Huntin' Songs


Does anybody out there in MM land know of any good singers or bands that sing hunting songs, preferably of the country persuation?
There is a song out there called the "Thirty point buck" don't know who sings it, some band from Wisconsin, but it's a good one.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-09 AT 09:00PM (MST)[p]Ted Nugent has an entire CD of hunting songs, but he isn't for everyone.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-09 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p],66497

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Gabe Miller sings "Big Bulls, Big Bucks" The song is on about all of Mossbacks DVDs You can buy a cd from their wesite I like that song.
I have a whole CD of hunting songs, can't remember who sings it. But some of the songs are titled Ridge Fire etc. I will look for the CD there is one on there about turkey hunting that I reall like. If I can find it I will send you a PM.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-09 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]Hey Southslope - I thought I was about the only one who had a Gabe Miller CD!

That is one of my favorite songs!

He is one of my wife's friends and he is a heck of a great guy. His dad Jack sang at our wedding reception.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Howie Damron...he sings the opening song for Bighorn Outdoors. I have one of his CD's and it's pretty good.

the thirty point buck is sung by bananas at large. still the biggest deer that ever walked " eight foot tall, weighed twelve thousand pounds". the best hunting song out there. ce61
That's funny ce61. 12,000 pounds of venison, Holy Cow that sounds like heaven providing it's one of those midwest corn feeders.
They had to shoot the turdy point buck with betty lou, a combination ak-57 ozzie radar tripple barrel double scoped heat seakin shot gun.

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