Hunt 4 Lady huntress


Long Time Member
Hi: The hunt for the elusive Sweetness of the Lady huntress continues!! This could be the hunt of a life time. Must like fishing,hunting,camping,outdoor type. Two Point works, Dont need a wide spread. The most common problem is getting them to hold long enough to sneek up on them. They always seem to flush before u can get close enough to bag them. Have tried the catch and release meathod. It would be nice to bag a trophy! Think I will try trolling for a bit.
Any known where abouts of such a critter exsists. Let me know. This is a fair game chase. Not interested in captive pen raised. Must be wild. This is a real sportsman tag. All units are open. Season year long. Live real bait leagle. Decoys not good idea. Weapons to take include any method.
Prime species wanted 35-42.
Do u know of such a critter. Let me know.
i must warn you, if you are successful on this hunt, it can limit you time spent hunting other species. and also, you dont want to get caught hunting this species again, the lorena bobbit act is considerably tougher on violaters than the lacey act.


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