Hunt Challenge????


Founder Since 1999
How many of you guys would be up for some kind of a Hunt Challenge? I was thinking maybe something where I would setup a seperate forum and then we could each have our own thread where we post pics and video from scouting trips and hunting trips. It could be photos or video of landscape, game, whatever. Maybe tell a little about each outing. At the end of the year, when all the hunts are over, we could vote on a winner and give them a little something.

How many of you would enjoy seeing AND SHARING pics and video of your outings? I think it could be fun. I always enjoy seeing photos that a bunch of regulars share and would enjoy seeing and hearing about different scouting trips and such.
We wouldn't want to share too much info., as we all want to keep some stuff on the down low, but you know, just some stuff so we can follow each others year of adventures better.

FOR EXAMPLE; BOHNTR, he arrows lots of game each year and I think it would be fun to hear about scouting trips, etc. of his. I guess more than just success photos at the end of the year. (I hope I'm OK using you as an example Roy)

What do you guys think? Ideas? Anyone want to do it? I have this video site, we could share the clips in. I could even setup a seperate Channel for each participant or something.

Let's hear some thoughts......

Brian Latturner
So basically it'd be a personal blog of your year with photo's, video's, and comments? Each participant would his his/her own thread?

I like the idea!
I'll post up my FishLake archery experience. I've already started my internet scouting and can start with that.
Ya, I guess it would be like each person having their own blog. We could even do a seperate one for each of our different hunts if you all wanted. So if you had a Colorado elk hunt and a Utah deer hunt, you could maybe do one for each hunt.

I think real detail would be fun, right down to talking about some of the internet scouting a guy does. Maybe tell a little about some of the guys who give you tips and what you might do for them in return. ?????

You know what mean? I think it would be fun to follow the hunts of each other more closely.

Keep the feedback coming.

Brian Latturner
Count me in. That sounds like a lot of fun to participate in as well as be a spectator!!! Great idea Brian.

It's always an adventure!!!
I think thats a damn good idea, but i wouldn't seperate the hunts up. Just usernames.

Great idea though.
Sounds like fun! I've got a San Juan LE Archery elk hunt this year. Already been scouting a couple of weekends :)

Sounds like fun to me!

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
So if I create a seperate forum for our adventures, should it be a forum where other people can post to our threads or should it be only us who can post to our threads?
I could do a "Fully Moderated" forum in-which every post with have to be approved. What do think? Either is fine with me. Sometimes I think though that having lots of questions posted, etc., could take away from the story of our 2010 Hunt Year.
What y'all think?

Come on, there's got to be a few more of you who will join in?!!?!?

Brian Latturner

I agree that if the threads get too long they could become a bit much. If people want to post questions, comments etc they can post in the appropiate forum (ie. sheep, muley, elk etc).

Great idea!
I agree just let people post their stories and pics and leave the comments or questions from others off, so they do not get too long. Everyone can comment on somebodys hunt on another forum or pm them for specific questions if they like. I think it is a cool idea
I've done basically the same thing over at the for many years. Last year I did my Colorado elk hunt, the year before my Wyoming antelope hunt, the year before that was my Utah deer and Wyoming moose hunts, etc.

From experience, it gets a lot of followers and as the story teller its hard to always have to explain and answer a lot of questions. Once the full hunt is over and the story been told in full, I think that would be the time to answer peoples questions.

I can also say the most popular thing about this type of event is the photos one posts. People want more photos and fewer words.

Here's a link to my last years Colorado archery elk hunt.
It will take a while to load, as I posted a lot of photos.

I plan to do this sort of thing this year on my Utah Book Cliffs hunt and also on an antelope hunt I should draw in Wyoming (on the and I would be happy to do it here too.

Have a good one. BB
I like the idea of not being able to ask questions and post replies, etc to keep the post from getting way too long. I'd say if you have a question or comment, you send a PM, if even that.
I'm in.
It'd be good to kind of force me in a way to keep up on it. I plan on doing better with documenting it by video and photo this year.

Thanks Brian!

For the love of the game
Brian, you know I'm in dude!! I agree with the others make it so only the person who starts the thread can post anything...kinda like a read-only thread.


I would be in for my LE archery elk tag. It will force my computer illiterate self to learn to post some pics and possibly some video. I like the idea.
Brian, I like the idea and I think once its up and running, it will take off with more people joining. And i also like the no comments part.

LAST EDITED ON May-25-10 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]
How about a "year in review" forum.
Just recap your season.
Good photos & a description of the hunt.

I do think as the site gets more & more categories some of the material gets lost.
Some guys just don't like to hop around to all of the different forums dissecting each thread.
I look at a lot of them, but as more are added, I just don't have time to look at them all.
Let others comment on the thread.
When I see a lot of responses to a thread, I usually have to see what all of the fuss is, be it good or bad.
It is usually telling of a good thread when there are a bunch of replies.
Sounds good. We have 3 LE Deer, 1 Oryx, and one LE Elk so far between my wife and kids. I think its a great ideaa.

Instead of creating different "forums" for each species, I would just make sure the poster gives a good description of the hunt, in the subject heading.
Thanks, Brian for your help with my password. I am an idiot.

I love the idea and will participate. I hope to do more as a volunteer.

Brother in law drew out Unit 10 in AZ with 2 points... sorry guys. He is just that way... Lucky. I don't think that's a good enough nick name for him so we will stick to SOB. It stick better, especially now with all his luck. He drew out in 2005 and shot a great 290 bull then he drew out a Utah Management hunt for 5 point on the San Juan unit. We had a blast and saw tons of bulls. Didn't get one, but passed on all the dumb satellite bulls. We were hoping to find one of those 5x6 running around down there. But time ran out.

This idea is great. Hope everyone catches on that not only does a camera video or still capture the moment to show your buddies, it certainly will come in useful as you share it with your family (kids and kid's kids)

I will send you a pm with more details of what we spoke about on phone. Thanks for your time.

Count me in...I have a Nevada 231 Archery Bull tag and think it will be cool to share the hunt with MM. My son drew a 221 deer tag so that should be exciting as well.

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