Hunt Adventure Challengers??


Very Active Member
Hey, a question to you guys that are hiking into the back country solo to get into shape and scout for your upcoming season. The thought a cured to me that most of us aren't getting any younger, are you guy?s carrying an emergency beacon or letting people know of your exact routes and such? Founder and 4fingers and a few of you others?your adventures are awesome and I love following along with you, great idea with this Brian! But a couple of you guy?s really appear to be getting a ways away and I wonder if you put as much thought into your possible emergency situations as you do into getting into shape and what those things might be?? Which brings up one more question. Founder?if your not ?found? who keeps up the web site? Do you have it willed to someone? For most of us this is our release until huntin time! Jk. Great adventures by all!!

Good questions!! Last year when I herniated my back and was in SUPER pain and could barely walk, I wondered what I would have done if that would have happened 7-8 miles from the truck while backpacking. That would have been a long, painful crawl off the mountain!!!

I typically tell my wife what state I'm headed for, but if something happens....I'm screwed. I now pack some serious pain killers with me just in case I have to walk/crawl/drag myself off the mountain in pain, but that's it.
I guess if I fall off a ledge or something real bad, I'm in real trouble because the wife wouldn't even begin worrying until the day I'm supposed to be home. Even then, often times she would have no idea where to begin looking. I should probably be more specific where I'm going.

As for the website. If I end up toast, the wife would probably just sell it. I don't know if anyone would want to buy it, but........
I'd like to see my son take it over, but he's still too young to learn to take care of it all.

Would any of you buy the site from her?

Brian Latturner
No doubt a buyer could be procured The selling price will depend on the P&L. Hope you have more P than L! LOL. Let's all hope it doesn't come to that.

I agree that we must all be careful as we scout and work-out but if we are too concerned with "what-if" we should stay home and unplug the toaster.

You should tell your wife the State and the general area so at least we have a search zone, but a beacon? Really? It does my heart good to hear people are still seeking adventure!

We should all be responsible but for gosh sake let's get out there and enjoy life. My 7 mile trail runs are dangerous (at my ripe old age of 56) but I would never miss out on a good adverture!
Zeke, I know of 3 guy?s that were seeking adventure and as of last week they are no longer being looked for. 3 men looking for the lost Dutchman?s gold in the Superstitions here in Az. as the story goes. Maybe they weren't the brightest going out in the middle of summer and maybe they were even prepared but a beacon or a radio GPS might just have been the ticket. Not to feel bad maybe for their foolishness but maybe for those they left behind, which is why I asked these questions and take the same precautions for my wife as well. Most of us hunters are explorers and we do not even like to stay on the path we thought we would. You cant leave someone a message about where you need to be looked for if your aren't gonna be there. Just some food for thought.

I'll be Sheep hunting in Colorado probably solo and will have my Spot device with me in case of emergency. If I push the 911 button help will come. For about a hundred bucks a year you get the subsciption and 100,000 dollars worth of rescue insurance.
You do make a good point and I only disagree with deep respect for all.

When will we start to rely on ourselves again? When will we realize that everything we use doesn't HAVE TO HAVE A BATTERY?

As a country, we are in a mess because we want Uncle Sam to come fix it all. Please don't tell me I'm wrong on this point.

The point about the lost treasure hunters IS MY POINT! The really foolhearty people will get into trouble sooner than later.

We have more tech stuff than we used to have. Are we better prepared? Are we better woodsman? Can we take care of ourselves?
Or do we use all this junk as a crutch so someone elase will bail us out? BTW; I use a gps, compass, radio, maps AND MY BRAIN SO OTHERS DON'T HAVE TO COME GET MY BUTT!

So. maybe we are saying the same thing. Be careful be prepared and don't rely on other ALL THE TIME. We can mitigate the risk but we will NEVER eliminate it!

But if I get in trouble will you come look for me? LOL

Best to you, Zeke
Half of the lure of back country adventure is the element of danger. But still it doesn't hurt to be prepared with SPOT or have a GPS and give details and a map to somebody explaining where you'll be. Even with all of these new do dads its still easy to get yourself in trouble or get killed. fatrooster.
I agree with Zeke 100%. This new age hunter is getting to reliant upon technical crutches, instead of their knowledge and wits. That being said, I carry a compass, gps, and map, and let the wife and a friend know where I'll be and what time they'll here from me. Besides, what about that guy that had to cut off his own arm in Utah after 5 days? You'd never know just how tough you are, no book deals, to Today show, if you just pushed the button.
I didn't start this post to debate the new technologies and so forth and I also don't entirely disagree with you Zeke. I understand where your coming from. I was more curious to know what these guys might or might not be doing for their families to find them if they twist and ankle or something. I really enjoying following these stories very much. I am envious that I cant spend that kind of time in the hills as I live in the dessert in Arizona and between work, coaching, and honey do?s on the weekends I just don't have the time to drive 3 or 4 hours to get to cooler climate/mountains and hike every weekend. Founder has brought some exciting aspiration to this site in the down time and it's fun to live through what these guy?s are doing until my time in the woods can be here. I do get out and scout at least once a month sometimes more but its not as glamorous or picturesque as what most of these guy?s are doing. I also walk on an 15 percent incline tred mill every other day with a 56lb pack for two miles. In between that I coach wrestling so believe me I am in shape and I have woodsman?s prepared savvy about me. I am still very careful and I still carry something so that if I am conscious I can be found. Thanks for the adventures Founder and all that you do to make this site so awesome, keep up the good work!

Well....sounds like we all agree!
Prepare, prepare, prepare and then be willing to assume SOME risk (buy good insurance too)!
Preparation is more than buying a gadget, as we all agree. There's a lot to be said about physical preparation BUT mental toughness and woodlure is even MORE important.
After a caribou hunt in Alaska (1977) I was snowed-in for a week! I vowed I would never hunt again! LOL, silly little boy, I didn't keep that vow either and have been lucky to travel to places far and near with bow and rifle!
Whenever possible I'm sure we travel with other people but we all know it's not always possible. I'm lucky to have a brother and several friends that are willing to help on the high adventure outings.
I always tell my wife (yes, I still have one after 34 years) about where I'll be. And I too use the little crutches just in case!
PS: sorry I got the discussion off track!
Sad thing these days to draw the best tags you pretty much have to aply solo. I have a best hunting buddy that will go with each other if possible without a tag. It really is just as much fun but different. This year we had the bad (really good) luck of both drawing sheep tags but in different states. What are the odds? Good posts Zeke we do agree. Be prepared but don't take unnessary chances. You never know what will happen but even solo I think we are safer in the woods than on the freeway or sometimes in town.

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