Hunt Expo lottery tickets?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-14 AT 05:47PM (MST)[p]With the Expo coming up next week, just thought I'd see what people think about buying any of the LE tickets. I usually throw a few dollars in the ring but find I get less excited each year realizing the odds are really bad. But, since I burned my pts a couple years ago, this is the only way I'll be able to hunt UT again so I'll probably donate for maybe 10 elk tix or so.
I know the odds are terrible but I still buy some every year. It is the only chance I have of ever getting a Henry Mountain tag. I lucked out and got a Book Cliffs deer tag 2 years ago and had a great hunt. Its nice that the results come out so early, it makes it easier to plan the year.
Yeah, the odds are terrible, but if you don't buy one your odds are exactly zero! Where each person can only buy one application I feel better than if joe moneybags throws several thousand into the pot. I would like to think I have a chance once in a while of just being lucky.
>Yeah, the odds are terrible, but
>if you don't buy one
>your odds are exactly zero!
>Where each person can only
>buy one application I
>feel better than if joe
>moneybags throws several thousand into
>the pot. I would like
>to think I have a
>chance once in a while
>of just being lucky.

Ya, what he said^^^^
I've said this before, but it doesn't matter. Remember the line from Dumb and Dumber..."so you're saying I have a chance"? As long as there is a chance, people will pay! Average odds for good tag is about 1:4000.

Odds would be much higher (only 1:36) to take your $100 to Wendover, and slap it on #12 on the Roulette wheel. Then take your winnings ($3500) and buy an auction tag. If you want to go big, do it two times in a row (odds would be 1:1225[that's three better odds than at the expo]) and walk away with $122,500...that should buy you a pretty good tag!

Then again, if they put these convention tags back in the public draw where where they belong, the odds are 1:10 to 1:30! Oh well, at 1:4000 odds, at lest you have a chance, and someone has to draw, right?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-14 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]At least you have a great attitude! LMAO

I'll spend about $100 total for the event and have a ball.

Wendover? It'd cost me that much in gas... then you'd have lodging, drinks, loose women and gambling. OMG, I'd be way over budget and take some extra trophy-bugs back to my wife.

Sounds pretty bad! I'll stick with the expo, thank you!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-14 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-14 AT 01:18?PM (MST)

>Wendover? It'd cost me that much
>in gas... then you'd have
>lodging, drinks, loose women and
>gambling. OMG, I'd be way
>over budget and take some
>extra trophy-bugs back to my
>Sounds pretty bad! I'll stick with
>the expo, thank you!

EXPO? It'd cost me that much in gas... then you'd have lodging, meals, a movie and tag lotto. OMG(osh), I'd be way over budget and take some extra private guided trophy hunts back to argue about with my wife.

Sounds pretty bad! I'll stick with Wendover, thank you!

Lee, you gave me a good chuckle. You're right!
I suppose either one could cause a divorce!

Well, I'll put it this way.
The expo sounds like, and IS, more fun to me than all the gambling joints in the world. I'll leave it at that!

I'm not a stick in the mud (or a Wendover liker) so count me in for the expo!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 11:26AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 11:26?AM (MST)

>Lee, you gave me a good
>chuckle. You're right!
>I suppose either one could cause
>a divorce!
>Well, I'll put it this way.
>The expo sounds like, and IS,
>more fun to me than
>all the gambling joints in
>the world. I'll leave it
>at that!
>I'm not a stick in the
>mud (or a Wendover liker)
>so count me in for
>the expo!

Yeh, ya might also get lucky during the divorce and draw a judge that hunts! I didn't draw an archery deer tag last year for the first time since I moved back to Utah in 1989 and with my luck I can't afford to take the chance. :)
Well elkabove,
I'm one of the lucky ones since there's no divorce in my future and I only spent $35 for expo lottery tickets! Split $10 in gas with my brother and $10 to get in and I'll be right at $50. Not too bad for all the friends, trophies, and cool toys that I'll see. My guess is most guys spent that last night for dinner and didn't even get to talk about hunting! Ha
Some guys spend more, some less and some don't attend at all. I love the choices we all have.
Come on sheep tag!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 03:34?PM (MST)

>Well elkabove,
>I'm one of the lucky ones
>since there's no divorce in
>my future and I only
>spent $35 for expo lottery
>tickets! Split $10 in gas
>with my brother and $10
>to get in and I'll
>be right at $50. Not
>too bad for all the
>friends, trophies, and cool toys
>that I'll see. My guess
>is most guys spent that
>last night for dinner and
>didn't even get to talk
>about hunting! Ha
>Some guys spend more, some less
>and some don't attend at
>all. I love the choices
>we all have.
>Come on sheep tag!!!!!

I too love the choices we all have!

And I'm also thankful that even after the many challenges life has thrown at us during our 47 years of marriage, there isn't a divorce in our future either even if I did go to the EXPO and put down $5 on every available tag. It's only money, isn't it?

I hope you have a great time and I also wish you good luck on that sheep tag.
OK...Another Expo tag ? You used to be able to qualify for a bonus drawing if you apply for a certain number of 20 or something. I just went on and didn't see any bonus type of qualification so perhaps they've eliminated that bonus. So, it just appears you just buy as many as you like with no benefit to buy more. Did I miss something or does this seem right.
>AT 11:33?AM (MST)

>At least you have a great
>attitude! LMAO
>I'll spend about $100 total for
>the event and have a
>Wendover? It'd cost me that much
>in gas... then you'd have
>lodging, drinks, loose women and
>gambling. OMG, I'd be way
>over budget and take some
>extra trophy-bugs back to my
>Sounds pretty bad! I'll stick with
>the expo, thank you!

Take the $100 and give it to me. I will tell you you don't get a tag. I will then plant some grass for you($1 worth of seed). I will of course let you watch WWE on TV so you can listen to some alpha males. Afterwards we can have some dinner(banquet chicken $2). You can camo up, I will spray tan. Then we can talk about how great we are for conservation and I will send you on your way. Now I will take the $97, give the state a large portion for conservation(10% I think is what SFW thinks is a large percentage). I will take the remaining $87.50 and grease some polliticians, pay "administrative costs", pay salaries(me). After all that I will partner with the DWR to buy some PR to advertise how great I am(like SFW and DWR, DWR will sponsor this as well).

In the end, you burned $100, saw some alpha males, had some chicken and felt good about conservation. I of course pocketed $87.50 and got to expand my influence with the DWR. I benefit, you benefit, BUT, next year there will be fewer deer, fewer moose, and lots less access.
Enjoy the show!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Well hossblur,

I don't see how I could pass you up on that offer, but I'll have to since I've already spent my $50 at the expo and had a great time! Maybe some other time hoss.

Happy Valentine's day,

Zeke, the sweetheart
On behalf of the wildlife of utah, thanks for the $5 that it got. SFW REALLY thanks you for the $45. And THE DON REALL, REALLY likes you coming so when he goes to the legis. and WB he can add you as the number of "hunters" that agree with SFW and their vision of a locked up, private ownership state with unlimited tags for wealthy connected "hunters". Glad you had fun, I like to look at gear and mounts too, but as your access dwindles and your tags are swallowed up, I hope you enjoy looking at OTHER GUYS mounts, because with SFW's help, that is who will be hunting..

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
The Expo can be fun, espically with family and friends, if you got some extra money to throw around. I have been lucky enough to draw 2 tags there, but I'm not real pleased with who is counting my money I spent, on the following Monday. I can't but help feel like I am selling my Soul to the Devil, in order to have a chance at drawing a extra Utah Big Game tag. I just dont see eye to eye with some individuals/Groups that are affilated with the Expo!!
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