Hunters Beware



A man by the name of Dan Herrera DBA Trophy Chasers is as dishonest as they come. He sold me a aoudad hunt representing outbackoutfitters in west texas,while trying to choose hunt dates with billy jackson I was informed my deposit was never received. Also he sold 5 other gentlemen trophy mule deer hunts with billy jackson and that deposit was never received, total $9000.00. Dan Herrera will not answer phone calls, emails, text messaging nothing. Charges will be filed on monday 11-28-11 in the state of texas. Many of these hunts are sold on ebay. If anyone has experience with this kind of dishonesty please reply.
Ebay has been notified and has shut that avenue down.
You paid to shoot a domestic sheep in a fenced pen on Ebay and it didnt work out?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-11 AT 00:46AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-11 AT 00:46?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-11 AT 00:40?AM (MST)

>You paid to shoot a domestic
>sheep in a fenced pen
>on Ebay and it didnt
>work out?

Wow!!! The man is having a real issue and trying to prevent the same thing from happening to others. The best thing you can do is make an ignorant and pathetic statement?!?!?!

They run wild in west Texas, BTW.
+100 Z,
sick and tired of the negative comments for no reason what so ever on all of these websites.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
So guy(part of the hunting scene) steals from another hunter and all you have to say is a comment about the type of hunt it was,Now if it happens to you and everyone stood by,Wake the hell up this, why this country is going to the dogs, ME ME thing suck a big one. Fricken Jackwagons.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I believe me and the wife along with a few others had dinner with dan last year after the expo down in salt lake.

Thats too bad he is dishonest like that. Hope you can nail him so he dont screw nobody else.
Holy crap, you pissed gator off! Wow.....

>You paid to shoot a domestic
>sheep in a fenced pen
>on Ebay and it didnt
>work out?

Talk about ignorant. Do you even know what an aoudad is? Basically a Moutain goat like critter. I have personally seen one clear an 8 ft fence and have heard from reliable sources that they can "climb" out of a high fence by using a corner in the fence. The hunt was sold as a free range hunt on a 250,000 acre ranch in west Texas.

You owe him an apology. Are you man enough?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-11 AT 02:15PM (MST)[p]this is the second time i heard this about him, he's all over the internet dating back to 2007 sad part is he only has to file BRuptcy, don't he advertise here?...
Don't we hear about this guy every year? I'm sorry you lost your bankroll, and I'm also sorry that some people are jackasses!
>Don't we hear about this guy
>every year?

I think last year he actually came on here trying to save

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-11 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]If he paid the guy mentioned its a high fence hunt,this particular POS has been ripping off people for years 3 min on google would have made that obvious,audad are just goats with longer horns,dont try t make it sound like hes paying to hunt mountain goat in Alberta.You paid a guy who is a notorious rip off artist to shoot domestic goats over a feeder,you didnt miss anything.I remember this same story back in 2007 and every year since,do some research before you book your next livestock shoot.
>AT 07:49?PM (MST)

>If he paid the guy mentioned
>its a high fence hunt,this
>particular POS has been ripping
>off people for years 3
>min on google would have
>made that obvious,audad are just
>goats with longer horns,dont try
>t make it sound like
>hes paying to hunt mountain
>goat in Alberta.You paid a
>guy who is a notorious
>rip off artist to shoot
>domestic goats over a feeder,you
>didnt miss anything.I remember this
>same story back in 2007
>and every year since,do some
>research before you book your
>next livestock shoot.

So you mean to tell me the aoudad sheep in New Mexico and Texas are all high fence? I am also guessing you think the ibex and oryx are the same. Hope I never see you post up with an exotic kill. ;)
Bought my first NM LO tag from Dan. He always answered my phone calls, before and after the hunt. I've heard lots of bad things however and have since purchased tags from another party.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-11 AT 06:50AM (MST)[p]Here is the advertisement for the hunt:

So you can accuse him of being naive and being a sucker (of course you are being a horses patut even then if you do) but you can't accuse him of trying to buy a canned/high fence hunt for tame animals.

You can also say that the Aoudad is not native to Texas and was imported, but you can't say that a hunt on a ranch that big in the Glass mountains of Texas is canned/high fence hunt.

I love guys who won't admit they are wrong even when shown the evidence. They just keep digging their own grave.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
typical 10, so sorry to heard about your misfortune. Thanks for being man enough to post your story to help others.

Thanks again Joe.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
"Hope I never see you post up with an exotic kill. ;) "

If you do it was killed on the continent of Africa
Thanks for the intel, was considering buying a scouting package from him, but I'll just save my $100. Thanks!
>"Hope I never see you post
>up with an exotic kill.
>;) "
>If you do it was killed
>on the continent of Africa

You do realize most hunting concensions in Africa are high fenced, right?
read the forum posted in 15 by Mtshezdedz---this is exactly what Dan Herrera did to me and he was certainly dishonest! good luck---
MTSHEDHEDZ, obviously you have never hunted Aoudad/Barbary sheep.

Funny to watch a guy step on his d!ck and still try to defend himself.
"Funny to watch a guy step on his d!ck and still try to defend himself."

Second that, Paul.

Kudos to the other guy for coming on here to warn others. I think that's some useful info.
>So guy(part of the hunting scene)
>steals from another hunter and
>all you have to say
>is a comment about the
>type of hunt it was,Now
>if it happens to you
>and everyone stood by,Wake the
>hell up this, why this
>country is going to the
>dogs, ME ME thing suck
>a big one. Fricken Jackwagons.

Very true! No matter what the hunt was for, your overlooking the problem. If what is being posted is accurate then the guys is a dirt bag.

"MTSHEDHEDZ, obviously you have never hunted Aoudad/Barbary sheep."

Obviously you have and your trying to make it sound like its actually "hunting".Ive been on a Texas ranch that offered these hunts,near Mountian Home,and seen these "wild" sheep,there was nothing wild about them,they are dependent on feeders and water sources that make them an easy target.I could turn loose a couple head of sheep and goats up here on our place for you if you are looking for more of a challenge.The suffolk sheep get really "wild" after a couple weeks in the field.

Back to the thread topic...
How does a guy like this that has been ripping people off for 20 years stay in buisness?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11 AT 03:05PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11 AT 03:05?PM (MST)

>"MTSHEDHEDZ, obviously you have never hunted
>Aoudad/Barbary sheep."
>Obviously you have and your trying
>to make it sound like
>its actually "hunting".Ive been on
>a Texas ranch that offered
>these hunts,near Mountian Home,and seen
>these "wild" sheep,there was nothing
>wild about them,they are dependent
>on feeders and water sources
>that make them an easy
>target.I could turn loose a
>couple head of sheep and
>goats up here on our
>place for you if you
>are looking for more of
>a challenge.The suffolk sheep get
>really "wild" after a couple
>weeks in the field.
>Back to the thread topic...
>How does a guy like this
>that has been ripping people
>off for 20 years stay
>in buisness?

So you're comparing a game ranch in Mt Home to wild aoudad in west Texas??? Its very obvious you don't know what you are talking about.
OK ur right,they are wild and dangerous,they rank right up there with a kodiak Island brown bear hunt with a bow.Im suprised there arnt more people hunting them.
>AT 04:38?PM (MST)

>OK ur right,they are wild and
>dangerous,they rank right up there
>with a kodiak Island brown
>bear hunt with a bow.Im
>suprised there arnt more people
>hunting them.


I want to see you go hunt one.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about if you're calling those sheep hunts out in West Texas a piece of cake! The sheep you're talking about in the hill country around Kerrville are on highfenced properties that are like you said, but there is a big difference in hunting them there with feeders, etc. and the wild ones out on hundreds of thousands of acres in West Texas!
MTSHEDHEDZ: Do yourself a big favor and put in for the NM DIY Public Land Units 29-30 (right on the border of TX) this upcoming year. See page 49 of; the deadline to apply is March 28. If you draw, they'll give you the entire month of February to find one of those beasts. It'll be a challenging & fun hunt, and my guess is the experience will probably change your attitude some about these "goats"...

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