Hunters Shooting Dogs


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-05-11 AT 12:01PM (MST)[p]

The number of stray dogs has become such a health and safety problem in Pristina, Kosovo, that their city council has had to hire hunters to kill these wayward animals. Animal rights groups who initially refused to become involved in helping to resolve the problem are now howling in protest in the means by which these unwanted animals are being disposed of. I guess they too like us have their dipshit animal righties. What a joke when they profess to care about the well being of animals.

Eldorado, I have a friend who went to Alaska to be a State Trooper. He got a job up in Wainright. It's way up north on the Arctic Ocean. He was the only State Trooper in that small community.

They had a huge stray dog problem. The town came to him about it often. He decided he would hire one of the locals to be dog catcher. He paid the guy out of his own pocket because there was no budget for animal control. Plus he wanted to gain the trust of the town folks.

The guy he hired grabbed his 30-06, jumped on his 4 wheeler and road all over town shooting dogs. Even down Main Street.

I guess my buddy almost had a civil war on his hands. He had to fly down to Anchorage and explain a few things!

He stayed there for almost three years, and then moved back to CA and got a job driving truck.

Hell I use to hunt stray dogs every night at China Beach out west of Danang, Vietnam back in 1971/ buddy and I used M1 carbines and did good. Buddy shot at a running dog in the heavy equipment yard one evening and missed and shot a hole in a tire on a mobile crane in the yard. We both started laughing until I told him that old Langley is going to be pissed off.

Lots of stray dogs with rabies infected too...rally tough SOB to put done if you don't nail them in the head... a few times.

There is a real big problem out on the Navajo Reservation with wild dogs. Most of the ranchers that we run into when calling coyotes ask us to shoot them too.

One of my favorite sayings:
"If it don't have a collar, its a coyote!!"

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Teryitup said "If it don't have a collar, its a coyote!!"

I believe if it's not in your yard its a coyote.

What If it's a radio collar?....? ya it's still a coyote!
Pretty heartless to be goin out just shootin poor animals. One of my favorite sayins is "If you ain't gonna eat it, don't be shootin it!"

>There is a real big problem
>out on the Navajo Reservation
>with wild dogs. Most of
>the ranchers that we run
>into when calling coyotes ask
>us to shoot them too.
>One of my favorite sayings:
>"If it don't have a collar,
>its a coyote!!"
>Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean.
>Apologize to No One.
Heartless my a$$. I have fixed miles of fence because domestic dogs have ran cattle through it. I have shot alot of dogs because of this. Always tried to find the owner and warn them about it, sometimes it worked most times it did not. When you pay $1000.00 dollar vet bill to stitch a horse up from barb wire I have no problem shooting my neighbors dog.
Everyone that moves to country drags 3 junk cars out there, buys 2,3 dogs and a couple horses and don't take care of any of them.
And no I do not eat them either.
Back when i was a kid, people would drop their unwanted dogs out on the county road near our ranch/farm. I guess they felt good about abandoning their pets off where the rancher could use their cast off animal. In reality, all they were doing is giving us kids more targets.

Grandpa said, "every animal on this place has a job to do", he went on, "if it ain't needed or doesn't earn it's keep, it's got to go."

"Go" meaning, getting used as target practice. I never much cared for a few of Grandpa's rules and i didn't much care for shooting stray dogs...not always anyway. If people only knew!


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