre hunt area.

You will have one day to complete your hunt, since camping is no longer allowed anywhere in the State.

Hunt hours will be scheduled to correspond with the guide's workday, 9 am to 3pm, with a union approved 2 hour lunch and nap period.

You will be issued a "rifle" that has been retrofitted with a laser that reacts with the chip in the animal. If you make a good shot, you then are issued a certificate of success and a box of "game seasoned" beef, enough for 4 meals.

The entire hunt is aired live on State TV, for which you will be given billing but no money for the footage. Copies of your hunt are available for an additional $400.00

This program was designed by the State of California and is now accepted and used in 11 western States.

I'm glad I'm old!
>Rugarm, sorry like Nickman said their
>is no more hunting. Nickman
>you are wrong, not all
>animals are extinct. We still
>have wolves, roofrats, cockroaches and
>thanks to the trillions in
>stimulus money spent during the
>first O'Bama Administration; the planet
>is teeming with the SanFrancisco
>Salt Water Marsh Mice and
>we do have a few
>pigs in Iowa that don't
>smell. However, they are highly
>toxic and unedible at this
>time. The good news is
>that another 10 Trillion in
>stimulus was just approved with
>half of it going to
>a grant to fund T-final's
>pork edability study. More good
>news is that Global Warming
>- I mean - "Climate
>Change" was solved and Antarctica
>now extends to the Gulf
>of Mexico and the average
>global temperature hovers around 10
>degrees farenheit - 15 degrees
>at Guantanomo Bay, where most
>of us now live. Also
>O'Bama's new book, sure to
>be a best seller, as
>it is now required reading
>in all colleges and Universities
>worldwide, just hit the shelves
>(the 666th in a series)
>"The Audacity Of Hunting". you
>can also get it online

Lmao agian
I guess I prefer to see the glass as half full but I can tell you where I live-thanks to restocking and conservation efforts- there is a TON more game than there was in 1970.

My farm has a healthy population of whitetail deer and wild turkeys on it with seasons for both. In 1970 a deer was a RARE sighting and no one had ever seen a turkey. As I recall most of the Great Lakes were polluted cesspools...I could go on.
The B&C record book shows that the "Good Ol' Days" for big game are now.Sure we've got some problems but I can tell you most everybody is at least trying to strike a healthy balance for conservation. In 1970 most people basically didn't give a crap. I can remember guys throwing beer cans in the lake, trash out the truck window,etc.,etc. without thinking anything about it.In fact,that was the mindset back then.

I think hunters and outdoor enthusiasts with conservation and protecting the environment/habitat at the forefront of their mind will keep you guys' predicted doomsday from occuring.

Some of you need to go out and smell a flower,hug a kid, or something IMO....

Dateline San Francisco, CA Oct. 10, 2040:


California Fish&Game announced today that 9 year old Juan Sanchez of Modesto, CA was formally charged with poaching a Jackrabbit. The incident happened on or about Oct.1, 2040. All species of Jackrabbits were placed on the endangered species list in November 2037.

Other charges include possession of an unregistered firearm, discharging a firearm in the state of California without prior written permission, and possession of non-coded ammunition.

PETA spoksman Zigga Zigger says "We will be watching this case closely and feel that a life sentence is appropriate. Mr. Sanchez is clearly a danger to society and a menace to all of Gods creatures."

A Fish&Game spokswoman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that Mr. Sanchez was uncooperative in the initial questioning and the Department will seek an exemption to allow the waterboarding of Sanchez. Congress is expected to hold a special session next week to consider the request.

Defense Attorneys stated that "The boy was only seeking to provide food for his family of 17 who had not had a decent meal since they crossed the border two months ago. It has been very difficult for all undocumented Americans since the collapse of the Food Stamp Program."

Watch the trial on Court TV. Check local listings for date and time.


You failed to mention that Juans great grandfather Pedro also had a soiled past. His nick name was Dirty.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Right on Cbeard! I see more oportunity today than 20 years ago! More youth hunts, better management in most areas, trophy quality way up etc,,,. Hey Nickman 20 years ago you hardly saw a turkey in Cali now its no problem to hammer three Gobbs every spring! Stay involved take kids out as much as possible and keep the faith, its getting better. BH1
You guys are not looking at the effect of the Nature Fakers and Greenies influencing the future of hunting.

In per the original is going to SUCK!

Bringing turkeys, a non native species, to California isn't viewed as a good thing by everyone either. I wish they would bring some whitetail deer. Our lions need some variety.

And as to opportunities being better now than 20 years ago......that is a matter of opinion. Certainly not mine.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-09 AT 05:42PM (MST)[p]I agree nickman. I'll take 20 years ago (in CA, especially) in a heart beat.



Edit: I should clarify, based on my own experience, in my little corner of the world. In many areas, hunting is better now for the reasons stated, and I don't mean to belittle anyones opinion.

Back 20 (or more) years ago the waterfowl hunting was fantastic. Then came the expansion of the Refuge system form the Oregon border down to Imperial Valley. Now the birds just refuge hop on their migration south. Some private land around the refuges can be good but is usually reserved for the wealthy.

Twenty years ago (or more) there was lots of logging on National Forest land and blacktails were thick. Quail, grouse, and pigeons had plenty of habitat, and hunting was great. Now very little logging is allowed and it's turning into a vast wasteland of thick brush and trees. You can't even see into it much less hunt it. Now fire is the hunters only help.

Add the mountain lion problem in CA and it looks pretty bleak for the average public land CA hunter.

There are pockets of good hunting still, but they are harder to find every year. And I'll keep after it for as long as I can.

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