
This is becoming big news here in oregon.
On some other websites this topic of ODFW making a rule change to make hunter orange manditory is starting a brush fire with some oregon hunters.
SO LETS HERE IT, do you care?
For me, Iv'e been thinking on it for a few days and I have decided that it should be a volintary thing, use it if you like, but you should not be forced into it by a silly rule.
Are we becoming a nanny state? I think the ODFW has no right to force rules on us without a popular vote from the people of the whole state.
I don't believe other states put their requirements to wear hunter orange out for a popular vote. That said it's already voluntary. The debate it's self is a tough one. I wonder if I'm better off being seen or better off not being seen. For the most part I like wearing the camo orange but don't care for the solid orange. Interestingly enough the orange has been valuable when bird hunting in sagebrush canyons. I have even seen examples where you picked up the orange on dog collars. It really stands out when you start to swing on a bird.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]I really don't think it is necessary. Plus, I will never wear orange. If your a hunter, you better know what the F*** your shooting at! Accidents happen, but when your looking through your scope and your not sure what your looking at and you go ahead and pull the trigger, or when your hunting and some animal is less than thirty yards away but your not sure what it is and you go ahead and stick it with your arrow.

If the state makes us wear orange, what's next for this tree hugging state. Can't use deer and elk calls or scents, just like they took hunting with dogs away.

And if it comes to a vote, it should be only hunters that buy hunting licenses are able to vote.
Just thinking about this hunter orange crap and how I will enjoy not wearing it and play "catch me if you can"!:)

Does anybody know or know how to get the statistics on the hunting related shootings and deaths? Was curious if the stats would show what season they occurred in and so on? Just wondering if more shootings came from doe hunts, or one deer hunts, and so on. Seems to me that if there was a point restriction with a stiffer penalty for the crime, people would be more apt to make sure it was a 3 point, or whatever restriction there is. Personally, it would not hurt my feelings to see those hunts go bye bye but that is just my opinion, but I can see where these accidents can happen with a hair tag because it doesn't matter whats on their head. Especially when you have someone who has tried to hunt bucks, failed, and instead of working harder and getting more knowledgeable with how to take an animal in the off season, they get a hair tag and go start blasting the brush. Don't mean to ruffle feathers too bad,,,,ok maybe a Hair :) ahhhh curiosity
Ya thanks Teeb, browsed through it before I posted. Lots of BS but not what I was looking for. Don't know if ODFW wants to even have that stat published. They may lose credibility on their hunter orange kick if the problem is within a certain series of hunts.
>It is always better to be
>unseen by the idiots, or
>they will shoot at you.

thats my logic, I try to skirt the idiots by wearing full camo during rifle season. If they think they must do this I think they should start with the either sex hunts where people shoot at anything that moves.
It doesn't matter what we think it's going to become law. it's not just about hunter safety but search and rescue as well. if it saves the taxpayer money by saving time finding someone dressed in neon orange rather than camo they have the right to demand it. kind of like the locators for the idiots who get stuck on Mt Hood we have to spend money to search for.

I don't like it and I feel like a neon sign when I hunt out of state and have to wear it. hunters there are used to it and really don't make a big deal out of it, since they kill more and bigger animals than we do every year I can't say as it really is a big deal myself.
I have worn a Orange camo vest my whole life and have not killed any less game because of it. I will continue to wear it regardless of what the state tells me to do. However, I do not like the idea of the any body telling "US" as free Americans what we have to do regardless of what it is from hunting to health care. I have been in a couple situations hunting upland birds when I wish the other guy's would wear at least a Orange hat. Sometimes your hunting shoulder high weeds and some guy's walking around in camo, or sometimes it is nice to be able to see a bird hunter off in the distance so I can go another direction. Either way it should be hunter choice...but, get used to wearing it because it's coming regarless of public out cry. HAWK
I agree Hawk, it should be hunter choice. The only time I wear orange is chukar hunting. My dog has a vest thats orange also mainly so I can see him. Other than that, it will stay hanging in the closet regardless of the law. Like said earlier, I like to be invisible to others so I don't get shot. Who says I can't go on a nature hike with my camos and my rifle. What classifies hunting? Just brought my rifle to protect myself against wolves while I look at all the pretty flowers! Besides, where I go I don't see anybody most of the time. One reason, more game. Two, less dumb@ss's

Another reason is there are so many people that don't know what they are doing and they will follow if they can see you. Oh, there must be elk down there! Happened two years ago in Montana. Didn't wear orange the rest of that trip. Also had this happen last year in Walla Walla but it was a dumb@ss pinpointing my gps location from my garmin. Garmin don't transmit signal anymore. Can't fix stupid but they can limit stupid in the field.
Oh come on guys! I think every hunter should have to wear it! I like to use other hunters movements to benefit me and my clients! (oh...I wont be wearing it, so you cant use this method on me);-)

Chris, kinda like Walla Walla Big bull hunt....500 orange vested spike hunters on EVERY ridge opening day....1) get rid of spike hunters hunting rudring big bull season, 2) Orange should be voluntary.
Pretty sad Bob! So much potential in this state, yet ODFStupid just keeps running it in the ground. I will stop there:) In a good mood, just drew my Steens tag!!!!
It's a long way from becoming law as it's been tabled and the only options left on that table are "no change" and "everybody", including Archery hunters.

This one is dead.
I went to the OHA meeting here in Medford last month, and the odfw had a open meeting on the hunter orange, a lot of people showed up and spoke there minds on both sides of the issue.
Many hunters seem to be totaly aganst any orange, while some agree that something should be changed.
MY take on all this is that,
ODFW has already taken a position for H.O.
ODFW is smiply going through the motions needed ( involving the public )
It's not going to matter what the hunters want or say, odfw has the final choice.
It's just a matter of which option to choose, #1- #2- OR MOST LIKLY #3 gg
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