HSUS Intimidate Journalists

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
Hopefully one day everyone will know what groups like HSUS and PETA are all about. It is too bad USA Today did not take a stand and/or ask more questions. Hopefully it will go a little different next time. I think the word is slowly getting out there, but just not fast enough. We need more strong people to stand up to these groups like U.S. Sportsmen?s Alliance. Lets make sure we spread these news and others like it to as many people as possible to fight for what is right and not some extreme personal agenda. Let's keep this thread clean and on top of the forum for all to see. Thanks

HUSU Intimidate Journalists
It is amazing to see how they don't "own" any animal shelters, yet fund 100's and 100's of them throughout the nation. They use the "poor kitty/puppy" ads to fund a massive ad campaign against hunters. I've purchased animals from the Humane Society before, but will NEVER again, now that I've been educated to the facts. These anti's are getting pretty crafty at disguising their true intensions...another one is Subaru.

The HSUS should be classified as a terrorist group.
They've stated their agenda is to eliminate ALL hunting. I've watched their Genisis awards, they are a bunch of total idiots. They believe rats are more important then people, yet they take up space just like everyone else.

Multi-Million Dollar Animal Rights Group Accused of Corruption; Lawsuit Available at www.HumaneWatch.org
Washington ? In a landmark RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) lawsuit certain to have far-reaching implications for the animal rights movement, Feld Entertainment and the Ringling Brothers circus sued the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), its lawyers, and several other animal rights groups last week. The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) unearthed the lawsuit in federal court records today. CCF is making the lawsuit available online at its newest website, www.HumaneWatch.org.
?America?s farmers, ranchers, hunters, fishermen, research scientists, fashion designers, and restaurateurs have seen for decades how the animal rights movement can behave like a mobbed-up racket,? said CCF Director of Research David Martosko. ?But it's still shocking to see the evidence laid out on paper. In a treble-damage lawsuit like this, a jury could actually do the humane thing and finally put HSUS out of business completely.?
In its February 16 lawsuit, Feld leveled bribery, fraud, obstruction of justice, and money laundering charges against HSUS and two of its corporate attorneys; three other animal rights groups; the Washington, DC law firm of Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal; and all three of that firm?s named partners.
On December 30, 2009, Federal Judge Emmitt Sullivan ruled that these defendants collaborated to pay more than $190,000 to Mr. Tom Rider, a former Feld employee who was an elephant ?barn helper? for two years in the late 1990s, in exchange for his impeached testimony against Feld in an earlier lawsuit?testimony Judge Sullivan declared ?not credible? and disregarded in its entirety. That lawsuit was dismissed.
Feld is also suing Mr. Rider, and a nonprofit ?Wildlife Advocacy Project? charity, claiming that Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal used it to funnel money from their plaintiff clients to Mr. Rider. These clients included the Fund for Animals, which merged with HSUS in 2004.
?The new HumaneWatch website is the only place the public will be able to read this lawsuit,? Martosko added. ?We?re publishing a treasure trove of information about the Humane Society of the United States, including lots of surprising documents that HSUS would rather remain hidden from its contributors.?
Last week CCF launched www.HumaneWatch.org, an online watchdog project dedicated to analyzing HSUS?s activities and keeping the group honest. It includes a blog, an interactive document library, and a growing body of information about HSUS-related organizations and staff.
Here is the comment that I added to her blog:

What I would like to know is who pressured Ms. Loyd to change her original blog which was:

The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom took out another ad recently in a national newspaper criticizing the way the Humane Society of the United States doles out its dollars. The headline says "Shouldn't the Humane Society do Better?''

If you contribute to shelter groups, you might want to read more here. According to the advertisement, HSUS gives less than one-half of one percent of its $100 million budget to hands-on pet shelters and socks away over $2.5 million of donations in its own pension plans.

to the one that now is at the top of this blog??????????????????? Lawyers, threats of lawsuits???

As to the subject itself:

The HSUS spokesman stated that shelters are only a SMALL part of what they do. That is an understatement (1/2 of 1%) coming from an organizations whose name starts with " Humane Society" and who runs ads showing abused and neglected shelter animals.

As a veterinarian who is daily involved in animal WELFARE and who personally donates hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars annually to local shelters, I can tell you that the HSUS is not an animal welfare org. They are an animal RIGHTS orgainzations. Big difference.

So, back to my biggest query: Who got you to change the blog Ms. Loyd?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>It is amazing to see how
>they don't "own" any animal
>shelters, yet fund 100's and
>100's of them throughout the
>nation. They use the "poor
>kitty/puppy" ads to fund a
>massive ad campaign against hunters.
>I've purchased animals from the
>Humane Society before, but will
>NEVER again, now that I've
>been educated to the facts.
>These anti's are getting pretty
>crafty at disguising their true
>intensions...another one is Subaru.

Do NOT confuse the HSUS with your LOCAL humane society shelter. The latter are members of the AMERICAN Humane Society and NOT associated with HSUS, which is strictly a lobbying/animal rights proponent.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Yellow Tail Finally Makes Right Call on HSUS Partnership

Social Media Campaign a Success

A nationwide campaign to educate a leading winemaker about the true agenda of the nation?s largest anti-hunting group has met with success.

The U.S. Sportsmen?s Alliance (USSA) had called upon sportsmen nationwide to contact the maker and distributor of Yellow Tail wine regarding their financial support of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). After being besieged by angry consumers, Casella Wines, the Australian producers of Yellow Tail, responded to the criticism by issuing a statement that it will no longer support any lobbying groups.

As previously reported, the USSA immediately contacted the American distributor of Yellow Tail as soon as it became aware that the wine company was preparing to donate $100,000 to HSUS. After hearing no response, the USSA issued an action alert that was picked up by numerous sportsmen groups, farming organizations, and individuals. This set off a flurry of online activity throughout social media sites including Facebook. This put significant pressure on Yellow Tail to revise its decision to partner with HSUS.

At first, the American distributor, W.J. Deutsch and Sons Ltd, issued a blanket statement that the donation was to be targeted ?to support The HSUS' Animal Rescue Team, which rescues animals in peril whether from natural disasters or large-scale cruelty cases." As the USSA indicated at the time, that response was inadequate since Yellow Tail?s actions were helping HSUS appear as a mainstream organization and also funding its attacks on sportsmen nationwide.

After enduring several additional weeks of protest against their product at the hands of thousands of outraged American sportsmen and farmers, Yellow Tail wine made the right decision and pledged not to work with political lobbying groups like HSUS. According to a letter sent February 19 to the Animal Agriculture Alliance, an advocacy group focused on animal farming issues, Yellow Tail stated:

?[yellow tail] is committed to the plight of animals in need, and we know that animal welfare groups work in different ways to advance their cause. We are interested in the welfare of animals, and in financially supporting animal welfare causes that provide direct care services to help animals, not on taking positions on any animal lobbying issues. We pledge to you that any future support for animal welfare will go to organizations specifically devoted to hands-on care, such as rescue, sterilization, feeding, or disaster assistance.?

This statement represents a major victory for sportsmen.

?Though the USSA is disappointed HSUS received the donation, Yellow Tail?s pledge to not support similar efforts in the future is important,? said Bud Pidgeon, USSA president and CEO. ?The USSA expects that this will serve as a reminder for corporations to do their homework before staking their reputation and money on HSUS.?

The campaign against the Yellow Tail donation also highlighted the growing power of social media websites to impact corporate decisions. At no point did the effort become a major news item in mainstream media such as major metro newspapers or nightly news telecasts. Instead, the entire effort took place online among advocates looking to defend themselves from HSUS.

According to Doug Jeanneret, USSA?s vice president of marketing, ?This should be an eye opener to sportsmen around the country that social media matters and that it is an important tool to make your voice clearly heard, even by companies on the other side of the world.?


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Outdoor, It is my understanding that the majority of the local animal shelter (Humane Society) is funded mostly from the HSUS. If I am wrong please correct me. If an entity gets most of its' funding from one source, their politics go hand in hand. I watched the "Safari Guy" (can't think of his name) on the outdoor channel the other night and his take was the same as mine. Both are related through the Mighty Dollar.

I've been following and writing about HSUS and Pacelle for about 20 years now, so I'm keenly aware of lots of the underlying facts. ;-)

One reason that HSUS is not fond of the regular humane society offices is that the latter are NOT no-kill facilities. They are also pretty much self-sustaining, getting much of their money from donations and adoption fees. As such, they actually distance themselves from HSUS.

Some of the money HSUS gives out is used for various spay/neuter programs. But the reality is that most is spent on propanganda programs, lawsuits and lobbying politicians.

Below are a few quotes from local-type humane societies. If you google "humane society" and a bunch of them, you will find similar comments that disavow relationships with HSUS.


25. How are you affiliated with Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)?
The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA is an independent 501(c)(3) organization and is not affiliated with any other local, state or national organization such as the Humane Society of the United States in Washington or the ASPCA in New York. Because there are so many humane organizations with similar names, it is not uncommon for supporters of one humane society to mistake it with other humane societies and SPCAs. The San Diego Humane Society and SPCA is dependent solely on financial support from our community and donors.

Myth: AHS receives financial support from the government
Truth: AHS raises every dollar used to operate its five facilities
AHS raises every dollar through adoption fees, retail sales, donations, bequests and special events such as the Walk for Animals. We do not receive funding from the state of Minnesota or the counties or cities where our facilities are located.

Myth: AHS is the local chapter of HSUS or the ASPCA
Truth: AHS is an independent, non-profit organization local to the Twin Cities metro area
We are not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States or any other national humane group such as the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and we receive no support from them.

Are you a "chapter" of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) or American Human Association (AHA)?

No. We are a private, non-profit organization. There is a misconception that all ?humane societies? operate under the umbrella of the HSUS or AHA and/or receive funding from them. This is not true. Although we (and other humane societies) partner with these national organizations on special projects or legislative issues from time-to-time, we are all independent organizations without affiliations to the national organizations.


Michigan Humane Society...

Rescues and cares for more than 100,000 animals each year
Is a private, nonprofit organization serving the animals and people of metro Detroit and beyond since 1877
Is the state's oldest and largest animal welfare organization
Is one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the country based on the number of animals cared for and the scope of programs and services
Receives no government funding and is not a United Way agency
Receives no funding from, and is not affiliated with, any national humane organizations
Depends on the generosity of individual and corporate supporters to fund our programs and services.
Has a goal of 100% adoption of adoptable animals by 2010


The Seattle Humane Society, founded in 1897, is a private, nonprofit animal welfare organization. We are proud to serve the people and animals of King County with a variety of programs including adoptions, veterinary services, dog training classes, a pet food bank, and humane education for children of all ages. Through our outreach, advocacy, and services, we strive to ensure that animal companionship is accessible to all. The Humane Society of Seattle/King County (also known as the Seattle Humane Society) is private and receives no local, state or federal support.

Seattle Humane has no affiliation at all with King County Animal Care & Control shelters (Kent and Crossroads) nor with Seattle Animal Shelter. They are municipal shelters supported by your tax dollars. We are not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) or with the American SPCA (ASPCA). Humane societies and SPCAs are all independent.


3. If I make a gift to a national organization, does OHS receive a portion of my donation?

No, currently there are no national organizations that financially support local shelters. OHS is a non-profit independent organization funded solely by the voluntary donations of individuals and businesses in this community. Funding for OHS's services and programs is received in the form of cash donations, bequests, trusts and endowments, and fees.


Is the Humane Society of Broward County a branch of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) or the American Humane Association (AHA)?

No, the Humane Society of Broward County is a private, non profit, 501?3 organization. Each Humane Society is independent and not affiliated with each other. It is very confusing because so many share similar names. The HSUS and AHA are national organizations that work to protect all animals. They do not operate any shelters that adopt out dogs or cats.


Myth: The Kentucky Humane Society is affiliated with other animal welfare groups.

? TRUTH: We are not affiliated with any other local, regional or national organization.
The Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) is a private, nonprofit organization that advocates the humane treatment of companion animals through leadership and proactive solutions to pet overpopulation, including adoptions, rescue, education and spay/neuter efforts. We do not receive any state or federal funding from any entity, nor do we receive any funding from any national organizations.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-10 AT 02:18PM (MST)[p]And...this direct from the HSUS web page. Notice there is NO mention of donating funds to animal shelters or humane societies.

What is The HSUS' mission?
The HSUS' mission statement is "Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty." We strive to create a humane and sustainable world for all animals ? a world that will also benefit people. We seek to forge a lasting and comprehensive change in human consciousness of and behavior toward all animals in order to prevent animal cruelty, exploitation, and neglect and to protect wild habitats and the entire community of life.

How does The HSUS accomplish its goals?
We seek to achieve our goals through education, advocacy, public policy reform, and the empowerment of our supporters and partners. We do not engage in or support actions that are illegal or violent or that run counter to the basic principles of compassion and respect for others.

We work for animals every day by providing direct care and response during natural and man-made emergencies, educating the public about animal issues, working in the halls of Congress to create laws to protect animals, and caring for thousands of animals at our direct care centers across the country. We also work through our major campaigns to target large-scale cruelties such as dogfighting and cockfighting, puppy mills, factory farms, unsporting hunting practices, and the fur trade.

(This is a list I added so you know what their "direct care centers" are.

Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch
Duchess Sanctuary
The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center
Wildlife Care Center
Cape Wildlife Center

How can I donate to The HSUS?
Making a donation to The HSUS is easy and simple. Many donors prefer to make a small monthly donation that is charged to your credit card. This provides HSUS with a steady, reliable financial foundation to reach our goals. You can also opt to make a one-time donation to support our animal protection efforts. If you have any questions about donating to us online, please send us an email or call us at 301-258-8276.

If you would prefer to donate by mail, please send your gift to The Humane Society of the United States, 2100 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.

What do I receive with my donation?
When you donate, you join the HSUS family of staff and friends fighting to confront cruelty and celebrate animals. As a way of saying thank you for your generosity, we will send you a profile and photo of an animal that has been saved by donations like yours. You will also receive a subscription of our All Animals magazine that is filled with useful pet tips, animal stories, and news from the front lines of our fight to protection our animal friends when you sign up to give monthly or make a single gift of $25 or more.

How is my donation used?
The HSUS is the world's leading animal advocacy organization, working to protect all animals across the nation and worldwide. Your donation will help The HSUS in its mission to celebrate animals and confront cruelty -- including our wide range of animal protection initiatives such as:

Animal cruelty and fighting
Wildlife abuse
Emergency services
Puppy mills and pet overpopulation
Seal hunts and the fur trade
Factory farming
Horse slaughter and other equine abuse
Animal research issues
Pet adoption and spay/neuter initiatives
Animal care centers (see ABOVE!)


How To Hunt Coues Deer
>Outdoor, It is my understanding that
>the majority of the local
>animal shelter (Humane Society) is
>funded mostly from the HSUS.
>If I am wrong please
>correct me. If an entity
>gets most of its' funding
>from one source, their politics
>go hand in hand.
>I watched the "Safari Guy"
>(can't think of his name)
>on the outdoor channel the
>other night and his take
>was the same as mine.
>Both are related through the
>Mighty Dollar.

Outdoor says it with a lot more facts and documentation than I, but the short answer is NO, local humane societies are NOT funded more than a tiny amount by the HSUS. As stated, the HSUS only spends 1/2 of 1% of its budget on shelters. Their ads eroneously give the impression that they help more than they actually do.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

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