hunting business


Active Member
do any of you guys start hunting businesses of some type to get the tax write offs.(Even if you plan on not making $) I have been thinking about what to start so I can write everything off. I think that is legal?
This is one of the most obscene posts I've seen on this forum. Sheeeesh.

First, you come on here trying to make a name for yourself cuz another greedy magazine editor chose to publish your article about a mediocre buck in order to make not-hard-earned dollars. Hype ya don't have to actually earn it. Sheeeesh. you are......not surprisingly.......trying to find a way to work the taxpaying system as much as humanly that you can gain without getting put in jail. And asking for advice, no less.

You were raised poorly. You are what is wrong with America.

I didn't agree with Twodogs when he ripped on ya for posting your buck. I hope some day I can post a buck like that as well.

However, I do agree with him for rippin on ya for this post.

I don't like paying taxes any more than the next guy and I don't agree with a lot of the taxes that are out there, but I think we live in the greatest country in the world and if we want it to continue to be the greatest country in the world then we all have to do our part.

Just cause we have a bunch of free loaders in our country illegally benefiting from the taxes we pay doesn't mean it is OK for us to not pay them.

Just because there are a lot of others out there trying to avoid paying their taxes doesn't make it right for us to do so as well.

I have a friend that came into this country, legally, and became a citizen. I was complaining to him one day about paying taxes and he got mad at me. He told me that I better appreciate what I have and be willing to pay my taxes because this is the greatest country in the world.

I think sometimes we forget what we have in comparison to other countries. I think we forget about the freedoms we all enjoy that others do not.

K - I am done now. Just my 2 cents.
This is how it generally goes in a nutshell.

IRS allows write-offs of valid business expenses up to only the extent of business earnings if they suspect you have a hobby. For example, do you only work in the hunting business and do so fulltime?

Now, if IRS agrees your business is not a hobby then you can incur losses to write off against any income (dividends from your stock, rental income from building you own, wages) but if your have business losses for 5 years you are again looked at by IRS since few people keep at a business where lose money every year.

So, come up with idea that makes money that requires you to have special tools (guns, ATVs) and take trips to promote the business (hunts) and you are golden. Otherwise, you will most likely not benefit much by attempting to write-off hunting expenditures.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-10 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]"do any of you guys start hunting businesses of some type to get the tax write offs.(Even if you plan on not making $)"

As stated, you can't do what you ask. Unless I am misunderstanding you, that would not be legal or ethical.

Good post Outdoors.

Hey, I pay over 50% of what I make to the government, and If I could find a way to "write off" some more legitimate expenses I would. However, as stated, you have to have a legitimate "business" that makes money the majority of the time. In a legitimate business, you also have to spend a dollar to write off 30-40 cents, NOT a good investment.

That said if you can take a tax deduction on things you are going to spend anyway, you might come out ahead, but you can't just take a hobby, call it a business, and take deductions. A business HAS to make money the majority of years. Your post leaves a lot to the imagination as to what you are really asking.

An example of a legitimate business: Elknut productions. He lives and breathes hunting, and makes a product for profit, so he should be able to take hunting expense deductions (up to a point).

Another example: Aspenplace outfitters: a friend of mine who has had a cabin in Southwest CO for years and has taken lots of friends hunting and fishing every year has now moved up there, gotten an outfitters license and gone into the outfitting business. He has truly taken something he was doing already, created a legitimate business for profit, and can now write off expenses.

From time to time, I too have entertained the idea of trying to create a hunting "business" but I always come back to the same thing: Do I want to take something sacred that allows me to escape from "work" and turn it into work? The answer is always a resounding NO.

But hey, for someone who can find something he loves doing and actually turn a profit at it, I have no problem (nor will the IRS) with him taking tax deductions.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Most of the time I don't agree with 2dogs comments either but this time I totally agree.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Does anyone not remember a buisiness that did just that not too long ago, i wont say the name here. It was legal, the owners however wernt.


has anyone seen my kittie
Thats what i was talking about you want to know what happened pm me, but i wont post on here


has anyone seen my kittie
If you can find a way to make your business pay you to hunt More power to ya. I believe Mossback has the dream job. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Slghtly off-topic but:

Why is there so much animosity toward Garth Carter and his business??? Here are the facts as I know them:

1)He had an idea and started in the hunting business many years ago;

2)His business has grown by leaps and bounds primarily because he has continued to have new ideas and has worked very hard; and

3)Unlike others whom we are all familiar with,he does NOT use his influence to redirect wildlife resources or tag allocations.In other words,tax dollars are not redirected for his benefit.

I don't agree with 100% of what he does either i.e. influence drawing odds but guess what? As long as he's not using public resources,I can either like it or lump it and vote with my pocketbook.If Garth sells enough $100 memberships and $50 raffle tickets to be a millionaire and go on great hunts what do you care? He's producing the magazine and he's providing the hunts.Sounds like America to me.Alot of you haters are just full of petty jealousy.

P.S.I have zero affiliation with Garth Carter and family.Never met or spoken with any of 'em.

P.S.S. Twodogs you are an *** pure and simple-running others down for no reason other than for whatever sick pleasure you derive from it. The only thing wrong with the man's buck you insult is that you didn't kill it so you gotta hate on it. Just like a fat 4th grade bully who will never amount to squat.
Are you serious cbeard? why is there so much animosity towards Garth Carter? So if I dislike what he has done to my hunting pleasure, passion or hobby, and I critisize that then Im just jealous? people like you are whats wrong with America, Im not jealous, I hate what he has done to my and my familys hunting recreation, get it? And I will never donate or be a member of RMEF, because they are promoting Carter, and I will run him down all I can, you know what? that sounds like America to me. Two dogs has it right. People like you and Garth are whats going to dismantle the American hunting model, oh well I guess thats just American, as you say.
> And I will never
>donate or be a member
>of RMEF, because they are
>promoting Carter,.

Please show me where the RMEF has EVER spent a dollar even remotely promoting Carter. Hasn't happened.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
It is kind of the other way around with RMEF and Carter, where Carter is paying for advertising, etc. However, the current set of articles in Bugle by Carter are getting pretty close to crossing the line.
I'm not a Carter fan, and I do support RMEF greatly. I was suprised by this partnership, because it does lend increasing credibility to Carter (not that he needs it). I understand the rationale (money), but it is important to choose your bed fellows wisely.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-10 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]You want to write your hunts off buy them thru a non-profit group like Sportman for Wildlife RMEF, SCI or MDF.
As far as paying taxes I wish I could pay more Just means you made more. Taxes in the US are like paying for the small blind or entry fee is the best poker game in the world. Can't find a lower tax rate in the world than living in good old Nevada USA.
As far as Hunting Fools supporting profit organizations so the owners can pay for their own hunts with your money just keep the money going their way and look at the great hunts they buy with Hunting Fools money and put in the magazines.

As an after thought you can write off expenses up to the amount you made by writing the article and pictures. I assume you got paid for your article and pictures. Surely you wouldn't just donate that so someone could sell 8,000 magazines and profit off your expense.
I have been with RMEF since the 80s, spent a few bucks along the way too. But when David Allen the CEO of RMEF and Carter buddied up, I had to call it quits,thats going too far in my book, why should I support an organization that is helping promote the single biggest thing that has changed my hunting for the worse? In a lot of ways, I don't like the direction that this sport is going, but every time you say anything, somebody claims your just jealous, or thats just America, what is it with people?
Rest assured Piper, alot of folks feel just the way you do about the direction were headed. It gets harder and harder to justify hunting to the non hunting majority as our heritage. The North American model of wildlife management is quickly eroding into the profit driven ranching/livestock model for wildlife management. Im dissapointed in the RMEF, but its not the only time.
NevHeadHntr I thought the same thing about writing off a conservation tag. According to my tax guy(he may be wrong too) you can only write off the face value of the tag/hunt. If it is a $1200 elk tag that you buy for $12,000 you can only legally write off $1200. I am sure there are many people that get away with with the full amount. I guess I need their tax guy.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-10 AT 10:24PM (MST)[p]I didn't steer this one, dudes. And I mean it. Gotta loooooove the similar beliefs, tho, LOLOLOL. I didn't say diddly about Carter's on this thread!

Got a nasty PM from Founder today.......says my days here are numbered. Can you believe it?? He owns this website, so he kinda gets to win......don't ya think? I really like Brian L.......great muley hunter.......great guy.....LOTS of patience. Tough business climate for him these days.

Personally, I think Founder enjoys some loooooong dormant emotion here......and renewed interest in some stimulating discussion. However, Founder also wears heat from the whiners. He's at the crossroads, here.

Sorry, this thread is hereby hijacked. least partially so.
My tax guy told me that you CAN't write off the face value of the tag, only everything over the amount. Example: Pay $12,000 for the tag, and it costs $1,200, you can write off $10,800. I'd be curious to see who is right.

It's all about the good times...
You know TwoDogs, you can post without being a total jerk. Sometimes saying nothing, is the best thing to say. Really man, I have no problem with you having an opinion, but I don't think you need to be so rude. I would hate to see this site reach the point where we all talk to each other the way you did earlier in this thread.
Differing opinions is one thing, debates are always fun, but just being a jerks to each other isn't fun or entertaining.

Brian Latturner
Ouch, Founder. I'm really hurt, partner. Honest. No one but you used the work Jerk.

I'm not rude......I'm stimulating. I'm not a destroyer of forums.....I'm a rejuvenation of 'em. Anger is an acceptable emotion in humans.....cuz it is one! Forums die every day cuz of lack of emotions.

Complaining of rudeness is a form of whining for wusses......stimulating is for big he-man trophy muley hunters. The nutting-up I've seen here lately is TERRIFICALLY exciting......and makes me actually want to click on some threads here. I can wear the heat I generate......cuz I'm a MAN......and others need to as well. I'm seeing some good emotions and opinions running around here lately, Brian. Good stuff interesting stuff, long-time-in-coming stuff.

I bet not too many hated the Colorado 21 - October muley thread I responded on. Ditto for the Colorado unit 10 elk thread. Been in contact with several sincere, reciprocating hunters. Shall we talk about Utah antelope next?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-10 AT 07:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-10 AT 07:28?AM (MST)

You are not stimulating or rejuvenating..... you are rude. You might be different in person, but here you come across as a very arrogant, and disrespectful individual. Just because you think it, doesn't mean you should say it... or in this case type it. If you tone it down a little and show a lot more respect to people in these threads (even it you don't agree with them) you wouldn't get beat up so bad. If you don't care if people hate you, or if founder boots you out, then by all means, keep acting like a disrespectful, rude, arrogant jerk.
>AT 07:29?AM (MST)

>AT 07:28?AM (MST)

>You are not stimulating or rejuvenating.....
>you are rude. You might
>be different in person, but
>here you come across as
>a very arrogant, and disrespectful
>individual. Just because you
>think it, doesn't mean you
>should say it... or in
>this case type it.
>If you tone it down
>a little and show a
>lot more respect to people
>in these threads (even it
>you don't agree with them)
>you wouldn't get beat up
>so bad. If you
>don't care if people hate
>you, or if founder boots
>you out, then by all
>means, keep acting like a
>disrespectful, rude, arrogant jerk.

.........or, you could preface your statement with, "in my opinion" which case, we would all know that you might be willing to accept someone else's opinion.

One thing I've learned as I go through life is that REAL men never have to say they are real men.

But bullies,wimps, and wannabes are constantly telling you what real men they are.Especially on the internet.
>.........or, you could preface your statement
>with, "in my opinion" which
>case, we would all know
>that you might be willing
>to accept someone else's opinion.

He wouldn't want to do that Nick because he wouldn't get the attention he is so desperately wants...
Back to kinda the topic, Garth doing what he does, or Team Mossback, Eastmans....before too long america is going to be like Europe Only the rich can afford to hunt. Just because RMEF supports Garth doesnt mean you shouldnt support them...its the animals that are loosing out.


has anyone seen my kittie
Moving right along!...............
One of the first steps you can take is to contact a manufacturer / distributor about becoming a "Pro Staff" rep.
You will be expected to "man the booth" at various shows and events, on your own time and expense! Usually in exchange, you will receive some of their products and be able to buy certain other products at their cost.
When you demonstrate the ability to bring business to the company, you may be hired on as a business rep, where you get paid for what you produce in sales. There are many reps in the hunting, sporting goods business that make six figure incomes each year. There are alot of outfitters that are hooked up as "Pro Staff" members and have to opportunity to present products to their clients, who then buy from the company that the outfitter is a "Pro" representative and he then will receive a bonus from said company.
Is all amounts to a "foot in the door"! Then it's up to you to work it from there!

Good luck!

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