Hunting Goals



A Super Slam, Grand Slam, 400 inch bull, 200 inch buck...

All of the above items are in my bucket list (real or imaginary at least). A couple years ago I decided that in my annual quest to kill a big bull or buck I also wanted to accomplish the following:

Take 3 Species (elk, deer, antelope) with 3 different weapons (rifle, muzzleloader, bow) for a total of 9 animals (for those who can't do math).

Part of my inspiration has come from wanting to be proficient in all three weapons. (As opposed to a Shockey who I believe only hunts with a muzz, Hanes who I know only hunts with a bow, and nameless Utards who only hunt with 1,000 yard rifles).

The best moniker I've come up with so far for my own little club is the "Nifty Nine". I'm open to suggestions on a new name, but please be warned I may trademark the current or any new and improved name in order to license it out and collect royalties from all that free-flowing hunting industry money. (All royalties will be used to finance additional hunts.)

I took an antelope with my Omega last year, and currently now have 6 down and 3 to go (all with a bow). I hope to close-out or at least continue to make good progress with the last 3 in 2011. I've had several opportunities to take an elk or deer with my bow, but have yet to get my first archery kill. I'd rather hold out for a "representative" animal than kill spike or a 2-pointer. This doesn't mean I'm holding out for a trophy caliber animal- at least in a general hunting unit.

Once I complete the "Nifty Nine" I may expand it a species to include moose. I have one down (rifle) and another tag due in about 2-3 years. If I complete that cycle, well, the opportunities are limitless. You could continue to expand and add species, or start over with different levels of difficulty (all species with minimum B&C or P&Y scores, etc.)

Anyway, finishing out the above 9 is my current goal. I am a firm believer that your chance of reaching your goals is easier if you write them down- their even more doable if you make them public.

Comments, suggestions? Care to share your own hunting goal?
Pretty sweet idea Green_Bronco. My goals are less lofty, or maybe moreso, depending on how you look at it...

I'd like to take at least a 170" buck in each of the following states: UT, NV, CO, WY, and ID.
I'd also like to take a 330" bull in at least UT, and if possible, NV, NM and AZ.
And a moose from UT.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
My goal is pretty more selective on what I shoot. I have not taken a mule deer that scores more than 150. I have only hunted WY and NV (don't get me going on my NV hunt, very disappointing hunt). Of the 15 or so antelope I've shot, none of them will go more than 68 inches. I'm definately not a trophy hunter but now that I'm almost 40 and look back on my 28 year hunting career, to not have a deer that is over 150 is disappointing a bit. This is my best deer to date.


Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Colorado Rocky Mt Big Horn.
Colorado Bull Moose
That would complete Colorado Big 10.
Another 350+ BULL
200+ buck
A big tom for the wife without dogs, she will pay the taxi.
She hates the taxi on the only lion I have mounted.
100 inch Coues?. I only get the chance every 7 or 8 years now. 10% NR cap
Interior Alaska grizzly maybe 2012? If I don't draw anything good down here.
I'm at 28 or 29 years for the Rocky tag.
2011 is the 24th year of Colo moose being available. I haven't missed one.
The fact is COLO Moose and sheep are NEVER in a life time, for a lot of the 2011 applicants.
That is Just a mathematical fact.
Bronc thanks for making me write them down!
Getting back to the pick-up without having a heart-attack if I'm walkin' and not a horse-back..
We are pretty much at the mercy of the draw god's.....

So if I draw I really have gotten away from the pressure for score and more into the travel safe to and fo, be safe on the mountain and think, hunter smart not necessarly longer and when it is all over and I am back home...

My goal is to be happy with the experience and new knowledge a unit and species and to be content with my harvest or to be content that I did my best if I did not harvest.

My best hunting days are behind me, i know that well. The only goal that i can think of that i have yet to meet is taking a certified Boone and Crockett Muley buck and a Billfish on a flyrod.

Now, i just hope to hang on long enough to hunt out any tags that i may draw. It sucks to not be in the best of health but as it is, that's OK. I live for the next "hunt" and say it as i see it now as there may not be another chance!

This year I completed one of my goals which was to shoot a 300"+ elk with my bull from New Mexico that grossed 310" and netted just a smidge over 300".

Last year I completed another goal which was to shoot a 180"+ mule deer with a nontypical muley from New Mexico that grossed just a tiny bit over that mark.

Both of those are going to end up on my wall as shoulder mounts. I would like to shoot a 360" elk and a 180", and I'm going to continue to hunt for both as often as I can, but I am okay if I never do.

I would like to shoot a Pronghorn worthy of a shoulder mount, my largest is a 72"er from Montana that I'm proud of, but would like to shoot something a little larger for the wall.

I would also like to shoot a 140"+ whitetail on my place here in Texas. That would end up on my wall as a shoulder mount too.

My biggest goal right now is to go on a mountain goat hunt with a tag in my pocket.

Shooting a goat would be a bonus, but I really am set on going on a goat hunt and being in shape to actually do the hunt justice.

If I don't draw a tag in the next few years I'll spring for a guided Moose/Goat combo hunt in Canada in 2014 or 2015.
I have three main goals...

350+ bull elk
180+ mule deer
A good shiras moose

In the future goals

Alaska caribou and moose
I just wanna hunt and enjoy it with my family and friends. I am a pretty simple man.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I have not hunted much out of Nevada. I have taken 3 cow elk with my muzzle loader, a handful of deer with a rifle, and two mountain lions over my hounds. My main goal now is to get an antelope, a black bear over my hounds (hopefully in NV), a deer with my muzzle loader, and a sheep. I should be able to get an antelope tag this year, and who knows on the black bear tag, but there are plans to go to California if I can't get a tag here. I also have my sights set on one particular tom mountain lion that has been eluding me for two winters now that I would like to get a crack at again.

That's it for now.
Completed my big item bucket list in 2007: the Grand Slam.

Now my goals are more like tailchaser's: to hunt with my family (my daughter is 12, so I'm looking forward to this fall!).
The niffty nine is kind of cool.... good luck in your pursuit!

My MAIN goal was the same as Mr.Dwalton's, The Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep, fulfilling this dream in 2003 (#1121). I have also been lucky enough to have accomplished many of the things you guy listed as your goals.

My goals have now shifted to my kids.
I have a daughter who has a desert ram and booked for dall, she'll draw a rocky (hopefully while I'm still alive) and she's saving for a stone.
My son should draw desert this year or next and should have a rocky in the next 6 or 8 years-ish. He'd better start saving for the stone.

As for me, I still LOVE to "put 'em down" so I have some goals for me too. BUT, I don't have a specific number or type of animals that must be killed to fill an arbitrary list.

Lots will depend on how the "draw Gods" smile on me. Otherwise I'll be content to harvest mediocre animals and hang with the family.

Good luck to you all,
A Desert Mule Deer to finish off the 6 species of North American deer.
A mountain goat.
A caribou.
A 160"+ Whitetail.
A 170"+ Muley.
A 350"+ Elk.
An archery bull elk.
A moose.

Mine is to shoot a buck antelope in every western state
(except Cali,)
So far I have done.
Arizona,Colorado,New Mexico,Utah and Wyoming.
My goal is to kill a bigger buck than my three son's have. So far I am 0/3. At least I get to be along for the ride with them which is pretty nice, but I need some braggin rights in my own home.
I have always wanted to get each of the big game species in Utah with my Bow. Mathematically it wont happen as I wont live long enough to draw each of the OIL species but I can try!!

To raise it a notch I would like each animal to make P&Y.

And finally I want an Archery elk that nets 350+.

Last year my "goals" changed a bit. My son turned 12 and I want to help him experience hunting to its fullest.

Good luck to each of you in your goals!
I obviously don't hunt as much as several of the guys posting up their goals. I would like to make the most of the opportunities I get. Early on my goals were an over 24" mature muley to mount on the wall as well as a mature 6x6 bull elk for the wall. As a Utah resident rocky mountain goat has been my choice of OIL tag for the last 11 years. I hope to make the most of that hunt with a 47" plus billy if and when I get the chance to hunt.

My muley goal was met two years ago with a 196 5/8" 5x6 that I shot on the muzzy hunt. My new muley goal is a mature symmetrical 4x4. Of course I won't be passing anything as good as the one I got for the 4x4.

I was quite disappointed last year when I had a chance to hunt elk. I had a good tag and almost went skunked. I thought for sure I would reach my mature 6x6 elk goal, but ended up with a 5x6 that doesn't score well. I learned a lot and had a good experience but the 2010 rut was hard. At least I kept my 11 bonus points and hope to get another crack at it.

I've recently added a mature buck antelope to my goals. A wyoming antelope hunt will be my first venture out of the state for big game.

Best of luck to everyone on their goals.
My goals have changed over the years. Until just recently my goals were to hunt as much as possible with my son and daughter before they left home. Last september they both left the nest and I lost my best hunting buddies. I also lost my desire to go on road trip hunts because I was alone. So, to get out of that funk I called a friend and asked if he wanted to go on a DIY NZ hunt, he asked when, and we'll be leaving the 12th.
I'm not wealthy but I'm thrifty. A big part of hunting starts with the planning/investigating. I haven't even left yet and I'm planning on going back again and again. I'm a full-time taxidermist and it's hard for me to get away during our North American hunting seasons, so a trip down under is tailored for me. Plus I can get away from our 100* weather.
Oh, and of course draw a premium tag in the west.
My goal right now is a DIY Trophy Mule Deer!!
160 is my personal best so far.
Future goals are trophy:
Elk, Whitetail, Pronghorn, Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat
I just like to hunt. So have a good time and good luck!!
1.Get my dad a big mulie, a caribou and a moose over 50".
2.Have all 3 of my daughters be successful in one season(probably won't happen cause the oldest doesn't want to hunt :-(
3.Complete the super slam.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
1. Mount the first deer that my wife shoots no matter how big.. or small it is.

2. 6 point elk with my bow on an OTC tag in Northern Utah.

3. 350+ bull with my bow if i ever draw a LE tag.

4. Break the 200" mark on a typical Muley thats over 30 wide.

5. Shoot an antelope in the high 70's

6. Shoot a mature shiras and yukon moose in the same year.

7. Not to forget my family in any of this. I hope to not only bring my wife on all of these adventures but to have her hunting beside me with a tag in hand as well.

8. Big Tom lion thats bigger than me. (just for the picture's sake)

I'd also like to save up enough money to take my dad on a trophy mule deer hunt somewhere that he will shoot a 180+ buck.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
as i have gotton older,my goals changed from filling the freezer to only harvesting mature mulies and blacktails,i now have 11 blacktails,and 12 mule deer with shoulder mounts,all are mature animals,all the blacktails from calif,and the mulies from se idaho,and 1 from colorado,my 18 yr old son who has killed 2 mature mulies and 3 mature blacktails,is as picky as i am at 50yrs.his motto is it better be big or its tag soup,this is a choice he has made for himself.
My goals:

1) To see my son take his 1st game animal

2) To make every hunt with my son a memorable experience

3) To draw a coveted Utah LE buck tag

4) To return to the San Juan, Elk Ridge one more time

5) To enjoy all the memories of past hunts, especially of
my youth and to remember my beloved father who began my
love for the outdoors. Love you Dad.

My 2011 goals:

1. Two 170"+ mule deer
2. One 120"+ blacktail
3. One 265"+ roosevelt bull
4. One 75"+ antelope
5. Spend some time hunting with with buddies and old man.

I'm pretty much a mule deer guy. I'd like to get a 200 incher (then another, and another). But I like seeing them, too. So I could do camera hunting and be pretty happy seeing some real studs.

Like Tomichi, I'd ilke to whack a big lion without dogs.

I'm getting older, too. But my desire to hunt has not diminished at all.

Good luck to everyone; hope you all reach your goals.
My goals for hunting are simple. Stay upright,healthy, hiking and outside as long as possible. As you get older, you never know. In the past, I haven't done well drawing limited quota tags. I am happy being a DIY foot soldier on public land usually during general seasons. Success for me comes from persistence.I have a big enough muley buck for me (185 B&C typical). I have taken a few 320 B&C elk.I have 10 preference points for moose and may get the tag this year. I have the same number for sheep, but my guess is it will never happen.
I need to add to my previous post.
It's a goal but I'll survive if it don't happen.
I've already taken a B&C Tule Elk so I'd like to tag a B&C Rosie & Rocky.
Also, I've already taken an Ocellated Turkey, a Gould's, a Rio and a Merriam's. So naturally I'd like to get the Eastern and Oceola.

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