Hunt Adventure Challenge = A GO!!!


Founder Since 1999
OK guys, we're going to do this Hunt Adventure Challenge. Outdoorsmans ( is putting up some gear for winners and will put up some cold hard cash for winners.

So, help me out here, can you think of any rules that I need to think about?

What I'm thinking is the following;
1 - I'll setup a Hunt Adventure Challenge Forum
2 - Each of us who want to share our 2010 adventures, can create a thread and post photos, video, stories, etc. Just tell about our 2010 pre-season prep, scouting trips, hunts, etc.
3 - If you have kids, set them up a seperate thread to share their video, photos, etc.
4 - If your thread grows really huge, then create a new thread and post a link to the other one in both threads. Lots of photos could cause it to load slow, and I'm hoping you all share LOTS of photos and videos.
5 - I have created a channel at call "2010 Hunt Adventure Challenge". When you upload clips there, be sure to place the clips in that channel so that they can be viewed easily for visitors to that site. And of course, post links to your clips in your thread.
6 - The forum I create will be fully moderated, meaning I or a moderator will have to approve everything. We're doing that because the only person that will be allowed to post to a thread is the user who created the thread. All other posts to the threads will not be allowed. So, for example, I will be the ONLY one to post to the "Founder's 2010 Hunting Adventures" thread. We're doing that so that the threads don't get riddled with questions and chit-chat. Questions and stuff can be posted in other forums.
7 - At the end of the year, we'll pick winners. Users of the site, myself, and moderators will decide on winners based on which threads are most exciting, packed with video and photos, with the best animals, etc. Whether you're going guided this year or DIY, share your adventures with us all....from beginning to end. Tell us about your pre-season training, scouting, shooting exercises and practices, a little about each day of your hunts, photos, some video, some live game if possible, and hopefully some harvested game. It's possible for someone who comes up emptied-hand altogether this year to win. It's about the whole package!
8 - Be sure to only create one thread per user, unless as I stated, your thread becomes huge with lots of pics and such.

I haven't decided exact prizes yet. But was thinking we should have 3 places, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. What do you all think?

Will you guys share your adventures with us all if you might win a $1000.00 valued 1st place prize package?

PS - I need a couple folks to help moderate the Hunt Adventure Challenge forum. Basically, make sure that was is submitted gets approved or denied so that posts aren't sitting in the que too long. Any volunteers????

Brian Latturner
Sounds a great idea. Not sure on the $$$ part. Seems like its a damn shame anymore to have to front up prizes and $$$ to get people to share in the passion we are all part of.

Can't wait to see and maybe participate in, if only I had a few tags this year :D
I don't about the video limit size. If your clips don't fit at, then you can upload them to YouTube. I'm just asking you all to upload them to my video site because I would like them there. It's not required. Plus, you can upload YouTube clips to
I will do what I can to allow large video clips.

wyodeerhunter - The dollars and gear is just to hopefully motivate a few more. I think most people who share their adventures will do so because it's fun and they also want to hear about other peoples adventures. I just figured since the Hunt Adventure Challenge will hopefully benefit, and Outdoorsman's, that we can have some prizes to compensate those of you who do a great job sharing your adventures.

PS - I'm not excluding myself from being able to win, so.....I'll be trying to win. hehehehe

Let's hear some more feedback on this. How does everything sound? Anyone think of rules that I didn't?
I was thinking that those who share adventures throughout the summer and fall, maybe every week or two should earn more brownie points than the guys who just jump in at the end of the year and post stuff. What you all think?

Brian Latturner
Sounds like a great Idea. I would be interested in moderating. Just let me know

Wasatch Archery Shop
West Haven, Utah

I really like the ideas suggest so far. Having a full hunted "blogged", improves the overall story. Especially since more scouting stories will probably be included and more pic's as well.
Founder, just read and watched your Hunt Challenge video and it looks like a good start. My hat is off to a man who still does the hard hunting after a herniated disc, high cholesterol, and got kicked by a horse last year. Keep up the hard hunting. fatrooster.

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