Huff Po on The Monster!


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The Monster: A Loyal Clinton Soldier Turns in His Badge

Posted March 9, 2008 | 03:37 PM (EST)

She has no idea how many times I defended her. How many right-leaning friends and relatives I battled with. How many times I played down her shady business deals and penchant for scandals -- whether it was Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Cattle Futures, Web Hubbell, or Norman Hsu. She has no idea how frequently I dismissed her husband's serial adultery as an unfortunate trait of an otherwise brilliant man. For sixteen years, I was a proud soldier in the legion of "Clinton apologists" -- who believed that peace and prosperity were more important than regrettable personality traits.

And then she ran for president.

After seven years of George W. Bush, America is hungry for change. Big change. And let's face it -- Hillary Clinton, the party standard-bearer and former White House denizen -- isn't it. But even after voters coalesced around Barack Obama, handing him eleven straight primaries (twelve, if you count Vermont), she refused to accept the possibility -though math, money and momentum were clearly against her -- that the Bush/Clinton Family Band might not be #1 on America's Billboard chart anymore.

So, rather than step aside and become the hero of her party, she made a strategy decision to go negative in advance of Ohio and Texas. Not just negative -- personal. She cynically chided Mr. Obama's message of hope. She played the victim card. The gender card. The Muslim card. She cried "shame on you, Barack Obama" for his campaign tactics, while (if we're to believe Matt Drudge) simultaneously floating a picture of him in Somali garb to stir up questions of his patriotism.

She accused Mr. Obama of his own shady business deals (the irony of which nearly ripped a hole in the fabric of space/time). She accused him of being two-faced on NAFTA, when it was her campaign that had winked at the Canadians. She demanded that he "reject" the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, but remained silent when Rush Limbaugh stirred up votes for her in Texas. And she crafted the now-infamous "3am" attack ad -- which used scare tactics to highlight Senator Obama's perceived lack of experience in foreign affairs. Straight out of the ol' Atwater/Rove playbook. Of course, all of this paled in comparison to her husband's patronizing, racially insensitive comments earlier in the primary season.

Was this the same Hillary Clinton whose husband ran on the idea that hope was more powerful than fear? The wife of a president who had less foreign policy experience than Barack Obama when he was elected? And exactly which crisis is she referring to when she claims to have more experience? And while we're at it, where the hell are those tax returns?

It's clear that Hillary's back in this thing, at least for the time being. But at what cost? Short of some cataclysmic event, there's no way either she or Mr. Obama can reach 2,025 delegates in the remaining contests. That means she's accepted the inevitability of a brokered convention. A convention she'll almost certainly enter with fewer delegates than her opponent. That raises some important questions:

Will she subvert the will of the voters? Will she turn Denver into a series of shady back-room deals and arm twisting? Will she dispatch her husband to pressure superdelegates into switching allegiances at the last minute? Are we in for, as one pundit put it, a good ol' fashioned "knife fight?"

And if she does manage to secure the nomination, what about the scores of disenfranchised Obama supporters (many of them young people with little loyalty to the Democratic Party)? How will she bring them back into the tent? Hillary seems confident that this can be remedied by offering Mr. Obama a spot on her ticket. Really? And what would his motivation be for accepting? Playing third-fiddle to Bill?

However, if Mr. Obama goes on to secure the nomination, she'll have handed his rival a treasure trove of sound bites. All John McCain has to do between August and November is play clips of Hillary questioning Obama's experience and belittling his platitudes. In a way, she'll have become Mr. McCain's second running mate.

She's proven that she cares more about "Hillary" than "unity." More about defeating Obama than defeating the Republicans. She's become a political suicide-bomber, happy to blow herself to bits -- as long as she takes everyone else with her.

On Friday, one of Barack Obama's foreign policy advisors, Samantha Power, resigned after calling Senator Clinton "a monster" during an off-the-record exchange. It was an unfortunate slip, but one that echoed the sentiments of many Clinton apologists like me -- who've watched Hillary's descent into pettiness and fear-mongering with the heartbreak of a child who grows up to realize that his beloved mother has been a terrible person all along.

Are the conservatives right about the Clintons? Will they do and say anything to get elected?

I don't know.

All I know is...I'm through apologizing.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I think there is some truth to the article.

No one is slinging mud at McCain right now because the dems are too busy throwing it at each other.

Granted, none of the 3 canidates are very appealing to me, but it is cool to see the hyp. machine after its self.

Will enjoy it while I can because once the dems pick one of these socialist the dirt will be coming the republican's direction.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
Hillary CANNOT be President!

The US has a lot of money invested in Air Force One. If it has to be mothballed and replaced with a C141, to have a door that will accomodate that big fat butt.........what is that going to cost the taxpayers?

That pretty much sums up my opinion of the only viable difference between the two Dem candidates.
Dude I was simply pointing out what is being said on your favorite site the Huffington Post.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Hillary is living up to my perdictions and then some. That is one nasty vindictive ##### that will not back down even if it pulls the Dems apart. I have no sympathy for the left wing liberals that put her in the forefront for their party. They got what they sowed and hopefully the moderates in the Dem. party will now get the guts to push better candidates in the future.
To the ones who make it their mission to criticize the GOP, at lease they did not elect a radical far right member of their party to represent them in the election. I guess that makes the GOP a little more progessive then the Dems.
I am glad to see that Obama turned down the b#####s to be her VP as suggested by Slick Willie himself. There is nothing, and I mean nothing that either one of the Clintons will do to stay in power, and now even some of the Dems are getting fed up enought to admit it.

I know most of you guys hate Obama but as of right now he is the only candidate of the 3 that does not have something illegal or unethical on his political record. If I'm wrong prove it to me. McCain has the Keating 5, Hillary has Whitewater what does Obama have? I respectfully await your reply.
As has been said many times over the clintons will do and say anything for power. It is as simple as that. They will be loyal to no one and nothing that can stand in her way. Some people have been saying this for years, hopefully more people are waking up to this.

Have you forgot about the home and next door land deal with the big name developer that is still being looked at for possible "scratch my back, I will scratch your back" deals.
With all that corn you are growing in Nebraska, I hope you are not using the "shine" end product and having it taint your memory a wee bit.

Cornhusker, what do we know about him? Not much. The media has failed to do their job to adeqately investigate him.

There are however a few things he needs to fully explain. Some of which are:

His ties to terrorists such as weather underground. His campaign described themselves as "friendly" with them.

His and his church's ties to Farakhan.

His sweetheart land/house deal that RELH mentioned.

And I am sure that as the campaign goes on there will be many others.
Farakhan isn't on the FBI most wanted list why does he have to explain anything about him? besides he's denounced Farakhan's support already.

He says the house deal was a mistake but as far as I know no laws were broken and no charges have been made, name one politian who can claim they never made a good deal, abnormally good.

Ties to terrorist? yeah, probably he has ties with Martians too. try harder.

Nobody is perfect but if this is the best you've got he's pretty clean.
Not really, I'm not to wild about him. it's his competition I'm less wild about. I don't doubt he has a skeleton in his closet but find a real one , this constant fictional Muslim terrorist stuff worn out.

Obama is as qualified and at least as clean as anyone in the running, and that's not saying much.

Never claimed he had ties to muslim terrorists. Re read my post. He has ties to weather underground. I don't know what religion this terrorist organization is but they are a terrorist organization that has carried out bombings here in the US. This is a fact. The obama campaign made a statement saying they are "friendly" with them. This is a fact.

Never claimed farakhan is a terrorist. I would say he is close though. Someone who is a blatant racist and preaches about racial war, killing of the evil blue eyed white devil. That's not someone anyone let alone a president should have ties to. I haven't heard anything about him denounceing him. I have heard that his church gave farakhan some kind of honored position? Don't understand it. This is why I said he needs to explain exactly what his ties are with him and his position on him.

"as I know no laws were broken and no charges have been made"

No kidding. That's why he needs to come clean with it. So we all know exactly what went on.

If I remember correctly what I read was it is still under investigation.
The Rezko deal does have ties to Sadam Husiens money launderer. This stinks and he needs to come clean on it.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Couldn't come up with anything huh.

Let's look at some of the criticisms, the next door land deal with the developer. Investigated like crazy nothing illegal or immoral possibly some use of political influence he himself said it was a bad idea because of the image it portrays.

Viking said we don't know much about him the media hasn't investigated him, really! A local Fox station tried to tie him to Chavez proven to be false. Do you really believe they haven't been looking for dirt on him for the last year?
In the debates he not only rejected but denounced Farakahan and his policies. Farakhan is a Black Muslim he is Church of Christ tie that together for me. What do you want him to do, shoot Farakhan to prove he doesn't have anything to do with him.

Ties with Weather Underground now called the Weathermen I've looked everywhere can't find one credible tie other than a couple of crazy blogs that even mention it. Help me out educate me on this.

Just wait more will show up really isn't a good arguement, which has been listed.
Darnit I wasted my 23 minute lunch on this and will have to wait till supper to eat. I respectfully await some credible evidence of corruption, illegality or threat to the country maybe it's there, I just haven't found it.
>maybe it's there,
>I just haven't found it.

The Republican Machine already has it and is waiting to pounce. LMAO :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Obama?s Ties To Domesic Terrorist Exposed
February 27th, 2008 ? Related ? Filed Under
Filed Under: Democratic Party ? Featured ? Obama (D) ? Politics ? Richard W. Cochrane

Barack Obama?s meeting at the home of and with two well known terrorist William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn will escape the remembrance and knowledge of most voters. Ayers and Dohrn are known as two of the most notorious ? and unrepentant ? figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s. Ayers and Dohrn belonged to the anti-Americans Weather Underground as was former aide to a Santa Barbara County Supervisor. Dohrn was jailed for refusing to testify in the case of the Brinks armed robbery that left three dead, including two New York state troopers.Ayers told the New York Times that he didn't regret setting bombs and said he regrets not planting more bombs. Obama has not denounced nor stood up to the astonishingly vile and vicious pronouncements of the pair. What does this say about Obama?s politics that Ayers and Dohrn approved of him, and what does it say about Obama that he felt he needed their blessing?President Bill Clinton pardoned Weather Underground bomber, Susan L. Rosenberg with the despicable Marc Rich. It also recalls the fiasco of the FALN pardons, in which Hillary played a major blundering role. What a great way to get that story back in the headlines!

Both distrubing and disgusting Barack Obama does not deny the meeting of the support of this dispicable pair. Why?
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Obama met a couple radical hippies and they liked him so he's a terrorist? If the Son of Sam likes him that makes him a serial killer as well? whatever it is vikings drink you need to lay off it a while.
If Obama is a man of honor and principal, why did he meet with two radical terrorists, not radical hippies as described by Dude.
Those two terrorists have bloody hands in numerous bombings,
the gov. just was never able to gain enought proof to bring them to trial. If I was a public figure, I would never be meeting with people that were considered TERRORISTS and possibily MURDERS.
Now if you do not think that stinks to high heaven, then you are just a blooming idiot. Heck I forgot, you are a blooming idiot as judge by others.

As scary as Hillary is, I would actually vote for her over Obama for President. There is something about him I just don't trust. I think he would drag the US down to Third World economic status if given half a chance. Ted Kennedy endorsed him for crying out loud!

Excelent point eel. Obama to me, is as slick as the original slickmiester.
Great post! All truths, and those that condemn or reject what is said, all I can say is, "Truth hurts don't it"!
RELH so what if he did meet with them? what was the context of that meeting? you aren't simple enough to think he was after the old hippie terrorist endorsment do you? I'm not saying they're good guys but give me a break you can't even talk to a person not convicted of an accused crime without being a terrorist yourself? maybe that simple thinking is why Bush is afraid to meet with leaders of countries he doesn't like.

Maybe they were selling girl scout cookies and Obama was hungry, it doesn't matter unless something illegal or unethical transpired. why do you think even FAUX hasn't made a big play on this monster story? because it's a non issue.
I don't think I could condem the guy for meeting with two guys who have a vast criminal background. I can think of a multitude of reasons he would meet with them. Weather Underground was definitely a bad bunch of guys, however recognize their beliefs and goals have evolved from the 1960's. They are now called the weathermen and don't believe in violence to get their political message across.

Now I don't like the fact that he met with them either, but I don't have an idea what the meeting was about. Possibly it was about change of the organization away from its radical past. Anyway as I stated earlier what has he done that has made the news that was illegal or unethical. He is the only one of the three candidates so far that doesn't have an illegal act in his background.
I am not saying obama is a terrorist but he does have several things he needs to explain. Such as his relationship with the domestic terrorist ayers and his wife. This guy is not just a "criminal" he is a full fledged terrorist. He is responsible for numerous bombings and murders of american citizens. Some of which were police officers with families. Ayers has never expressed remorse for what he and his wife did and in fact as recent as 2001 said he should have set off more bombs. This wasn't a one time meeting either. From what we know Obama has a history of associating with this terrorist. Why we don't know more is because neither of them will comment on thier relationship other than the obama campaign stating he is "friendly" with him.

Why would any patriotic american citizen let alone a candidate for president want with associating with this type of person? These are questions the american people deserve answers to.

February 19, 2008

WASHINGTON ? Senator Obama's ties to a former leader of the violent left-wing activist group the Weather Underground are drawing new scrutiny as he battles Senator Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

As an Illinois state senator in 2001, Mr. Obama accepted a $200 contribution from William Ayers, a founding member of the group that bombed the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon during the 1970s.

Mr. Ayers wrote a memoir, "Fugitive Days," published in 2001, and on the day of the September 11 terrorist attacks, he was quoted by the New York Times as saying: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

He and Mr. Obama served together on the nine-member board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago nonprofit, for three years beginning in 1999, and they have also appeared jointly on two academic panels, one in 1997 and another in 2001. Mr. Ayers, who was never convicted in the Weather Underground bombings, is now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The Ayers link, reported on Friday by Bloomberg News, has surfaced in recent days as Mr. Obama tries to add to his lead in the Democratic primary fight. He faces Mrs. Clinton today in a primary in Wisconsin and caucuses in Hawaii, after which they will prepare for critical elections in delegate-rich Ohio and Texas on March 4.

Reached at his office in Chicago yesterday, Mr. Ayers declined to comment on his relationship with Mr. Obama.
Obama meets with the guy, accepts a $200 donation and this is big news? like him or not Ayers is an interesting personality, maybe Obama just wanted to see what made a guy like that tick. what harm is there in talking to him, maybe you could learn from his twisted mind what to expect from those like him. I suppose Obama could have sat at home watching MTV then everyone would be cool with that, Ayers likes the attention he gets by keeping quiet, and Obama has nothing to hide or any explanation that will satisfy the X Files crowd so why should he try.

Obama has to have dirt everone has, go find it and get off this type of trivial junk. this isn't going to cost him the election so give it up.
According to one of his books, BHO did have a small pharmaceutical enterprise, you know, for spending money. Maybe he was just delivering product?

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