
I'm thinkin' he's been hittin' the bottle a little bit more than usual today. His thoughts seem a bit skewed!

are those his threads with the blank line and the little blue heads??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Yes- One was about what you'd like to do with the 3 Jessicas. The other was.....something pretty lame as well! Oh POACHING...and how he doesn't let it bother him because whoever poaches needs to live with it....hiccup!! I think if he could've gotten one more post nuked today, it may have set a record...

a nuked post is a 2 pointer......those were nuked threads, I believe those are 3

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

what happened to the greatest guitar player thread? That was his too, wasn't it?
>a nuked post is a 2
>pointer......those were nuked threads, I
>believe those are 3
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Yeah...I think he's going for your record...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Damn...he did get three nuked today!! Gotto be a record....must've been hitting the Patron.

Since we all pleaded to founder to bring back D13er can we plead to founder to BAN HuntRez.

I mean to bring one back dont you need to throw one out?

Just a thought
I haven't heard a peep from Hunt-Rez since his threads were nuked. I wonder if Founder booted him.

Hey Rez, if you read this. What I said in your "Would you rather?" thread was all in good fun, Just so you know, I personally would rather punch Micheal Moore in the face then you. xoxoxoxoxo
Been thinkin' all afternoon how profitable this site could be for Founder.

When someone showed his/her arse on here and got everybody riled, we could take up a collection and have them "sold down the river", as it were.

I don't know the total MM membership, but even if you only got 2 bits apiece......I'm thinkin' Canadian Moose hunt here, Brian.

I'd even pay "back payments" for like, Timberdoodle, Bowhuntswithatruffle, and some others that are history.

I know, I know.....I could be #1 on some people's list.
He had to run out last night and find some deer in the headlights to shoot. Was probably out late with the other poachers and is sleeping in this morning.

I'm sure we'll here from him too soon.

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money.
You can keep the "change"!"
Hey Nickerd!cker... Bowhunt ain't gone. Just on really good behavior.

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