Huck Me? Huck You!


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-08 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]With Super Tuesday only hours away who will former Governor Huckabee endorse?

His main stump speeches have focused on his governorship, setting budgets, and working with both houses. That being said, one would think Huckabee will surely endorse Romney.

However, if Huckabee endorses McCain will it leave Huckabee looking like a hypocrit, a religous bigot, or both? you think Huckabee will pull an Edwards in hopes of playing both ends to the middle for a future admin. appointment?
man, good question......are you sure he'll get out? He wouldn't be the first to keep spurring a dead horse.

He'll endorse McCain. They don't hate each other so they will stand with the party. If he wins (not likely) McCain will back him. Huckabee knows that he may have another opportunity in the future if he chooses this is McCains last chance.
>Again I ask you does it
>leave Huckabee looking like a
>hypocrit, a religous bigot, or

Leaves him looking like a polotician. Just like the rest of them, at least he's pimpin the 2'nd amendment :)
Huckabee is fishing for a V.P. spot. Romney won't promise it. McCain will, then back out if he wins the nomanation.

Your right, Huckabee will look like a bigot and a hypocrit, because he is.

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