Hunt Update



I left for the opener, on Thursday evening, so i could get the glasses on the bowl i'd planned to be in on Sat, morning....NOTHING. Well this wasn't too unexpected as the ONE i'm hunting only shows about every 3rd day or so. That night a wicked little thunderstorm tried to un nerve me....and it did a pretty good job.

Friday morning was beautiful....i set the glass up and started scanning and WOW i picked up movement a long way away with the Bino's, but the spotting scope told me they were two bucks that would go above 180( not as big as the one that doesn't show up all the time) but i've seen them everytime i've been up there scouting. they dont stick around for the sun to come up, but they are out long enough to get a shot on them---if your nuts enough to walk over there.
The rest of the day was spent waving at Helicopters, and any and ALL search and rescue person i could gets attention.

At this point it has to be told the search for the Green Girl was ON--- as i understand it she had recently moved to Logan from Las Vegas. Was a huge fan of the Survivorman series, but had little to no experience in the woods, much less the Wilderness....ok, so genius girl dresses in green pants, a green shirt, and dyes her hair.....your way ahead of me right?...Yup, green! She takes off with 3 days food and says i'm going to become one with nature. 3 days later the missing report goes out and the search kinda continues on and off-- is she missing or runaway?

By the time I get up on the hill, she's been Missing for 10 days.Gone for 13. So i'm surprised that the hills are crawling with people. lots of them, and the helicopters were flying in and out of every little nook and cranny canyon they could find. Hmm, so i get to thinking all this activity has surely put the Big Boy on the hide.

So my plan for day one is set. I'm gonna be crazy enough to walk the extra 4.5 miles, and will set up on the 2 that have showed every day. I started my hike just after sun down( 8:45'ish) on Friday night, planning to take my time and just get there when i get there. Well around 2 it started to drizzle, no biggy right?! well the lightning soon followed, and i dont know why, but its the one thing that really gets me. the bolts were hitting less than a mile away, and as i was hiking up these 6 individual little peaks, i would be looking up for sight of the trail, and BAMMMM....the flash in my eyes was blinding....FUN!!!

Well the lightning seemed to pass as the winds picked up, the rain stayed light, but enough to be a nice noise silencer. I'm still stoked. "I'm gonna stick a pig!" i thought. I reached where i wanted to drop pack, and make the final sneak in the dark at about 5 am. I sneak another 200 yards, to where they cross over a saddle, the wind is perfect, but whipping! 30 mph...i'm set up perfect, now just wait for light.

Light comes and nothing, but more wind! and then i notice the rain isn't just rain...its F'ing snow too! and its not falling, its coming across the saddle sideways. YAY! for 2 hours i sat and nothing....and at that point with the weather, i didn't think i would, so i let my guard down a bit, and my body remembered the hours spent getting there....i got tired!

I found a nice little bush that broke the wind perfect while giving me good concealment, i sat...and about every 5th blink or so and the old eyes just didn't reopen, until my head fell forward waking me up again. I'm guessing it was about the 4th time that happened, he saw my head drop and my reaction of waking up. He snorted and from 7 yards gave a quick 2 bounds and was gone out of my life.(i hate 2 points!!!)

At that point the clouds moved in and i couldn't see 30 yards in front of me. i was sure the days hunt was over...all that energy put into getting over there, and now what. I'd planned on still hunting through the timber on my way back to camp if i needed to, but i couldn't see it. so i decided to go right back the way i came. By the time(4 hours later) i got to the last peak, the clouds began to lift, and a pretty nice come out.

But at that point I was done for the week....i thought no point in sticking around with Search and recovery in the area, and the other two bucks weren't going anywhere, so opening day at 4 pm i came off the mountain.....grabbed a beer, and a blonde and relaxed!

Guys i will try to add to this Friday- Good luck to those still hunting!

You should have better luck, they found the girl on the Beirdneau trail, deceased. I'm assuming you are going in from Green? Back of Birch? Buck Mtn?
I was wondering when we'd hear from you, hopefully the big guy will show up again after it calms down for a day or two.

"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
Nice story Tag!!!

Headed out on saturday for my Elk/Deer hunt.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Nice report Tag...Good luck on the next trip and post pics when done...deer and


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I'm sorry to here about the girl, i didn't want it to sound as if SHE ruined my hunt, hell if she needed help, they should be in the area looking for her. I go in at the Tony Grove trailhead. by the time the hunt started she could have gone in that far, so they were looking everywhere.

it didn't bother me too much, as i had another week off to go hunt the area....i'll try to tell that story tomorrow....

Ok, well some time has passed since i've been able to get in here...I'll give you the quick and ugly truth of it.

The next chance i got up on the hill, i'd decided NOT to do the long hike again,(as fun as it was) but was going to find the BIG guy, or bust! No sense in even denying it, i could care less about shooting little deer. So the plan was to be in ambush site A waiting for him to maybe show up. Well as all good plans go, i was about 30 minutes late getting to where i wanted to be before the first light, so i decided to stay put, as to not get caught on the open hill side moving. Which worked out great, because he wasn't even in the bowl that morning....Stupid, smart deer!!!

At that time, i decided to drop the big pack, put the assault pack on, and drop off the ridge, for a better view of the whole scene. I still hunted down through some quakies, dropping about 600 yards off the top, seeing great sign everywhere(in the shape of little deer). i spooked a couple smaller bucks off, in a safe enough direction. i was sure it wouldn't alarm the big guy if he was around.

Now from all my scouting time and hunting time, i'd never been here. "in his house" so to speak, i've looked into it from a mile away, and have seen the rock ledge that runs half the length of the dropping ridge, and what seemed to be a perfect little trail at the base of this ledge, with 2 access points. So i decide i'm going for it, i'm gonna make something happen, or at least find out what is down there. I drop off the first(uppermost)access point, and am quiet surprised that indeed there is NO TRAIL! SH!T....nothing like making a little noise, immitating a one legged blind man in a jump rope testing facility...I swear if i didn't know better i'd say i was trying to blow the whole hunt right there. I proceed to take 5 steps and sit and glass(and wait for the rocks to quit rolling). nothing, until i get to the 2nd access point, which i know to be about half way down the ledge. At this point i pick up sign, and a trail!!!!

I sit for 10, 12 minutes letting the cigarette fill my lungs with its wonderful aromas, and life giving goodness! Ahhhh, its good to not care!plus i had perfect wind..steady going uphill(where i had just come from)...I get on the game trail, and load an arrow, I'm back in the game! I come across one, then two beds, the second which has deer hair in it, with what looks like little elk tracks....:) mr. bigs bed! Then as I am scanning the trail in front of me I notice what appears to be a dug out cave into the side of the cliff that is Bed #3, i'm at full draw when I come around the half bend to find the bed empty- of course. Then i notice...wind switch....No Good can come of this!!!! and it wasn't 30 seconds and the side of the ledge sounded like it was falling...I ran forward, just in time to see him going up and over escape route number 3(that i had never seen from scouting). 30 yards....I was his bedroom, 30 GD yards, and he didn't know it. Oh well, such is the story of my life.

And at that point, having decided he was the only buck that would do, and i'd properly scared the hell out of him,(i'm sure), i pulled my sorry little azz off the hill after one day....

Thanks, but as i was re-reading it i make it sound like it was a stalk, but it wasn't a was still hunting blindly....and i also made it sound like he didn't know i was there...I'm sure he knew something was there, and when his nose confirmed it he wasn't waiting to see if it was me or my fat azz friend ...he was gone!

I will add the last hunt update when i can...hopefully tomorrow.

Cool read.....One of the best in a long time...
GOOD LUCK,,,,,,,,,,,Hope you get the one yer after.
Tag, sneaking into a big bucks bedroom is always risky as you know. Blacktails make me so frustrated that too often I make the same play. I had to smile about that.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-09 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]I really didn't know it was his "bedroom", i knew he used the area once in awhile, but because he never showed in the bowl feeding at first light on a regular basis, i figured he had a different locale as his "bedroom" i really just wanted to see what was down there.

This little pic might help show you as to what i was up to(yellow line), it may be a bit difficult to see the cliffs, and the escape routes(purpley color) so i approximated them along with about where i was when the ~$%!@!^!%!#@$#%&%^@ wind shifted(green X).


and a picture of "CAMP"- It had been on the mountain since 3rd week in June....


So on to the REST OF THE STORY!!!

After sending him into the next county, and not feeling the need to go back within a week (i thought a week would give him time to re-relax) i went home expecting to be back there in 7 days- WRONG......Due to some scheduling BS (i work a 7on/7off)-but to keep us from working the same holidays year after year, we switch 7's....which would mean i wouldn't have 3 days off for awhile....stupid work!!!

So my next days that i would get to hunt were the final two days of the regular season! Stupid work! So Thursday morning with the slightest hangover, i jump in the car, and haul rearside the 2 1/2 hours up to the trail head, and with a mostly empty pack i ran up the mountain at an amazing .5 miles per hour......I'm too old to go really running up a mountain.

I get to camp and i notice a "RAT" has found some stuff in my tent he thinks he needs more than i sleeping bag stuffing, the contents of 2 dehyrated meals, a hat band, socks....all chewed to sh!t.....Not Cool! I swear to myself- right then and there, if i see the thing i'm gonna put a arrow in him!!! I'm already itching to get to full draw anyway, now i'm just pissed off!

back to the hunt....The bowl is too far to get to before i need to be there, so its an evening scout/maybe i'll run into a nice 22 inch 4 point(he's really quite tall for as young as he is) i know that passes by camp most evenings- i dont really wanna shoot him, just practice the STOCK! plus i'll be spying on the bowl and ledges with the spotting scope. So up to the top i go!

I get there, find a nice comfy, well concealed, great viewing seat...and i'm waiting...then i here them....yipping little bastages! 'yotes- quite a few of them it sounds like 1/2 mile down the back side of this mountain top...who gives a rats right?

Well time doesn't stop- even for me, and before i know it- it's almost dark, so i scoop up my pack and start back towards camp....then i hear them....not too far in front of me- stupid 'yotes...more of them. And now the ones behind me are barking, yipping at the ones in front of me...!!! There about to be a brawl! and since i wasn't really hunting deer that night, i felt left out, so i joined them, after i knocked an arrow. I give 4 or 5 barks, and some kinda whimpy Slammy whine.

Now the entire time i'm barking, and calling at them, each group is going nuts about another group being there and i can tell that both groups are getting closer to me....wont they be surprised when they find that one of them dogs shoots a bow!

----now i need to interject that I had nothing to drink that evening, except some water, and i left all the mushrooms alone.--- and even saying that i find myself wanting to not say a word. Ah Fugg it is.

Its just passed lights out, with a hill side of yotes coming at me all barking and now i can hear the leaves of the dried vegitation as a couple of them are with in bow range- if i could get one to sit in my headlamp light for 2 seconds.....

then it happened---how do you shut up two groups of "warring" yotes? The Deepest Lonely Howl, reverberated from lower in the drain, from a long way off, but there was NO denying it...No i DID deny it, a couple times, but the little dogs didn't. Not one more yip out of either groups! Silent was that whole area...goose bumpy, i started out for camp....

Now you've seen the picture of "camp". not the easiest place to find in the dark...but i've come in from this direction a number of times and i'm sure its right down there. I switch the headlamp from red to white...and look....there's my reflective tape on my pack....why's it moving? Now it's gone...WTF??? i pull the bino's up and yes its camp...but the reflective know what that is? Yep...the buck i was waiting for up high....He's 12 feet from my tent, but he cant SEE me cause i'm shining this bright light into his eyes, so i slowly walk up to about 50 yards, and he just walks off....

With in an hour of getting back to camp on Thursday the 10th of Sept, i realized that the last day off hunting up there was going to be on the anniversary of a not too great of a day. I may or may not have even been succesful had i gone and hunted, but i decided that the last place i wanted to be( for my reasons) was in the chest cavity of a buck, with blood all in my hair, eyes and torso.

So in conclusion, boys, and girls, and girly boys, I had a blast, hunting this area for the first time. I learned a ton about the area. Thanks to those that helped me with your hints and suggestions. I didn't get to spend nearly as much time in the field as i would have liked to, but as i tell my real life hunt isn't over, it's time to go find a yearling doe, living next to a road!

thanks for reading along. -JD

I also need to say that in the AM, at first light(even before that) not one elk was to be heard bugling....hmmm


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