Hunt Wyoming this year

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Oregon Fishing Guide

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to remind everyone that it is all final. I am an official owner of a hunting outfit in Wyoming. I bought this outfit from a guy that has had it for about 30 years and it is a very respectable hunting outfit. The name of his outfit was Rafter B Outfitters in Buffalo WY. He is going to work with my wife and I for 2 years and help us with keeping the same leases and with sportsman shows introducing us to his long line of customers. We have done 3 sportsman shows and are heading to the Monroeville PA show this week. All of our hunts are on private leases and we have a tremendous amout of land to hunt and it has been 100% success in getting a deer and antelope tags/license so if you didn't get drawn for your hunt please contact me. I would love to have you come and hunt with us. The last several years he has been 100% successfull with both achery and rifle for deer and antelope. I am also gong to be guiding up in Alaska on Prince of Wales Island for halibut and salmon whtich is another awesome set up and rest assure I am still guiding here in Oregon chasing those giant sturgeon. I know have 2 other guides working for me so there is always plenty of room. Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know what is going on because I have been so busy I haven't been on here too much. Talk to you later and I hope everyone gets the hunts you want. Jon or
Congrats to you on another package deal. Didn't get over to the Fishing Blvd in Sacramento this year, were you there for the show last month?

Hey Brian,

Yes, I was at the Sacramento show again. That is a good show for me. I had 2 booths. One was in my same place as before over in the fishing building. We were advertising our Alaska trips and Columbia River trips. My booth is the one with the 7 foot sturgoen mount in fromt of it. I also had a booth over in the hunting building for our new venture in Wyoming. We did very well. It is funny to watch people when they see our Alaska prices. My buddy that owns it has the prices incredibly low because he just wants to get people in it for testimony about the place. It is brand new and until people go up there we just don't have many to talk about it. But, it is an awesome place and he has a great product to offer so it will come. He just wants people now. Anyway, good hearing from you and talk to you later. Jon
I must have walked right by the Hunting Booth and did not even know it was yours, damn! My friend was having a bit of hard time walking with a walking cast on his right foot, so after we made the rounds in Hunting Halls, we left.
If your there next year, will make a point to stop and talk again.


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