Hunter's Prime


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LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 10:56PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 10:44?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 10:39?PM (MST)

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LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 10:31?PM (MST)

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LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 10:25?PM (MST)

So I've been wondering when a hunter's prime is. Surely older than an Nfl player's prime. Anyway I will post pics of the big game animals I have shot. Teens will be one category, then 20-29, 30-39 and so on.













I'm 33 years old, so I stopped there. Please feel free to post up your pictures.
I turned them for you (I'm retired and had some free time, lol) I got them in the right order, I think:)










id say here in Utah, a case and a half of bud and you can still drive(road hunt) your in your prime!!
That is a trick question, people start hunting at different ages, hunt different regions of the country at different ages, have goals that different from others which also change due to age, kids, family, unit, season, weather etc... Don't forget the god ol' "luck" factor too...

For the sake of discussion, saying a hunter grew up out west and started hunting at 12 and hunted till they were 75, I would say a hunters prime would be in late 30's to early 40's. Reason is many years of experience, many animals harvested (willing to wait for trophy) and their kids are getting to the age of tagging along or being left alone at home allowing for extended hunting/scouting times. Mean while they are still young enough to hunt all day, multiple days in a row while putting many miles on their boots.
I am 36 and thinking my best chances of taking trophy animals will be in the next 10-15 years of my life for the reasons stated above. Almost forgot, at this age people generally are in a job that allows for extra money to be spent on hunting too.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
Nice collection of animals.

As for prime... in what way? Physical ability, drive, skill?
My dad is 77 and still hunts elk every year. While physically he is slowing down his drive is way above mine. I have to rein him in every year to keep him from over doing it.
I've talked about this with many of my buddies. I'm 56 and still in decent shape. The goal of every middle aged man is to EXTEND his prime for as long as he can.

I've been building lots of points in many states for a while, and its time to start using them while we're still mostly in our prime.
I'm not sure what the definition of Prime is, in this thread. Prime may be different to each of us. Is prime based on ones ability to harvest an animal, Or is it the feeling you get from the experience of the hunt. I think I am more connected to the sport now than I have ever been, I cant do a lot of the things I used to do in years passed. It takes me more time to get to my old haunts than it did 15 years ago or so. But it means more to me know when I do get there. Is Denny in his prime now that he affords animals, or when he had to do it on his own with OTC tags...If he ever did I don't know. I look back on the last hunt I had with my dad. We ate tag soup that year, He was old and couldn't hardly walk more than a few hundred yards at a time. He shot 2 rolls of film in 5 days. I watched him, while his rifle was leaning against a tree take pictures of a fair buck, and let it walk away. I cant ever remember asking him when he thought his prime was. But if I had ask him that day I bet his answer would have been "im in my prime now". Every year I am on the mountain hunting, Im in my prime.
There are plenty of definitions of "Prime". A restored Model A can be in "Prime" condition if cared for correctly.
With that in mind, I am 65 years old. My left knee has been replaced twice, but I still hike pretty much wherever I want. I love hunting as much as I ever have, so I am working out every day to be able to keep doing it. I kill less animals but I kill better ones. Until 4 years ago, I had never killed a "book" animal but three of the last 4 I have taken, fall in that category. That's not because I am a better hunter now, but rather I have waited my turn for good permits and better opportunities. Luck has also been on my side.
My goal is to extend my "prime" because as far as I am concerned, like Stonefly's father, I am still in it.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-14 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]yeah, tough question. i do think that from my experience the younger guys just dont have the experience or time in the field, enough failures to be in their prime. i also think they have too much energy and dont have the patience.

Im now in my 40s and i dont quite have the drive that i once did, even tho 'i think' i know what it takes to get it done and harvest good animals every year.

if i had to put a number on it i would have to say mid 30s would be prime, but everyones will be different.

At 33 years of age you're still a pup and have no concept of what prime is... but you'll know it when it starts to slip! LOL

There is really no "prime" for me in hunting since I don't hunt with a "timer". Otherwise it would be called "speed-hunting". I still have the "drive" and the strength to do something about it.

Adapt or die!

Look at it this way:
Can you out-run me? Yes
Can you out-hike me? yes
Can you out-pack me? yes
Can you out-shoot me? no
Can you out-plan me? no
Can you out-hunt me? no
Can you out-spend me? no
Still looks pretty even, huh?

May your next 3 decades be as blessed (and productive) as mine on my journey to to be that much older than you.

>Zeke u were 33 just a
>few yrs back! :D Time
>flys.....soak up every second!

Amen brother, amen!
A few SHORT years ago.
Haha, thanks zeke. Really I was just hoping to see pictures of animals taken through decades by other hunters. You know I just might be able to whoop your ass in some of those other categories as well, except for the spending part. :)
>Haha, thanks zeke. Really I was
>just hoping to see pictures
>of animals taken through decades
>by other hunters. You know
>I just might be able
>to whoop your ass in
>some of those other categories
>as well, except for the
>spending part. :)

Wager? LOL

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