Hunt Satisfaction Survey


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-11 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]All this talk about quality vs. opportunity has made me think quite a bit about what it is in hunting that I really like. A couple weeks ago I got a phone call from Fish and Game asking about my 2010 general season any bull elk hunt in UT. I have bought this over-the-counter tag 5 times or so and have never killed a bull. When the gal calling asked how I ranked my satisfaction for the hunt on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, without hesitation I told her 5. When I blurted it out I guess it even surprised me a little. Not only had I not harvested a bull, I hadn't even seen a live bull during the time I hunted. But, thinking back I was still really happy with the overall experience. I knew what kind of hunt it was going into it, and I really enjoyed being out hunting with my family. It seems like nowadays there is so much focus on the trophy and the kill it is easy to forget about some of the other elements that can make a hunt a success. Sure, I would love to kill a big bull, but I realize that there is so much more to the overall hunting experience than that.

The elk hunt has become something of a family tradition over the last couple years. We have had a few close calls, but neither my Dad nor I have brought home a bull. I know there are elk there, and every year I tell myself that this is going to be the year. This year was no exception.


The day before the opener I loaded up the whole family, including a 3 month old baby, and headed for our camping spot.



My Dad came along as usual, and my brother who is not a hunter took a day off work so he could come along as well. While he chooses not to carry a rifle himself, he likes camping and being out and will eat elk steaks without a second thought. I was glad to have him along.


Opening morning found my Dad, my 7 year old son, my brother, and I heading out.



The others were too tired to start out before sunrise. At first light as my son and I walked up on a little clearing where we wanted to be on opening morning we heard a shot. It wasn't my Dad and brother, and we went to see what was going on. Another guy had beat us by 5 minutes and killed a decent 5 point right where we had planned to hunt. My boy still thought it was fun to see an elk up close and the lucky hunter needed some help. He didn't even have a knife on him and had no idea what he was doing. He hadn't hunted in 10 years and after long drive out to the Uintas from Bountiful had ended up in our meadow by pure coincidence. He also had a 8-10 year old son along with him and I was glad to see a guy taking his kid along. I gutted the elk for him and helped him drag it across a wash to an old logging road nearby.

Opening morning had come and gone without much luck, but the family was having a blast. We ate way too many doughnuts, made a big campfire, and Grandpa did what grandpas do best, spoil thier grandkids.

We were having a great time, and I still had a secret secondary meadow deep in the thick pines that I thought might produce. We hunted the rest of the weekend without any more close calls and the wife and kids had to head home along with my brother.

A couple days later I was sitting with my Dad in my secret meadow late in the evening. I figured we were about done for the day and decided to go one last walk while he watched the clearing. I made a little loop and was almost back to the opening when I heard a single shot.

Right at dusk a young bull had walked out and my Dad had let the lead fly. We found him in the trees about 75 yards from the opening and got to work in the dark.


We cleaned him out and hung up the halves so we could pack him out the next morning. On the way back to camp we stopped on a tall peak and called family and he sent a couple pictures out on his phone. It wasn't a big bull by anyone's standard, but for us it was great.



I kept hunting a couple more days and didn't see a single bull. I still chalk the hunt up as a success, and I can't wait to do it again next year. Even if my Dad hadn't killed anything I am so glad we had an excuse to get together and spend time in the mountains. I have been on more than one hunting trip that wasn't pleasant due to the pressure of expectations to kill a trophy animal. Sometimes a hunt like this one is just what a guy needs to remember what is really important. To end up killing a bull was just icing on the cake, or should I say burger on the grill.




There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Nothing is better then spending time with people you love in the outdoors.

And a burger is nice to...

That thing looks freakin delicious
LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-11 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]Great post and pictures Daxter!!! It's great to see that you share the same reason I go outdoors!!! Pulling the trigger is just incidental to why I go out and if it happens fine. If not, it's no big deal!!! Ditto on the burger comment too, LOL!!!

Obviously, I don't know and we've never even met.......but you have moved up my "friend" list. Love your point of view and the entire post. One of the best I've read.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
now thats a great post. what a pleasure to see a younster like yourself understanding what the "hunt" is all about. good on you and your family.
I like that you ended with the greasy burger. When I'm out in the hills for days on end...there's nothing like wrapping things up at the local diner with one of those!
great post. kenny. brad. del thats what hunting is all about. not killing a big deer or elk. youve let your own greed cost you this magic. shame on you. elkun.......
Dax, thanks for making one of the best posts I have read on this site for quite some time. We about lost that opportunity to Any Bull hunt in Utah through the elk committee process a couple years back. It is one of my favorite hunts, and while I have killed a few bulls off the South Slope, pulling the trigger is not the reason why I go. The Any Bull hunt reminds me of why I started hunting in the first place; family, friends, and the experience.

I have been surveyed every year I have had an Any Bull tag and every time I give it a 5. I enjoy it as much as my LTD-OIL elk tag.
>You and your family are welcome
>in my hunting camp anytime.
>You have a great positive
>hunting attitude.


Thanks for a GREAT post. Something this site NEEDED right now. With all the negative crap around here lately it was refreshing to see a post of what hunting is all about to me and my family!!!! Thanks for giving me hope that we have not lost that!
First off, for years as a kid we had the "no, but we saw some big tracks" kind of hunts. We loved it and I havent missed a year since I was 3yrs old(good for you for taking the little ones). However, and yeah you knew it was coming, thanks to the massive ammount of hoops the DWR makes you jump through to get a tag, most of the non serious hunters in our circle gave it up. We went from the hunt being basically a male famiily reunion to just a few of us who actually wanted to hunt enough to put up with the hassle. Perhaps it would be OK to loose those guys IF there was a reason, but, we still have a lot of "no, but we saw some good tracks" hunts. For that reason alone I always respond 1 on those surveys. I am with you, pulling the trigger is not even third on my list of what is important, but the constant every year playing with the hunts(with very little sucess) has helped to destroy what most of us love about the season(the people).
Dax. you spelled out in great order of what hunting should really be about. Great photos and great message and hope we all listen and learn.

And that hamburger sure does look good!

Have a good one. BB
Man, Suddenly I am craving an elk burger! Better go thaw out some meat!

Great post and perspective Dax. You are welcome in my camp any time. It is this mentality that it seems the majority have lost. Thank you for a refreshing story of the love of the hunt!
Dax, You nailed it...the best post ever...My fondest memories are with my Dad and my brothers spending time doing what we do...You are welcome in my camp anytime...

Later, L.T.
As much as I would like to see quality improved, its hard to argue with your post. Some of my greatest memories DID not include a LE hunt. They were experienced on a public land hunt, out enjoying my time with friends and families.

I am starting to get past my desires to kill a giant bull. Og course I would like to but, my two oldest are now teenagers and I want to just get out and spend time hunting with them. It can be public land or a LE hunt, it doesn't really matter to me and I KNOW it does not matter to them, as long as they are in the outdoors.

Thanks for a good eye opening post. Definately refreshing to a have a thread like this!

Great post and story as usual, as others have pointed out, I too have many fond memories of these types. But many of those fondest memories that still linger in my old brain (I think most could agree) were looking at, touching, seeing, and even eating an animal my dad bagged and I have to admit I was more excited to see/hear from him when he 'got' something rather than didn't, I was always disappointed.

As such, I guess I'm going to take a different point of view on this. To me, and I know its not your intent, you are almost making it sound like you have to have a tag in your pocket to have these kind of outdoor related memories with family and friends.

To me this has to do with hunting satisfaction not camping/enjoying the great outdoors satisfaction. Certainly while I may enjoy my time in the field with family and friends while hunting, I can honestly say my hunter satisfaction would certainly not be a 5 based on not even seeing my quarry during that year or in your case multiple years.

Hunting by definition is an activity so is camping. Being satisfied with hunting therefore is one thing and spending time camping enjoying nature with your family is another IMO.

Personally, I separate the 2. Hunting is hunting--time spent in PURSUIT of game with an opportunity (having a tag in pocket and weapon in hand) to harvest something. I don't have to have this to eat elk burger, take my kids out pull my trailer up on the mountain and enjoy the outdoors. I would think with our kids now days creating lasting memories while hunting would be better spent chasing birds with dog, setting at a water hole during the dove hunt or in a good duck blind somewhere. At least they would have 'hunting' memories other than seeing a sea of pumpkins and little or no game they could actually take.

I think it a sad day IMO when we have become satisfied nay more than satisfied (a 5 out of a 5 on the satisfaction level) with our hunting experiences and we don't even see our quarry. Makes me wonder why I even hunt anymore.

I hope this make sense, again, I'm not trying to down play any of our found memories we have with family and friends out in the field just don't think our 'hunting' satisfaction should have much to do with that, it should be about hunting.

Todd Black

Visit our YouTube page
Great post...thats what hunting is all about(FAMILY).. I hunted 10 years before I shot my first elk....and I wouldn't trade any of the memories for one single trophy!
Sometimes it takes a post like this to remind us of one of the best parts about hunting...CAMP. I think at least half of my anticipation of the upcoming hunting season is about the friends I'll share my camp with. Not having those people with me while hunting, even on a successful hunt, would diminish the the enjoyment of the hunt.
Hey Daxter, I wanna say thanks for that post. My Dad and I have 12 NR deer pts. and we have always put in for Book Cliffs, except last year when we tried for the Henries. We said we would go back to the Book Cliffs this year. I have been worried it may not be the best use of our points. My Dad will be 69 when the season opens and he may not have too many more trips left in him. Your post made me realize what it is all about. I am looking forward to the hunt and spending quality time with my Dad. Big bucks or not, we will make the most of it and bring back memories that will mean more than trophy antlers. Thanks again! buckspotter7
Thanks for the post, Dax.

Although personally I consider myself a trophy hunter, this is exactly why I have always defended opportunity. To me it is more than hunting; it is about the next generation. These kids will likely be hunters for life- not because dad killed a monster or anything for that matter, but because they were exposed to the concept as youth.

Of course we would all like to have it both ways, but until we get that figured out, we need to ensure that these kind of opportunities are available for families. I personally believe that the opportunity for yearly hunting traditions has a lot bigger impact upon youth than once every X number of years. For youth, hunting once every three years is small blip of the map of adolescence. Having a yearly hunting tradition is something to dream about all year long.

As far as having to harvest an animal being a part of the hunt, of course we would all like to harvest an animal every time we went hunting, but at this point we haven't figured that out.

I think these kids being able to see an animal someone else has taken, to be able to help a fellow hunter and experience that part of the hunt does almost as much good as being able to do it themselves.

Until we get a lot closer to figuring out how to manage wildlife better, we better take ever opportunity to instill hunting values in the upcoming generation. If we don't, even if some day we get the management side of things figured out, there will be a whole generation who just doesn't care.

Great post. Thanks again.
Great post I loved the pics and story.

Blanding Boy,
Also a GREAT post. I believe you nailed it on the head! That might be my favorite post I have read in some time! I really really wish more sportsman truly understood your post.

Thanks to both of you!!!!!!!!
Liked the story as well and couldnt agree more with the need to have hunting opportunities for all, to enjoy with families, etc. However, I cant get past the picture of the graffiti on the aspen tree. I work in the woods a lot and I see that type of stuff all over the place. Really a bad deal and very distracting and distasteful, and further, its against the law.

While teaching future generations of our great hunting heritage, perhaps a little teaching in land ethics may be in order as well.

Defacing public or private resources, no matter how well intended, is irresponsible and wrong. Please, take the time to think about your actions.

I'm sure you wouldnt be too excited to see someone spray painting your car or carving a name in your apple tree out front.

Just an FYI into the possible outcome of defacing federal property:

"As for penalties for anyone convicted of defacing federal property, Jean McNeil, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney in Boise, said that if damage exceeds $1,000, the penalty could be 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for defacing federal property. Under $1,000 damage and the penalty is one year in prison."
So Buzz?

Are You saying you are a TREE HUGGER?

You've never carved your name in a Tree?

(((RAZZIN YA!!!))) :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

We had a local Guy/Friend that worked for the Forest Service forever here,He passed away a few years back,He will never be forgotten,His name is in so many Trees He will be with us forever!:D:D:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I just shook my head when I saw that tree in the picture, but decided not to say anything in hopes not to ruin an otherwise great thread! I actually even thought about sending the OP a PM about it, but figured sooner or later that someone else might mention it. Let's hope a lesson was learned after the OP read the post by Buzz, since a lot of people do stuff like that and have no idea that it's wrong, distasteful,as well as illegal.
man some of you guys are really something . must find always

a " high moral ground " on any subject. it's a stupid law !!!!
cutting your name in a tree is a criminal offence ??? how many trees are cut down for firewood every hunting season? whats worse cutting down a large tree for camp wood or a little girl carving her name into a tree ? you guys are WAY WAY WAY to p.c ! i say carve your name every season on that tree little one then you can show your grandkids. but you might not be able to show your grandkids because there will be so many rules due to fanatical enviro's like the people that protest the carving , you won't even be able to walk on the grass for fear of it folding over. AAARRRGHHHHHHH :( it's a little girl guys shewiz.............
Great post!! I love spending time out with my family camping and hunting. Even when you dont see a lot of animals it is the ANTICIPATION of being able to see something around the next bend in the next clearing ect that gets me excited. I love the fall!!!!

respect my authorita
beavis14---I guess from the gist of your "let them do that" graffiti as it isn't hurting anything means the same when you see it all over highway bridges, building walls, railroad cars, etc.? Where do you tell the kid it's alright and where does it stop? It's amazing how some people condone breaking the law, no matter what it is because "they" don't see any reason for the law and think it's stupid!!! If a youngster isn't taught the fundamentals of following rules and laws even on something like this it could lead to a lot worse, maybe even using their ATV in illegal areas which has been a contentious thread until it got so bad it was pulled! Let's just get back to the main reason this thread was started and go from there because it sure wasn't to condone defacing property of any sort.
>beavis14---I guess from the gist of
>your "let them do that"
>graffiti as it isn't hurting
>anything means the same when
>you see it all over
>highway bridges, building walls, railroad
>cars, etc.? Where do
>you tell the kid it's
>alright and where does it
>stop? It's amazing how
>some people condone breaking the
>law, no matter what it
>is because "they" don't see
>any reason for the law
>and think it's stupid!!! If
>a youngster isn't taught the
>fundamentals of following rules and
>laws even on something like
>this it could lead to
>a lot worse, maybe even
>using their ATV in illegal
>areas which has been a
>contentious thread until it got
>so bad it was pulled!
> Let's just get back
>to the main reason this
>thread was started and go
>from there because it sure
>wasn't to condone defacing property
>of any sort.


In the breast of every meat hunter there beats the heart of a secret, frustrated trophy hunter.
Ya some of you guys are right his hunt sucked big time! He was there on his hunt and thought it was great but you know it really sucked because you say so. If it would have been a good hunt everyone in camp would have tag a bull but since it sucked only one person in his camp killed a bull elk with a general bull tag so the hunt sucked! WTH

Some of you guys just dont get it! Its a general elk hunt. Its not a LE elk rifle rut hunt for sex starved 400" bulls he waited his whole life to hunt. This is a unit he can hunt every year and just maybe he can shoot the bull next year...

I think most of us more than got the gist of the original post and to the previous poster quoting my comments a "WOW" back at ya!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]+100 Scott
Too many people are about the kill of the biggest beast on the mountain. It was a crappy hunt if that didn't happen.
I also have to disagree on taking kids on other hunts.......THAT IS PURE BS!!!!!!!!!

I take my kids on all of the hunts that I can. We hunt birds, turkeys, deer and elk. We all have a great time and enjoy the experience. They are kind of loud and noisy and tend to chase off game. But guess what????? They love it, the time spent with dad HUNTING hoping that we get something is some of the best that we all have. They remember those trips.

It pisses me off that some of you MIGHTY TROPHY HUNTERS consider this less of a hunting experience. I guess if I'm not out with my posse of guides out chasing the elusive 400 inch bull its all empty. We should just go camping because we are not worthy to be considered HUNTERS by you and our experiences are worthless.

There shouldn't be any general hunts where family and friends get to go out and HUNT because it doesn't meet your definition of what a proper hunt should be. Or better yet it should all be limited entry where we only hunt once every 10+ years (or a once in a lifetime hunt), but hey we can always find someone else with a tag to go along with, that's a much better idea.

The point freaks already have most of the state tied up in limited entry hunts....isn't that good enough?

Now you come on and bash a guy who loves to hunt the general hunt with his family saying that by your exalted standards he has crappy hunts and should go camping instead???? Oh yea and to find some other hunt to take his kids on......birds maybe......thats a good one. Does that mean you are now going to push for more pheasant oppertunities. Hey wait...lets make that OIL too. You can start to measure spurs and tail feathers. It hasnt been a real hunt till someone shoots a ##### with 30 inch feathers and two inch spurs............"Who brought those damn kids hunting anyway. Dont they know they are ruining the mojo of the hunt"

respect my authorita
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]adamsoa---I really only see a couple of negative posts in this entire thread, with most being very supportive of the OP and his comments. A couple of our comments have mentioned the tree and got the thread a little sidetracked, but other than that and a little disagreement with rating the hunt from 1 to 5, I think most all of us have agreed that it has been a very refreshing thread that Daxter started. I don't know how the survey was worded, but from the overall post that Daxter put up I would certainly have also given it a 5 based on total enjoyment. If the survey was strictly asking for numbers of animals seen and quality, then the number might have to be downgraded. However, that number downgrade certainly wouldn't take away from the thrill of being out there with friends and family, which is why the thread was started in the first place and why I certainly wholeheartedly agreed with it!
Since there ain't an Illegal ATV sittin where the Elk is hangin let the Tree Carvin go!

Has there ever been a Perfect Thread/Post on MM?

If there was I must of missed it?

So TOPGUN,Buzz & Others?

What Ya gonna do,Turn Daxter in?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Really? A tree? Please Buzz and TOPGUN, when you get done telling teacher maybe she will make you hall monitor. FYI, some of us like the "grafitti" A few years back I hiked into BFE and low and behold there was a tree with my dads name carved into it. I thought it was cool. Lord, here is a post by a guy who gets it, covered with pics of his family, all smiling, all happy and we are talking about a tree. But if we get a post of some trigger puller who put out 6 figures and hired an army of guides to harrass some poor elk for months all over the countryside you clowns will jump in with how great it is. DAX, we have disagreed, but you NAILED this one, good on you!!

By the way, Blanding Boy and the rest of you, some of us still think spending the time hunting and learning an area year after year, then once in a while are rewarded with a kill(yeah even a small bull) is VERY satisfying. I realize this pic of this bull won't make Trophy Magazine, or get in the score books, so ole Dax has no buisness even showing the pics, but not all of us live our life based on a score. Otherwise only Dr. Austad can talk, the rest of us have to shut up.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]Look, Buzz and I have both said it was a great thread that we agreed with and mentioning of the tree by Buzz was just a simple attempt to possibly stave off something worse in the future. Please take it as it was intended, as neither of us bashed the overall intent of the thread started by Daxter! Also, IMHO it's not too smart to make statements out on an open Forum that something that is illegal is fine to violate because you think it's neat to do it!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]Hoss---great post! Sometimes we dont always agree but I gotta say you really hit the nail on the head!!!

respect my authorita
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the nice comments and even the posts with differing opinions. I am not trying to promote an agenda, or say that my opinion on this hunt is the "right opinion". Just sharing what was a fun an enjoyable experience and my personal reflections on how that particular hunt fits with the modern hunting paradigm. I don't agree 100% with Todd, but this isn't the first time and probably won't be the last that we differ a little in how we see something. I understand where Todd is coming from, and I totally respect his opinion. I am glad there are lots of passionate sportsmen out there with different ideas. For me, any time I have a tag in my pocket it is a totally different experience than if I was just on a family camping trip. I knew there were bulls there, there were 2 different bulls shot within 300 yards of me during the hunt. I just didn't see one!

Regarding the tree, I guess I have spent enough time here on MM that I should have known it was coming. I don't even know how to respond...


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
The ethics police are always on the prowl. I loved your post and as soon as I saw that pic with the tree, I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to say something. As soon as any of you tree police are driving down the highway and hit 66 in a 65... repent for being hypocrits!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
Great post Dax! and great follow up above.

As far as the tree don't bother responding it will do no good as in some peoples minds they are so morally pure that their opinion is the only one that matters even if they are outnumbered 1000 to 1 regarding an issue on a site with many of the most ethical and honest sportsmen I have shared cyberspace with.

Don't worry %99 here don't give a fugg about the tree.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-11 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]Todd- Sorry, still a 5 for me also on Any Bull hunts (even when I never saw an elk). They were not camping trips.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-11 AT 08:01AM (MST)[p]one of the better posts i've read on mm in a long time dax. thanks for taking the time. unfortunatly guys like blanding boy just dont get it and probably never will. they got the sfw blinders on and when hunting starts to become a job to put to put money in your pocket than you lose what its truly all about. i loved seeing your daughter carve her name in that tree. looks like art to me. and she won't be in the city down the road with a can of spray paint and the thugs in the city wont be out in the woods carving their name in trees. to think otherwise is rediculous. again, thanks for the post
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-11 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]Wow, I guess I didn't explain myself too well, this has nothing to do with SFW, trophy hunting, outfitting, (i didn't mention any of those in my post) I thought it had to do with satisfaction in hunting. I've know Dax personally likely longer than anyone here, he's a great guy and while I agreed with him and his memorable experiences he is creating with his family while in the great outdoors, I simply took a difference of opinion with the satisfied hunting point of view.

Given that, all you satisfied folks out there who I wish I could sale all my magical kool aid too....

Please (and i ask this in all sincerity) expand and help me understand what it is I don't get? Seriously! You go hunting you see zero animals for the tag you have in your pocket and you are satisfied with your hunting experience?

Really, by your logic, that's kind of like having a wife and never getting to 3rd base let alone a home run even if it is just once a year.

Please, tell me how (I want to know your thoughts) its a 'satisfying' 5 out of 5 hunting experience vs. a satisfying outdoor experience? Certainly I have had may satisfying and good days hunting and enjoy my time a field and being in the hills hunting but my satisfaction for hunting wouldn't be a 5 unless I at least had a chance to squeeze the trigger. Maybe it just because I'm in the field I'm in and in the field so much that I can actually separate the 2, who knows but I don't get it, of course I don't get most democrats and their line of thinking/reasoning either.

Todd Black

Visit our YouTube page
Great story.It is all about the experience.I think you made all of us who read your story think about our experiences with friend and family.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-11 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]Todd---I think if you will go back to my post #42 that I was saying pretty much what you just did in your last post!

To The Other MMers---I apologize for obviously being in the vast minority on the tree part of this thread, but I really haven't seen any big number of tree carvings in all the places I have hunted over the years and didn't realize it seems to be the "in thing" for some of you to do while out hunting!!! From the sounds of some on this thread, a guy could ask where to go hunt and the way to tell him would be to go to such and such a tree carving the way some seem to know the exact tree that others are talking about, LOL!
Thank you for sharing your family outing and allowing us to be a part of what has become a family tradition. The memories will last a lifetime and once the seeds are planted, your young family will surely want to carry it on. What a wonderful tribute to the future.

Before you die.....Take time to live
>Really, by your logic, that's kind
>of like having a wife
>and never getting to 3rd
>base let alone a home
>run even if it is
>just once a year.

Todd, that analogy is cracking me up!


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
I understand both points of view as far as the hunt part of the topic.

As to the tree art, if it was a story about a tree carving I can understand maybe saying somthing. But with Dax's story and the point of the whole post, I think making a comment about the tree wasn't really needed. A PM to him making a quick statement about being careful and the legality of carving a tree would have probably been enough. To me its sad to make yet another MM ethics arguement on such a great post.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I disagree AZ, I think something did need to be said.... That little gal forgot to cut the year! :) Thanks for the story Dax!
hee hee good one.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
AZWALKER---I agree with your last two posts, LOL! In hindsite, I also wish a PM had been used such that the great thread Daxter started hadn't got off track and I'm sorry I didn't handle it that way on my end!
I don't think any of your comments were out of line, you always seem to be very respectful. You're a bigger man than most. Most guys would agrue it to death intsead of saying something like what you said. It got off track but oh well. In the end you truly are right so I don't think an apology is needed.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I think an important thing to remeber when we answer this is that this information is for the benefit of the DWR. They don't care if you and you kids made memories, or how much fun you had. They are going to take the numbers and say that everyone who answered a 5 saw lots of game, and had plenty of opportunities. I think thats its a very poorly worded question. We hear one thing and tell them we had a fun time with our family and were very satisfied, they take it as the hunting was awesome with plenty of game.
Dax - Great post and I agree 100%. It really is what "Hunting" should be all about. Time in the outdoors chasing the animals we love with close friends and family. Best quality time we will ever have with them IMO!

Msy - I think you make a great point as well. If the responses to these surveys are making decisions about game management then it should be worded better or made more clear.

As far as the tree incident, I guess it wasn't very smart of me to carve my entire name, address and phone number in all of those trees! :)

I guess I just don't get it. It doesn't seem to hurt the trees, does it? I have never seen a gangster in the woods doing grafitti either.

Damn those indians for marking up all those rocks! }>
a bad day in the woods is better then a day spent at home doing honey to do lists things.

A hunting trip that you don't see or shoot at your intended animal is just a armed camping trip to be enjoyed by all.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Great post, I agree with you about the time in the field being the larger part of the hunt and enjoying that aspect of it but I also agree with blandingboy that it would be hard for me to rate my "hunt satisfaction" at a 5 without seeing an elk. My camping experience might be a 5 but my hunting experience wouldnt be. One of the reasons I quit hunting general season rifle elk in Utah was it was over crowded and I might have 1 elk sighting in 2-3 seaons.

I have hunted Colorado OTC elk three times and I see elk every day and have always had oppurtunitys at elk every hunt.This to me is a 5 in the "hunt satisfaction" category. But I agree if you can enjoy your time in the feild that is what makes the hunt worth going.
The wife analogy is interesting. So I guess you hit it every night when you get home or your married life is less than satisfactory? Good on you if that is the fact. I started hunting Manti when I was three. I was 15/16 when it went spike only. It took me 12 years to draw that tag. I was satisfied with the elk hunting even though I couldn't kill a big bull every year because I could see either improvements in the herd, or because after the 12 year wait I could hunt the bigger elk. Like I said, I would give deer hunting a 1, even though in the last few years we have done pretty good with bigger bucks, because in general I see a massive decline in the herd(not buck doe ratios but actual number of deer). I think it depends on your outlook and hunting practice. I hunt the same areas year after year, decade after decade so small year to year fluctuations aren't as noticable if if general it seems things are improving. With elk, I think it has leveled out, and if I kill a bull every two or three years(non LE or CWMU) I feel that is about all you can ask. As for deer, I believe every other or third year should be the norm(on average) and with the fewer numbers of deer overall, I don't see that happening, so I am disatisfied with the deer hunt. Hope that explains my point of view.

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