HUGE snake!!!

RE: HUGE snake!!!

Hoax or not, wouldn't that make you crap your britches!
Snakes suck, and that one is a big "sucker"...
RE: HUGE snake!!!

I think somebody actually measured the snake this weekend and it was barely 21 feet long. The zoo folks said that it must have "magically shrank". Needless to say, zoo attendance had been at an all time high before the measurement...
RE: HUGE snake!!!

My husband and I run a reptile zoo in Saskatchewan, and we have 2 reticulated pythons, one over 20 feet, and one close to it. Both of them weigh around 200 pounds. We have been following this story closely, for obvious reasons, a record breaker like that would be noteworthy news. But, sadly, it appears to be a hoax. It figures, but anything you are scared of looks bigger, no matter what it is. The spider I saw in the laundry room was as big as a dinner plate, I swear!
RE: HUGE snake!!!

you would think hoax.
Not, i saw it on the tube all streatched out with about 80 kids standing in line next to it.
RE: HUGE snake!!!

If you have two of these snakes then you are sick
RE: HUGE snake!!!

>If you have two of these
>snakes then you are sick
Matter of opinion, really.
We have over 100 reptiles, and yes, some people think we are nuts, or sick. It is a business and a hobby, and I dont expect everybody to like it.

Personally, I think that ones interests and hobbies are a matter of personal choice. To judge someone based on their interests is rude and immature, like attacking someone for being of a different race than yourself, or eating meat, their religion and political prsuasion.
RE: HUGE snake!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-04 AT 09:28AM (MST)[p]It's on the news, so it must be true? Not this time... :) Some guy from a London newspaper measured the snake and it ended-up being closer to 20' long than the 49' originally reported.

Here is a link to the story that the guy wrote:,3604,1116074,00.html

49' or 20', either way, thanks God they don't have those suckers here in Az!!



PS: Looks like the link I posted is not working. Copy and paste the URL into your browser, and you should be able to view the story from the UK.
RE: HUGE snake!!!

I know it is real, i took it out of my pants and loaned it to them!!
RE: HUGE snake!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-04 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]I watched the news video on MSN Video, they had the same measurements, but definitely not 50 foot long, longest I had ever heard of before was around 24.
Needless to say it was still freaking huge!
RE: HUGE snake!!!

Long Dong,
I hope it doesn't have scales on it, or maybe they are tattoos.

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