Hunter charged with "animal cruetly"



Dear Fellow Sportsmen,

I have some disturbing news and I'm asking everyone that wants to keep hunting and fishing to fight for our rights now and to take action on something I'm about to tell you.

Recently Hunters Against PETA was contacted by a fellow sportsman by the name of Ryan J Carretero out of Chandler, Oklahoma - Lincoln County. Ryan indicated to us that he had recently been charged with "animal cruelty" for hunting, trapping then killing a wild hog with a knife.

Ryan posted the video of the hunt on youtube causing PETA to see it, then PETA in return called the DA of Chandler, Oklahoma - Richard Smothermon to press charges of "animal cruelty" on Ryan Carretero. Ryan posted bail last Friday, May 14th.

Ryan is a law abiding citizen who has never been arrested before and is a stand up citizen. What Ryan did was completely legal and he was within 100% of his rights. He was hunting, trapping and killing a wild animal. He did absolutely nothing wrong. He posted the hunt on youtube which gave PETA a reason and ammunition to call the Sheriff and DA of Chandler Oklahoma and get them to press charges on Ryan.

In our eyes this is a very important case. If PETA can simply make a phone call to the DA and Sheriff's office and get them to press charges for trapping, hunting and killing a wild animal then what's next for sportsmen's rights?

This is proof of just how strong animal rights groups like PETA are becoming and how they dangerous they are to our rights as sportsmen.

We're urging every sportsman who reads this to contact DA-Richard Smothermon and Judge Paul Vassar and pressure them to drop the charges against Ryan Carretero. Also we're asking that you spread the word to as many people as you can to contact these people as well.

Strength is built in numbers.

We must make a stand now or we won't have any rights left to fight for.

District #23
Richard L. Smothermon
District Attorney

Pottawatomie County Courthouse
331 N. Broadway
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801
Phone: (405)-275-6800
Fax: (405)-275-3575

Lincoln County Courthouse
811 Manvel Ave., Suite 8
Chandler Oklahoma 74834
Phone: (405)-258-1674
Fax: (405)-258-3136

Send an Email:

Paul Vassar - District Judge
Lincoln County Courthouse
811 Manvel Ave., Suite 8
Chandler Oklahoma 74834
Phone: (405)-258-1399

Mayor Tom Knight
Chandler City Hall
414 Manvel Ave
Chandler, Oklahoma 74834
Phone: (405)-264-5000
Fax: (405)-264-5099


Jason Fackrell
Founding Member of Hunters Against PETA
Join The Fight For Our Rights!
I looked on youtube trying to find the video of the hog hunt , and I also checked the huntersagainstpeta web page . I would like more information and to watch the video before I would take any action as a hunter , and take any steps like contacting the District Attorney or Judge .

I am not all that familar with hog hunting or what Oklahoma game laws say about harvesting a hog , but I'm just curious what was on the video . The District Attorney must have felt there was probable cause that would warrant a charge of animal cruelty .

Don't get me wrong , I have no use for PETA , but I just think all the facts should be available if you are calling for people to take action . So can you post a link for the video ?
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 06:03AM (MST)[p]We?ve been asked many times for a link to the video. The video was taken off of youtube therefore no one can see it. However it doesn't matter what's on the video he was within his rights of taking wild game. The sheriff of Lincoln County has also stated after watching the video that he did absolutely nothing wrong and obeyed the law. It was the decision of DA-Richard Smothermon to press these charges due to a high amount of pressure from PETA.

Animal rights groups think and say any form of killing or consuming any animal is ?animal cruelty.? As hunters there needs to be no gray area when it comes to legally taking a wild animal, it's black or white you're on one side or the other. Every little victory for these animal rights groups big or small and whether we agree with the way the animal was killed or not puts another bullet through our rights as sportsmen and gets them closer to their goal.

When animal rights groups start dictating to us how we can take wild game and which legal weapons we can use to take them then our rights are already gone.
While I agree with the fundamental premise of this thread, to say that it does not matter what's on the video is a bit naive. On the contrary, it is specifically what's on that video that will ether make or break a criminal prosecution.

I'm sure Ryan has a copy of the Video so please post one for us to see so we can MAKE a decision. We just don't jump out there with being informed. You as a hunter should know that most hunters are well informed about everything in their hunting world. Thanks

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
This sounds like something I could get behind, if I had any proof to support your thread...
" doesn't matter what's on the video he was within his rights of taking wild game."
I must agree that the video is ALL THAT matters here. Maybe the video is of this Ryan guy eating an ice cream cone, and this is some crazy made up story...??? Get it?
The video is of utmost importance. We need to know what he did, and we need to know what the harvest laws are for hogs in Oklahoma. No one wants to condone illegal behavior, and I'm afraid as I don't know you from Adam, I can't just take your word for it...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I have absolutely no use for PETA either, but I can tell you that I have seen some "Hunters" do some things to animals, all in the name of hunting, that are completely legal but very unethical.

I agree that the video is the key here. I hate to say it but if this guy is causing the animal to suffer unnecessarily (animal cruelty) then maybe he needs to pay the price.

Please post the video!
Even if there was some "unnecessary suffering" caused on purpose, if the animal was harvested under a legal season via legal means then as Sportsmen there is no way you could support the "paying the price" position of PETA. Once you set precedence in law by getting a verdict against a hunter based on a subjective decision on whether a type of kill or the process of a kill is "unethical" or "unnecessary" then there will be a flood of lawsuits which will be a severe threat to the elimination of hunting as we know it. I don't see how this case could happen.
> Even if there was some
>"unnecessary suffering" caused on purpose,
>if the animal was harvested
>under a legal season via
>legal means then as Sportsmen
>there is no way you
>could support the "paying the
>price" position of PETA.
>Once you set precedence in
>law by getting a verdict
>against a hunter based on
>a subjective decision on whether
>a type of kill or
>the process of a kill
>is "unethical" or "unnecessary" then
>there will be a flood
>of lawsuits which will be
>a severe threat to the
>elimination of hunting as we
>know it. I don't see
>how this case could happen.

I guess I just have a problem with any un-ethical person representing us as hunters and sportsmen. Now, we don't even truly know what is on the video yet so I guess this is pre-mature. Thanks for the differing perspective. I can definitely see where you are coming from and point taken.
LAST EDITED ON May-17-10 AT 07:05PM (MST)[p]There are some really crazy videos of all different styles of hog
hunting out there. Some guys like to do it real primitive with knives and spears.

It may be legal, but sad to say now days it might not be a good idea to post something up like that. That being said I support there right to harvest how ever they like.

Especilly Hogs.
I know first hand how this can turn against the hunter. I had a friend give me a key to an area to hunt. The area had some cabins on part of it. Well some joker took down my license plate and called DWR and said I was trespassing. He told the DNR officer I wasn't suppose to be there. Because there was a complaint filed DNR had to issue a citation. I had to go to court enter a plea hire an Attorney. Cost me 600 bucks. Just to tell the judge that I had a key and where I got the key. Everything was justified and legal. Case Dismissed!! However I had to book and release into jail finger print and go to court twice, the whole works. Heck I never been booked before.
I would also like to see the video! I don't support Peta but I wouldn't want to see some guy intently use hunting as a means to torture animals. I will support the guy if he hunts and kills the best he can even if he uses a knife or spear.

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