Hunters Always Portrayed Bad In Cartoons


I did not really notice this until i had a son old enough to watch a lot of cartoons. But it seems like every cartoon that has hunters in it, makes us out to be a bunch of back woods hillbillies that are blood thirsty bambi killers. For example the movies Open Season, Bambi and The fox and the hound. I was just wondering peoples opinion on this. Do you think they want to deter young kids from wanting to hunt or is is all in good fun. And has anyone noticed it in other movies.
I have noticed it also, kinda bothers me. My little brother and I used to watch bambi with our pop guns in hand. We would always wait and shoot bambi's dad when he came out.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
It's not just cartoons. Johnny Carson used to depict hunters by putting a hat on upside down, doing his jacket up with the buttons misaligned and speaking as if he were mentally disabled.

Movies too!

Remember Doc Hollywood? Cute show with Michael J. Fox...but had a line in which the pretty girl said all hunters were either "too drunk or too stupid"....Crocodile Dundee had a "hunter" (drunk as possible) shooting at kangaroos in the dark and who was so dumb he believed the kangaroo had a gun and was shooting back.

It is epidemic and it is well-ingrained.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-10 AT 08:52PM (MST)[p]Disney and all mainstream animation is anti-hunting. I'm not a sponsor here so forgive me for a moment but I write and publish children's books about hunting/shooting. Both of my illustrators are Disney and former Disney artists. One of them worked on the latest Disney movie "Princess and the Frog". We will be putting our books on DVD "read-along" this year and the goal is to do animated movies based on the books. This will take time and money though as even a low budget animated movie costs millions to produce.

Sorry Brian I understand if you nuke this if you feel it's a violation, I just thought it related to the thread.

I remember the Doc Hollywood scene where the anti-hunter chick went around peeing near all the treestands to scare off the deer.
That is good to here Deadibob. I would be interested in those when you get those done. My wife does not really like me watching hunting shows with my boy until he gets a little older. WHich is understandable becasue he is only 2. But if i had some animated stuff about hunting and shooting then that would be pretty cool. Let me know how that turns out.
I bought a couple of the "Little Jake" books at the Sacramento ISE to read to my 2 year son and I want to say that he loves them. It's never too early to teach them about hunting in my opinion. We have Little Jake's Big Bowhunt, but his favorite is Little Jake and The Three Bears because Jake has a "shooting gun" as he calls it. These books put hunting in a respectable light.

I also feel that mainstream media tries to sway children away from hunting and I'm trying to make it a point to not let that happen to my son. He says when he's older he's gonna go hunting like daddy. I can't wait.

2 years old is not too young in my opinion. You got teach them that it's ok to hunt. This past duck season I brought some ducks home and my cousins 3 year daughter was over so I showed them to her and let her touch them. I found out that later that week all she talked about were those ducks.
Take those kids hunting! If we want to keep the hunting "race" going, were going to have to take every kid you know, out into the woods. Yes the movie industry is anti, Disney has been at the helm, ever since Bambie came out. Thanks,Brownie.
This is one of my pet peeves! My kids missed out on a few flicks growing up for this reason. Iron Giant is another movie that portayed hunting/ guns in a negative view, including the robot saying "Guns are bad" after watching two hunters shoot a buck. About made me flip my lid when I saw it. I then took it and tossed it in the trash.
It's a sorry state of affairs when you have to worry about you're children and children of others slowly being brainwashed by Hollywood. But it's always been there and it always will.
Rob I'm glad to hear your son likes the books. I'm actually in Reno this weekend doing the RMEF convention and meeting a lot of the same people from the Sacramento show. To me there is nothing better than watching a little guy/girl catch the hunting "fire". It takes me back to being a kid and everything about hunting seemed magical and larger than life.

A lot of people at the shows ask me what is a good age to let their kid start shooting or hunting. I believe there is no standard answer. All children are at different levels and there are always different circumstances so a parent needs to evaluate when is the best time for their kid to be introduced to the sport.

My daughter had a bow in her hand at the age of 3 and also went on hunts with me at that age. She had her first gun at 4. She has not been reckless like some boys can be prone to do and that's why I introduced her early. She is my best little hunting partner at the age of 7 and there's nothing better than being out with her.

I also have triplet boys who are now 4 and they are way gung ho but I'm taking it slower with them for several reasons. The first reason I'm going slower with them is for the safety factor. With 3 boys the same age I can't just turn them all loose with a bow or there will be serious accidents. Everything has to be done on a one on one basis for safety and that's difficult with triplets who all want to be in on the action at the same time.

Another reason I'm taking the boys along slower is because the longer you have to wait for something you really want to do, the more you will want to do it and the more love you will have for it when the time comes. Some people never do take to hunting no matter what but I'm trying to do everything I can to make sure these kids grow up to love it. I did get them all coyote calls a year ago and my wife hasn't forgiven me for that one yet. I can't wait to take these guys out hunting but at the same time it's hard to have that one on one time with triplets. But by the time I'm old they should be pretty good pack mules for me.

Enjoy that time with the kids because before we know it they'll be grown and gone.
Hey Rob,

I absolutely agree that it is never to young to get your son started into hunting. My boy and I make our own hunting videos at our house. We put on the Camo and we make a stock on his teddy bear and other animals and he shoots them with his rubber band gun. He loves to watch the videos we make. He always tells me he wants to go hunting with me when he is bigger. He also makes me be the deer or elk and he chases me down and pretend shoots me. You have never seen a prouder dad. I have watched some hunting shows with him, it just seems like he is little young to be watching real kill shots IMO. But is a few years we will be watching them all the time.


Hey Deadibob how can i get your books.
Amen Deadi, enjoy those kids while their there. I've got four sons, and I can't believe how fast they've grown and gone. One thing about it your right, they do make some pretty good pack mules, when they grow up. Thanks, Brownie. P.S. If you were at the RMEF show in Reno, you probably saw two of my boys today. They were they were in the middle of the day packing around my 9 month old grandaughter.
My niece is 5 years old and her parents do not hunt. I used to take her "hunting" in the jungle (Cane Thicket) until she watched bambi and started thinking it was mean to shoot things. Luckily that phase only lasted a few weeks but I can only imagine the effect it has on most kids long term .
Deadibob, will you be at the salt lake ise? I bought a book from you last year for my little girl who was still in the oven, I need to purchase the rest. its good to have books to teach them properly at a young age.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Deadi, I just want to say I bought the whole set for my boys and they absolutely love them. They read them all the time. My 6 year old boy memorized the entire Bowhunting one and presented it to his first grade class with a toy bow and props and everything. It is great to have a place to have kids learn the truth about hunting.

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
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Kawboy, I'm not sure on the ISE show, they get a good crowd but you have to deal with all those fishermen lol. I'm going to call them tomorrow and see what they have left for booth space. I've been driving all night from Reno. The elk convention was a pretty cool crowd I thought. I definitely prefer the pure hunting shows to the "sportsman expos".

Jason glad to hear your son likes the books. We're working on a girl series right now and the first title is called THE ELK PRINCESS.

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