HSUS: Coyotes Under Fire

There's some truth to the article. While I don't support HSUS and I think they are a joke, I think we are pissing in the wind with the coyote projects. When this world goes to sh!t coyotes will be the last thing surviving. I don't want coyotes eliminated, I love hunting them. I'd rather hunt coyotes all year long with my son than have someone shoot them from planes and poison the hell out of them. If the efforts are focused on winter range and fawning/calving areas that's fine but I still don't believe coyotes are our biggest problem.

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Horsecreek. Would it be alright to reduce yote numbers in the winter range and the fawning/calving areas?
You can spend all the money in the world on improving the habitat and all it will do is grow more deer so it can feed loads more coyotes.

In nature its called a balance! We haven't seen the balance yet when your talking about our deer and coyotes. When we do you can bet mans not in the picture! Just like mans not in the picture when it comes to the wolves/elk in Yellowstone!

Sorry, swbuckmaster, but I have to disagree. There is truly no "balance" in nature. The prey controls the predator. That might seem backwards, but as long as there is something to eat, the predator does fine. As the prey numbers go down, way down, only then will the predator numbers follow. It is a boom and bust cycle, which affects the quality of winter grounds and about everything else. Too much over grazing, not just from wildlife, but livestock, then throw in a bad winter, and there's a crash. Man has the brains and ability to at least help flatten the roller coaster a little bit. The big question, will he! Pressure from ranchers, pressure from hunters, pressure from anti-hunters, modernization of hunting, loss of habitat,... the list goes on and on. Every action has a consequence, be it good or bad. We've all had this discussion before. Years ago we controlled coyotes by using poison, and any other means that would work. That was one of the main reasons deer numbers were strong. It doesn't matter how many we kill, there will always be some to continue, when it comes to coyotes. Deer, elk, and moose have enough going against them without throwing in wolves. Man has a way of sometimes really screwing things up. But without good management decisions based on biology, not politics, I'm afraid to even think what it would be like. Ignoring a problem, doesn't make it go away, it only festers.
your saying the samething as i am! That is what I meant by balance in nature. prey goes up coyotes go up. prey goes down coyotes go down. ect

man is not included in this natural balance of nature. Again yellow stone is a great example.

In this day and age there isn't enough prey to go around especially if you want to feed all these predators. So if you want to be include yourself in this natural cycle then you need to eliminate your competition any way you can. Or you may as well go back to eating vegetables.

My other point that you clearly over looked was habitat wont do crap if you don't eliminate your competition. If you cant eliminate your competition then all you will have is more coyotes to feed on those deer.


I'm on board with you here.

We can try to improve deer habitat every year and be successful at it, but unless we take control of something that actively kills thousands of deer every year improving habitat, etc. will never amount to much.


I'm surprised to see so many tree huggers on here right now. To the poster that said he'd rather hunt yotes than have them poisened and shot from a heli, How many yotes have you killed so far this year? how many have you killed in your entire life? Do you think that the goal is to reduce the number of coyotes to 0? do you think that you personally make a significant positive impact on mule deer in your area or the area(s) you hunt?

If you think you do, you don't. unless you are unemployed and thats all you do all day every day. If there were the case then you wouldn't have time to post on MM.
"The Humane Society Of the US is going after coyote control programs"

Why doesn't this surprise me? I believe i called this one within the past couple years.

+1 said above! It is up to us to control the cycle otherwise there will be no or few prey animals left, deer, certainly unhuntable numbers.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
My point is, you can't and won't eliminate coyotes. They will have more pups when more are killed.
4x4, did you read my post???? Not sure what you're asking?
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BUT, if there are a lot fewer coyotes having more pups, there are still fewer coyotes to kill deer. It's like weeding your yard. There's always going to be more weeds popping up, but with continued weeding, it's a lot easier to keep them under control.

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