Hunter Nation. Thoughts?


Long Time Member
No secret about how I feel about THE DON, or Chaffetz.

Not sure what to make of this, although my spidey senses always tingle when I see PEAY.

What about you all?

For once, at least for now, I don't have a strong opinion.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>No secret about how I feel
>about THE DON, or Chaffetz.
>Not sure what to make of
>this, although my spidey senses
>always tingle when I see
>What about you all?
>For once, at least for now,
>I don't have a strong
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Hey Hoss?

Do You Gamble in Utah?

Let me Re-F'N-Phrase that:

Do You Legally Gamble in TARDville?

It's the Mini POWER-BALL of Utah!

Somebody Will Win One Tag!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I Have Won Absolutely-F'N-Nothing Hoss in Many Years of Trying!

I'm Not Whining about it!

But what I Shoulda Done is Just Saved that $$$ & Went Somewhere at least Once!

You gotta Peay to Play!

You gotta Play to Win!

I've got the Same Luck in Bendover or Lost Wages!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> I Have Won Absolutely-F'N-Nothing
>Hoss in Many Years of
>I'm Not Whining about it!
>But what I Shoulda Done is
>Just Saved that $$$ &
>Went Somewhere at least Once!
>You gotta Peay to Play!
>You gotta Play to Win!
>I've got the Same Luck in
>Bendover or Lost Wages!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Ya but Wendover has Lee's discount liquor. You getting that here?

Wondering how long until this group needs either $350k or 200 tags.

Ill put the over under at 2 yrs

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hey Hoss!

You Remember a few Years back When I Said We Should Start Our Own Deal?

Well Here We F'N Sit!

We need to Start it & Start it now!

Can You Imagine the F'N Off We could Do about 50 Weeks out of the Year on Somebody-else Dime?

I Say Let's GIT-R-DONE!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
As popular as we are we could ask for donations to keep us off MM. We would be rolling


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Google it.

To me like when DP started the $fw, it sounds good, good idea, but....... we see where it ends up.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I've got no issue with them. I ain't never won a lottery or drawn a single tag anywhere. I gave them some bucks for their raffle. I know I won't win but I would like to see them spend it and see what direction they go.

The only problem I have with them is their close association to Trump Jr.. I actually don't mind Trump Jr. Seems like an alright fella. I don't mind Trump Sr. He was better than the other option. I kind of have a problem with people presenting an association between those two men which benefits hunters.

The fact is this Trump Sr. absolutely screwed hunters and hunting businesses in the international game and he doesn't give a flying flip what Jr. thinks. That was the one thing he turned into a cowering pansy over and it couldn't have happened at a worse time. Zinke was a total flop. USFWS is as bad or worse than they have ever been in opposition to hunters.

If Trump Jr. ever stated he has political ambitions and ambitions to fix USFWS when elected I would get more behind him. Right now he just has ideas and the same name as the pres. So I don't get my hopes up to high.

I know some of the other guys involved and I think they are motivated and serious.
>I've got no issue with them.
> I ain't never won
>a lottery or drawn a
>single tag anywhere. I
>gave them some bucks for
>their raffle. I know
>I won't win but I
>would like to see them
>spend it and see what
>direction they go.
>The only problem I have with
>them is their close association
>to Trump Jr.. I
>actually don't mind Trump Jr.
> Seems like an alright
>fella. I don't mind
>Trump Sr. He was
>better than the other option.
> I kind of have
>a problem with people presenting
>an association between those two
>men which benefits hunters.
>The fact is this Trump Sr.
>absolutely screwed hunters and hunting
>businesses in the international game
>and he doesn't give a
>flying flip what Jr. thinks.
> That was the one
>thing he turned into a
>cowering pansy over and it
>couldn't have happened at a
>worse time. Zinke was
>a total flop. USFWS
>is as bad or worse
>than they have ever been
>in opposition to hunters.
>If Trump Jr. ever stated he
>has political ambitions and ambitions
>to fix USFWS when elected
>I would get more behind
>him. Right now he
>just has ideas and the
>same name as the pres.
> So I don't get
>my hopes up to high.
>I know some of the other
>guys involved and I think
>they are motivated and serious.

My first instinct was to say of course you don't, WLH is involved.

Then I read the rest of your post and didn't necessarily disagree.

Reading about it made me feel like I do at a car dealership. You know your getting screwed, just not sure how bad.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm Tellin You Hoss!

It's Money!

We need to get in on it!

Before another Bunch does!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
"My first instinct was to say of course you don't, WLH is involved."

If WLH is involved I take notice. Great group of men there. I won't hide from that.

"Reading about it made me feel like I do at a car dealership. You know your getting screwed, just not sure how bad."

Hossblur, you think there is some magic org out there that does everything exactly how you would do it. It doesn't exist. I work and donate with a lot of different orgs. None of them do everything exactly like me. No problemo. I keep pushing for changes.

I think you should go start your own org. You obviously have plenty of time on your hands. You can make it the most transparent one ever. You can eject members you don't like. You can formulate ways to hurt women whenever you want. You can even have your own internet talk forum where as much hate as you like gets spewed day and night. I say go for it. I really do wish you much luck. Please go start a wildlife org. Pleeeeeeeeease.
>"My first instinct was to say
>of course you don't, WLH
>is involved."
>If WLH is involved I take
>notice. Great group of
>men there. I won't
>hide from that.
>"Reading about it made me feel
>like I do at a
>car dealership. You know your
>getting screwed, just not sure
>how bad."
>Hossblur, you think there is some
>magic org out there that
>does everything exactly how you
>would do it. It
>doesn't exist. I work
>and donate with a lot
>of different orgs. None
>of them do everything exactly
>like me. No problemo.
> I keep pushing for
>I think you should go start
>your own org. You
>obviously have plenty of time
>on your hands. You
>can make it the most
>transparent one ever. You
>can eject members you don't
>like. You can formulate
>ways to hurt women whenever
>you want. You can
>even have your own internet
>talk forum where as much
>hate as you like gets
>spewed day and night.
>I say go for it.
> I really do wish
>you much luck. Please
>go start a wildlife org.
> Pleeeeeeeeease.

I can't I have that felony you were going to expose. Guess ill wait for the Mueller report on that one.

There are a lot of great orgs.

Notice when I hit $fw, I almost never mention MDF who is a partner in the expo?

MDF does good work. And they show where the money went. They do what $fw has been "working" on for 12yrs.

I'm pretty specific on who and what. Don PEAY. Jason Chaffetz.

I asked a legit question. I may not agree with many of their board, or advisors but so what. Only one of them has turned creating orgs into a Buisness. The other is, Jason "I'm a hunter too" Chafettz.

But that one guy just keeps popping up. That one serial conservation org creator.

Truth is until I posted it you'd never heard of the group. I hadn't. It just started.

It will be funny to watch the "god and country" crowd(I think its mentioned 60 times in the team intro) get all giddy. Ill hold off on who the co founder is and all the libs he writes checks to and supports.

Like I said. I like the idea. I like that R and D can unite behind hunting and fishing. But I also liked the idea of $fw when it started. I've been wrong before.

So far they seem to be raising money by raffling donated hunts from private individuals. That's great. Ill put the over under on it staying that way at 2 yrs.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

You started this thread with

"Not sure what to make of this," and "For once, at least for now, I don't have a strong opinion."

13 posts later on this thread and you are already posting this.

"So far they seem to be raising money by raffling donated hunts from private individuals. That's great. Ill put the over under on it staying that way at 2 yrs."

Quit being two faced and just state what you want to state in your opener. The only thing more boring than a whiner is a nutless whiner.

Go start an org boy. Get after it. You can start one and make sure it's only for people who hate "god and country" since that disgusts you so much. You can start one that hurts women. Go start one where you don't even have to be a hunter because I'm pretty sure you aren't one. Get off your lazy whining butt and do something. I know you won't.

In the meantime I'm going to keep loving my "God and Country". I'm going to keep giving time, treasures, and talents to those who could use them.

I've got news for you slick. You ain't average. You've got a lot of work to do to make it up there.
>You started this thread with
>"Not sure what to make of
>this," and "For once, at
>least for now, I don't
>have a strong opinion."
>13 posts later on this thread
>and you are already posting
>"So far they seem to be
>raising money by raffling donated
>hunts from private individuals. That's
>great. Ill put the over
>under on it staying that
>way at 2 yrs."
>Quit being two faced and just
>state what you want to
>state in your opener.
>The only thing more boring
>than a whiner is a
>nutless whiner.
>Go start an org boy.
>Get after it. You
>can start one and make
>sure it's only for people
>who hate "god and country"
>since that disgusts you so
>much. You can start
>one that hurts women.
>Go start one where you
>don't even have to be
>a hunter because I'm pretty
>sure you aren't one.
>Get off your lazy whining
>butt and do something.
>I know you won't.
>In the meantime I'm going to
>keep loving my "God and
>Country". I'm going to
>keep giving time, treasures, and
>talents to those who could
>use them.
>I've got news for you slick.
> You ain't average.
>You've got a lot of
>work to do to make
>it up there.

I don't trust PEAY. I don't trust Chaffetz.

I like to listen to Waddell, but I quit watching outdoor tv years ago. I love kings camo, and support the he'll out of them, they are local. Nuggent is a carnival barker, but he does entertain. I like Craig Morgan music .

You should Google the other co-founder. I did I little reading last night. Check out who he writes checks to in Kansas. I don't really care, but a bunch of other dudes are going to chit diamonds.

I think trump jr hunting is a net positive. Even doing so in my state.

As long as they ain't sucking gov welfare tags, I don't care too much. But PEAY has yet to not tap gov handouts on any of the various orgs he's started(hint, more than 2).

I already told you genius. That felony your exposing keeps me from starting anything. You should hurry and get that out.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-19 AT 05:56AM (MST)[p]"As long as they ain't sucking gov welfare tags,"

I don't understand this statement. You don't want them to do what you do but Utah has never given any org tags???? You're not making sense anymore. Typical of hateful people.

Elk is ready to help you. Go read his posts. I want yall to do it. Go start an org. You can be chair of the self-righteous committee.
>AT 05:56?AM (MST)

>"As long as they ain't sucking
>gov welfare tags,"
>I don't understand this statement.
>You don't want them to
>do what you do but
>Utah has never given any
>org tags???? You're not
>making sense anymore. Typical
>of hateful people.
>Elk is ready to help you.
> Go read his posts.
> I want yall to
>do it. Go start
>an org. You can
>be chair of the self-righteous

We are working on it. Dwr is getting us a gov tag, sheep. I called price and they said we are good to go on using it to shoot a elk. Now call we need is a photographer and PR person. Can I count on your support Tri?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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