Hunt Adventure Challenge Ideas/Thoughts


Active Member
I probably just posted my last post on my hunt adventure challenge and it was kind of a wrap up, lessons learned type post and thought while some of it was fresh on my mind I would post my thoughts on participating in the Hunt Adventure Challenge this year.

One thought that I had was the possibility of opening the forum up to general posting after the voting is over. Give folks the opportunity to ask questions or comment on different ideas posed by the folks posting their story. It would be up each poster whether they wanted to answer the questions or respond to the comments, but I think it would be a nice feature.

As a poster, I would have liked the opportunity to edit some of my posts after they were posted. I had several posts that I noticed typos and spelling errors after the fact, but couldn't go back and edit them to correct them. Most of the time the lag between when I hit "Post Message" and the time it showed up and I read it again was already past the allotted time to be able to edit a message. Not a big deal, but as someone who seems to always make a typo it would have been nice to fix.

Generally I thought the moderators did a good job of getting the messages added, but sometimes there would be several days go by with nothing posted and then a dozen threads would all get updated at once. This made it more difficult to keep up with the threads and I know when I was trying to post real time with my phone out in the field there were a few times when I was already back from my hunt before it actually got posted. I realize that it is a issue of it being a moderated forum, but maybe there is a way to alleviate some of the lag?

Overall it was something that I enjoyed doing and enjoyed reading other people's threads as well.

I had a few other ideas, but I'm drawing a blank now. Anyone else with any thoughts or comments?
Just reading through a few other HAC posts and remembered something else. Not sure how to fix it or anything, but some of the threads are getting pretty long on the load time with all the pictures. When I was trying to post on my own thread with my cell phone it was a chore to have all the pictures load up before I could hit the reply button.

I've gotten in the habit of opening the posts that I want to read in one browser and then going and doing other things in another browser and then going back to the thread I want to read and generally they pictures are all loaded by then. Even with a high speed internet connection sometimes it takes several minutes to load some of the threads.

Again, I don't have an answer to this, but maybe something to look into. The pictures are probably my favorite part so definetly want to keep them.
Okay, since no one else is responding I guess I will keep replying to my own thread. ;-)

Another thought that I had was possibly having more random draw type prizes and a few less 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,... 7th place prizes.

Toward the end it made it a little harder to keep up with the posting when there were threads going around talking about which HAC thread was the best when the thread that you were writing didn't get mentioned. Not getting my feelings hurt or anything, but it does make it a little harder to keep posting when it feels like there isn't any chance of winning.

Also, maybe setting a minimum standard to met to be eligible for the raffle prizes so there aren't folks that start a thread and make a couple posts that technically would be as likely to win a raffle prize as someone who posted steadily throughout the contest. I wouldn't think you could do it based on post count because then you would have folks typing a few lines in each post just to have a higher post count.

The cash prizes seem to be not as nice as a similarly priced item that would have been contributed by a sponsor or just flat out purchased, but I guess some might prefer cash over a piece of equipment they might already have and for sure it is easier to ship cash than a piece of equipment.

I guess based on the lack of responses to this thread there aren't many others with opinions on the subject. I guess I should have just sent Founder an email.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-10 AT 11:29AM (MST)[p]send a PM to one of the challenge mods and they will open up your thread for edits. I did it several times.
I would have liked a "discussion thread" where people could ask questions, etc.
I really enjoyed the HAC forum. MY only frustration was the bogged down stories tht took forever to load due to all of the prior pictures. I don't know the remedy, but it IMO it would improve the overall forum.

Thanks to all of those that shared stories.
Ya, some were long and took some time to load, but the photos and video clips are the best parts of the threads I think. Photos more than anything.

I don't if we'll do it again next year. I have to think about. It's hard for me to read a lot of them and keep up as they go cause I'm quite busy during the fall and have my own hunts, so I had to play catch up this past month.
I also had hoped to see closer to 100 people get involved.

Maybe we'll do it in the future.......???

Brian Latturner

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