HSUS Attack in CO


Long Time Member
3/14 in Denver the HSUS is bringing in an ?expert? to urge CPW Commision to ban all lion hunting.

We need to unite if we want to save colorado! In a decade points will be worthless if we let lions go unchecked!

Meeting will be in Denver at 9:00. Looks like a massive storm might screw many from attending!
Utah is not to far behind Colorado. First the rock lickers in SLC will shut down chasing bears with dogs.Then you won't be able to bait,and then it will be the lion.They are already headed that way with there stupid spot and stock on bears just like Colorado.
>Utah is not to far behind
>Colorado. First the rock
>lickers in SLC will shut
>down chasing bears with dogs.Then
>you won't be able to
>bait,and then it will be
>the lion.They are already headed
>that way with there stupid
>spot and stock on bears
>just like Colorado.

Good luck in Colorado!

How do you think this is going to happen in Utah? Via ballot initiative?


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>Utah is not to far behind
>>Colorado. First the rock
>>lickers in SLC will shut
>>down chasing bears with dogs.Then
>>you won't be able to
>>bait,and then it will be
>>the lion.They are already headed
>>that way with there stupid
>>spot and stock on bears
>>just like Colorado.
>Good luck in Colorado!
>How do you think this is
>going to happen in Utah?
>Via ballot initiative?
>"This is a classic case of
>a handful of greedy fly
>fishermen getting too greedy."
>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>told to KUTV
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

Same way it always happens.

I remember when Colorado lost spring bear baiting. They walked in and did the same thing, it was along time ago. It was 1992 and I remember guys saying we will never loose the Spring Bear Hunt. I woke up the next morning and it was gone forever. They are taking our quotas off lions in Idaho for next year. I'd say you Coloradans that like to hunt need to stand up and rally. Do not let them take your lion season, any good biologist knows that lions are on the increase through out the entire west.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-19 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]They tried it in AZ last year. A large group of guys with money got together and put a kabosh on it by hiring the company that's gathers petition signatures. They also staked out the petition signature gatherers that HSUS put out there and kept potential signers informed whenever the gatherer would lie about lion facts in the state. When HSUS realized they couldn't get enough signatures, they pulled the plug on the effort. BUT...they'll likely be back again.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
>I remember when Colorado lost spring
>bear baiting. They walked in
>and did the same thing,
>it was along time ago.
>It was 1992 and I
>remember guys saying we will
>never loose the Spring Bear
>Hunt. I woke up the
>next morning and it was
>gone forever. They are taking
>our quotas off lions in
>Idaho for next year. I'd
>say you Coloradans that
>like to hunt need to
>stand up and rally. Do
>not let them take your
>lion season, any good biologist
>knows that lions are on
>the increase through out the
>entire west.

Dont forget who helped lead the charge to end our spring bear hunt.

You people in Colorado might as well move back to California now. At least the weather is nice year around. :D
I thought you guys in Colorado just jogged around and choked them out. Fight this all you can. We lost our rights to use dogs on bears and cougars years ago and our deer herds have never been the same since.
Don?t $hit yourself it will happen in Utah.They expect 450,000 people to move to the Wasatch front in next 10 years and they are all liberals coming from California and they will have the voting power to get it changed,just like Denver did to Colorado.
>Don?t $hit yourself it will happen
>in Utah.They expect 450,000 people
>to move to the Wasatch
>front in next 10 years
>and they are all liberals
>coming from California and they
>will have the voting power
>to get it changed,just like
>Denver did to Colorado.

You may want to read about Proposition 5 from 1998.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Do not let HSUS get a toe in there! They are scary because they're incremental. They go big and settle for smaller. Everybody takes a deep breath and is happy, thinking it's over. It's NEVER over with them.

Remember, their endgame is that you lose hunting rights/methods/game species one at a time. Unless you boys hire smart folks tbat can put this stuff in your state constitution, they will keep eating at your outdoor rights, one at a time.

Ask me, I live in California.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-19 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]They tried to ban Spring bear hunting in Idaho in 1996. Prop 2 ended up being a ballot initiative and failed 60-40.Just being able to get a bear hunting ban qualified to be on the ballot in Idaho in 1996 would have been a monumental task (but they succeeded). Western states demographics have changed an incredible amount in that time and not necessarily good for hunters.There is a huge push to save predators. They use emotion to to drive the initiatives, it also means huge monies to these groups.

>>Don?t $hit yourself it will happen
>>in Utah.They expect 450,000 people
>>to move to the Wasatch
>>front in next 10 years
>>and they are all liberals
>>coming from California and they
>>will have the voting power
>>to get it changed,just like
>>Denver did to Colorado.
>You may want to read about
>Proposition 5 from 1998.
>"This is a classic case of
>a handful of greedy fly
>fishermen getting too greedy."
>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>told to KUTV
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News


This is what you're hanging your hat on? You do realize hunters are like 7-10% of the population right? When your BHA chapter founder here in Colorado got initiative 10 on the ballot in 1992 it passed with over 70% for, ending our spring bear hunt, baiting bears, and running them with hounds. It will happen in Utah too as soon as HSUS and the pretend hunters get it on the ballot.

>>>Don?t $hit yourself it will happen
>>>in Utah.They expect 450,000 people
>>>to move to the Wasatch
>>>front in next 10 years
>>>and they are all liberals
>>>coming from California and they
>>>will have the voting power
>>>to get it changed,just like
>>>Denver did to Colorado.
>>You may want to read about
>>Proposition 5 from 1998.
>>"This is a classic case of
>>a handful of greedy fly
>>fishermen getting too greedy."
>>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>>told to KUTV
>>"It's time to revisit the widely
>>accepted principle in the United
>>States and Canada that game
>>is a public resource."

>>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>>quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>This is what you're hanging your
>hat on? You do realize
>hunters are like 7-10% of
>the population right? When your
>BHA chapter founder here in
>Colorado got initiative 10 on
>the ballot in 1992 it
>passed with over 70% for,
>ending our spring bear hunt,
>baiting bears, and running them
>with hounds. It will happen
>in Utah too as soon
>as HSUS and the pretend
>hunters get it on the

1992. Land Tawney was in Jr high? Maybe elementary.

Is it BHA fault JFK got shot? Did they fake the moon landing? Was Land Tawney Custers scout?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Are your employees a reflection of
>your company?

I know of 3 $fw leadership, prior leadership folks I personally worked for. On their personal homes. Who I still refer people to. Who i went to prom with. Who I went to their weddings. Who I stop by and drink beer with.

So I guess not?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
DW are you a reflection on your employer for things u said or did in 1992?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Let me clear up the analogy for you. Would you hire a convicted arsonist to sheetrock for you? If not, why not.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-19 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]And yes, I am a reflection of my employer
for things I said and did in 92. I was studying wildlife biology at CSU and still in the navy reserves as a Desert Storm veteran in 92. Course I've been self employed since 95. A tigers stripes never change

>Let me clear up the analogy
>for you. Would you hire
>a convicted arsonist to sheetrock
>for you? If not, why

You ever tried to hire a sheetrocker? Without felonies? Without drug charges? Without child support?

In 92 I was rolling in a lifted Toyota, wearing a mullet, driving 25 miles to the one store I knew wouldn't ID me. Hoping to get my gf to wear as little clothes as possible(married to her 25 yrs now). Senior in high school.

I wouldn't hire me now.

But beyond that. I've never met Grizz. I read his stuff. We aren't the same. I watch Corey Jacobsen. We ain't the same. I read Land Tawney. We ain't the same.

I know $fw guys that are rmef guys.

If this guy you dislike stands up and says " as the leader of BHA Colorado, this is what we think", then I'm with you, BHA has issues.

Supposedly Utah chair of BHA protested tag numbers on cats/bears at central Utah RAC. As far as I can determine he did so as himself. BHA Utah doesn't have a position.

I bash $fw because of THE DON. Tony Abbot used to be a member. I don't bash $fw because of something Tony says.

I don't know the guy you detest. Chances are I wouldn't like him. But there is video evidence, from Newberg, Rinella, Callahan, Warren, Gritty Bowman, BRO, and a ton others that KILL both bears and cats, in video, and who are also BHA members and in leadership to disprove your belief.

I'm a member. Got no problem with killing beats and cats.

In a member of RMEF as well. I doubt I agree with everyone there, or they me.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>>>Don?t $hit yourself it will happen
>>>>in Utah.They expect 450,000 people
>>>>to move to the Wasatch
>>>>front in next 10 years
>>>>and they are all liberals
>>>>coming from California and they
>>>>will have the voting power
>>>>to get it changed,just like
>>>>Denver did to Colorado.
>>>You may want to read about
>>>Proposition 5 from 1998.
>>>"This is a classic case of
>>>a handful of greedy fly
>>>fishermen getting too greedy."
>>>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>>>told to KUTV
>>>"It's time to revisit the widely
>>>accepted principle in the United
>>>States and Canada that game
>>>is a public resource."

>>>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>>>quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>This is what you're hanging your
>>hat on? You do realize
>>hunters are like 7-10% of
>>the population right? When your
>>BHA chapter founder here in
>>Colorado got initiative 10 on
>>the ballot in 1992 it
>>passed with over 70% for,
>>ending our spring bear hunt,
>>baiting bears, and running them
>>with hounds. It will happen
>>in Utah too as soon
>>as HSUS and the pretend
>>hunters get it on the
>1992. Land Tawney was in
>Jr high? Maybe elementary.
>Is it BHA fault JFK got
>shot? Did they fake
>the moon landing? Was
>Land Tawney Custers scout?
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

He is talking about Dave peterson the Colorado chapter of BHA founder. He was instrumental in us losing our spring bear season.
>>Let me clear up the analogy
>>for you. Would you hire
>>a convicted arsonist to sheetrock
>>for you? If not, why
>You ever tried to hire a
>sheetrocker? Without felonies?
>Without drug charges? Without
>child support?

I know who you're hirin, they washed out as framers and became drywallers and piss and moan about the framing. I see you avoided the analogy though.

>In 92 I was rolling in
>a lifted Toyota, wearing a
>mullet, driving 25 miles to
>the one store I knew
>wouldn't ID me. Hoping
>to get my gf to
>wear as little clothes as
>possible(married to her 25 yrs
>now). Senior in high
>I wouldn't hire me now.
>But beyond that. I've never
>met Grizz. I read
>his stuff. We aren't
>the same. I watch
>Corey Jacobsen. We ain't
>the same. I read
>Land Tawney. We ain't
>the same.
>I know $fw guys that are
>rmef guys.
>If this guy you dislike stands
>up and says " as
>the leader of BHA Colorado,
>this is what we think",
>then I'm with you, BHA
>has issues.

The problem is he came to BHA with a resume that included campaigning hard to end baiting bears and running them with hounds and Land looked at that and said ya, that's the kind of guy we want to found a chapter and become the president. The sheet rocker hired the arsonist!

>Supposedly Utah chair of BHA protested
>tag numbers on cats/bears at
>central Utah RAC. As
>far as I can determine
>he did so as himself.
> BHA Utah doesn't have
>a position.
>I bash $fw because of THE
>DON. Tony Abbot used
>to be a member.
>I don't bash $fw because
>of something Tony says.
>I don't know the guy you
>detest. Chances are I
>wouldn't like him. But
>there is video evidence, from
>Newberg, Rinella, Callahan, Warren, Gritty
>Bowman, BRO, and a ton
>others that KILL both bears
>and cats, in video, and
>who are also BHA members
>and in leadership to disprove
>your belief.
>I'm a member. Got no
>problem with killing beats and

The problem I have is many BHA members detest trapping, baiting and hunting with hounds. They claim it isn't fair chase and its unethical. I've seen them bash RMEF, SFW, DU, and the Republicans. If they would just do their thing, public lands, I'd throw in with em! But they can't. Why? We are 10% of the population, why do BHA members insist on dividing us perched on their high horse? If they did more good than harm I'd chip in. No matter how much good they do dividing us erases that! I know you and grizz dont want to hear this or believe it, but it's what I see, on this page, their facebook page and many other hunting sites. And I'm not alone.

>In a member of RMEF as
>well. I doubt I
>agree with everyone there, or
>they me.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

>The problem I have is many
>BHA members detest trapping, baiting
>and hunting with hounds. They
>claim it isn't fair chase
>and its unethical. I've seen
>them bash RMEF, SFW, DU,
>and the Republicans. If they
>would just do their thing,
>public lands, I'd throw in
>with em! But they can't.
>Why? We are 10% of
>the population, why do BHA
>members insist on dividing us
>perched on their high horse?
>If they did more good
>than harm I'd chip in.
>No matter how much good
>they do dividing us erases
>that! I know you and
>grizz dont want to hear
>this or believe it, but
>it's what I see, on
>this page, their facebook page
>and many other hunting sites.
>And I'm not alone.

And I'm one of the ?I'm not alone?

BHA will shock everyone that supports them when they push for something like eliminating bait season. They pretty much have many people snowed in thinking they are on the same page but when you start to realize there are no principles behind the Org it will
be to late. They are a liberal activists group and they are relentless at getting what they want. But with no principles they will eventually take away what their supporters don't want them to and $hit will hit the fan.
I would like to know a little bit more about Dave Peterson, and how he was involved, it was along time ago and as I remember wasn?t there a group from Maine or Massachusetts that got it on the ballet.
My Dad tells me stories about how this crap passed here in the 80s- I have never known any different. Personally, I cannot imagine eliciting a non affected groups' help (ie-non hunting public) to tell the interested group (hunters) what the hell to do when it has absolutely no relevance in the non affected groups' life. Talk about self deception- it appears Peterson is full of it.

Cheers- Dave
One of the main reasons Measure 10 passed in Colo. in 1992 was the fact the game department's bear biologist, Tom Beck, FULLY supported banning the spring hunt. He had worked for CDOW since 1980, I believe.

I interviewed Beck by phone while I was a field editor for Outdoor Life back then. He supported 10 because it would eliminate the deaths of many orphaned cubs that would still be nursing when the spring hunt occurred. Plus, as an avid hunter himself, he had little respect for killing bears over a pile of stale donuts or the like.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Well before the vote on spring bear hunting, I was told by a DOW officer at the time, that less than 30% of the licensed hunters in Colorado were registered to vote, and that is why we were going to lose the spring hunt.

Colorado also lost the right to use leg-hold traps at the same time.

There were just under 500,000 resident big and small game licenses sold in Colorado. If every small game license holder bought a big game license, we would have maybe 250,000 licensed hunters in Colorado.

30% of that is about 75,000, and out of the 75,000 registered to vote, how many actually went and voted?

We, as hunters, have to get out and vote, simple as that.
If hunters were allowed to vote 3 times apiece, it wouldn't be enough. We're heavily outnumbered, the last of a dying breed.

>>The problem I have is many
>>BHA members detest trapping, baiting
>>and hunting with hounds. They
>>claim it isn't fair chase
>>and its unethical. I've seen
>>them bash RMEF, SFW, DU,
>>and the Republicans. If they
>>would just do their thing,
>>public lands, I'd throw in
>>with em! But they can't.
>>Why? We are 10% of
>>the population, why do BHA
>>members insist on dividing us
>>perched on their high horse?
>>If they did more good
>>than harm I'd chip in.
>>No matter how much good
>>they do dividing us erases
>>that! I know you and
>>grizz dont want to hear
>>this or believe it, but
>>it's what I see, on
>>this page, their facebook page
>>and many other hunting sites.
>>And I'm not alone.
>And I'm one of the ?I'm
>not alone?
>BHA will shock everyone that supports
>them when they push for
>something like eliminating bait season.
>They pretty much have many
>people snowed in thinking they
>are on the same page
>but when you start to
>realize there are no principles
>behind the Org it will
>be to late. They are a
>liberal activists group and they
>are relentless at getting what
>they want. But with no
>principles they will eventually take
>away what their supporters don't
>want them to and $hit
>will hit the fan.


First. Land Tawney sister is in leadership of DU. Randy Newberg is on RMEF board. But don't let facts interupt your rant.

I nor Grizz nor BHA decided to add "elimination of public lands" to our political platform. The republicans did that on their own.

If you truly believe $fw speaks for Utah hunters, just don't choke on the coolaid.

And don't look now but LWCF passed. Check out who voted for it(rob bishop, mitt Romney).

You wouldn't "chip in". You'd #####. Not because of what ACTUALLY is happening on the ground, but because a petro company lobbyist told you to.

Go send money to TRPC instead. Either way land gets preserved. And unlike you, that's really all I care about.

I hunt around a lot of dudes with gauges, tats, flat brims, and they vape like chimneys. And all take them and their non traditional approach every day of the week over your "republicans", sitting around worshipping "great Americans" like Mike Lee.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I intentionally left out the "we're younger than you and we know what's best" attitude that's typical of BHA. Thanx for completing the picture, I knew you wouldn't let me down......

I'm 45.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
^^^The lack of knowledge/integrity in your posts of mind-blowing. The Republicans blocked this bill for years; first Rob Bishop as Chairman of Natural Resources (he's singlehandedly prevented reauthorization of LWCF for most of his tenure, he actually admitted it was his responsibility when he wrote an op-ed that said, "I?chose to let the fund?expire"), and then Mike Lee through parliamentary procedures. It wasn't until Dems took over the House that it got through.

Now, grab your coffee and head out to the porch to yell at grade school kids to, "Get off my lawn!"


Here's the vote tally. If every hunter in the state voted, it still would have passed. And I'd bet the farm that a lot of hunters voted "yea," as well.

Election results:
Colorado Initiative 10 (1992)

Yes 1,054,032 Percentage 69.70%
No 458,260 Percentage 30.30%


How To Hunt Coues Deer
>AT 06:17?AM (MST)

>Hoss I know you're a busy
>man, maybe you missed what
>those evil land grabbin, oil
>lovin Republicans did last week.
>I'll STFB for the impending
>grizz ya buts.

Guess what. I personally called Rob Bishops office and thanked him for voting for it. Did the same with Romney. Not much to say for Lee, he killed it once, and tried a second time.

As that's the difference between you and me. I don't have a team.

Go listen to Newbergs podcast with senator Daines(R) from Montana. I'm glad he seems to get that land isn't a team sport.

I hope the R dump the idea of "land transfer", it would be a good move for everyone but the petro lobby.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-19 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]
>As that's the difference between you
>and me. I don't
>have a team.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Have you been listening to the Democrat socialist nominee's for president for 2020? I too was once naive enough to believe both parties had the best interest of the country at heart. They both spend like drunken monkeys but one wants to abolish our constitution and capitalism and usher in socialism so we can be great like Venezuela! And that's a hard no for me.

Be sure to tell them that 2 years out. In sure they will work for your vote knowing they already have it.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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