Hunt_Rez Nuked Again?


Long Time Member
I see that another post by Hunt_Rez is no longer around. I think Founder's getting fed up...

I think John Wayne got sick of his crap, resurrected from his grave and relived a scene from one of his movies.
If I were Hunt Rez, I'd sue MM for not having spell check. That was a simple mistake he made. Anyone can misspell Mormon. "He is the one that will have to live with it."

LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-09 AT 06:28PM (MST)[p]"I see that another post by Hunt_Rez is no longer around. I think Founder's getting fed up..."

I think "THE FOUNDER" has good business sense.
Hunt_Rez posts run up visit #'s, pageview #'s and time spent
on site. This is all good for advertising revenue.

Pretty shrewd. Maybe Hunt_Rez is just a tool?!?

He's an idiot, but there are many others just like him 'round here. This is a free country isn't it? Why do we all get so worked up when we hear something WE don't agree with? What happened to being open minded. Don't get me wrong Rez is flaming idiot, but he does keep everyone coming around.
If anyone see's something innapropriet, PLEASE hit the alert link at the bottom of the post. Yes, I think all of us are pretty sick of him.


Later, Brandon
I had no idea that's all we had to do. I guess I can get people kicked off of here much quicker than I thought!

not me, I like him....takes the spotlite off me.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Cupsy has a


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
He's been around about a week or two. The reason you haven't heard of him is because his posts don't last but a day or so!! He's a little over the top with his views and such.

Didn't realize this was cowboys & Indians.

Don't wonder too far off the Rez, least Browtine may get a scalp.

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