Hunt Ca. as a NR?


Long Time Member
I was in WalMart today buying my daughters junior license and tag app when I noticed how much a non-resident deer tag was. Holy is $244.00! I think to myself, unless you are hunting with an outfitter or a premium area, who would pay that? Just curious how many of you non-residents of California pay to come to California and hunt deer. Thanks.

Yeah, me too. I've got some ocean front property in Arizona that I'll sell any non-resident who pays that to hunt this crappy deer herd.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
There are some kick ass blacktails here up north.
I'd pay it if I were forced to.
Not to mention a two buck limit.
I was just on another message board where a Nevada resident was complaining about never getting drawn for his home state.
I'm really starting to appreciate my two yearly OTC Ca. buck tags
.With all these late rains, the feed is incredible this year.
It's gonna be a good un.
It is down here in Santa Barbara County if you don't have a private ranch to hunt on. Finding a buck around here on public land that is older than 2 years old is next to impossible. I've bought an A zone tag each year for the past 20 years. I sent in my app with no intent of hunting A zone this year. That's pretty sad....

HH- I wish I lived up there. Sounds like you'll do well this year. You mentioned the two tags per season....It's been 4 years since I've filled out a tag in A zone. Haven't even come close to needing a second. Good luck this year.

i cant hardly believe that, i read this story about a guy, i believe his name was "Cole Houston" who killed two WHOPPERS in the same day! i believe he broke the state record then broke his own record. i'd bet the draw odds drop a bunch when people hear that story. i'm posative both in california.

anyone ever hear it? :):)
I am pretty sure it was uncovered he(Coleman Houston) was buying racks off e-bay and passing them off as his own. There were a few threads last summer on a California board that discussed it.

>I am pretty sure it was
>uncovered he(Coleman Houston) was buying
>racks off e-bay and passing
>them off as his own.
> There were a few
>threads last summer on a
>California board that discussed it.


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

If I had any idea where to go on a decent hunt in Cali I'd pay it...I've only been in Northern Cali twice and didn't see any deer. Is that pretty normal??



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