I just shot those 2 bows a few days ago. I also shot the Trykon XL. I shot Bowtech Allegiance, Parker? Browning Illussion, Matthews Switchbact XT & 2 other less known 2006 hoyt bows!! I shot all these bows the same day at two different bow-shops!
What I found out I will be happy to share with you. If someone would've done this with me, it could've saved me some time!! <grin>
The Matthews-Browning-Parker bows all had a very weak lock in at full draw. If you relaxed any part of your hand, shoulder back muscle or anything, the string at full draw wanted to jump forward. I personally did not like that at all, it kept me from concentrating on the target as I was concerned with holding hard constant pressure at full draw.
The Trykon and other hoyt lesser bows & the Allegiance had a very solid wall, no jumping forward at all. They felt great & secure & no creeping forward.
Because of those two differences, for me it was between the hoyt Trykon & the Bowtech Allegiance. Both bows shot excellent. Great groups at 20yds!! However the Trykon is a good 1 1/2 pounds heavier, bareboned, than the bowtech. The specs don't say that, but believe me they are. The Trykon was heavy with left arm extended out to draw the bow. Too, the top of the bow wanted to fall towards the floor when trying to hold it upright. Not good balance!!
The Bowtech was perfectly balanced, much lighter & more comftorable to hold straight out before drawing. Not to mention smooth & fast!!
Funny thing is I went down to buy a Trykon, I had it in my heart to pick one up. But then shot a Bowtech because I had some extra time on my hands, I wasn't even going to do that origanlly. Glad I did!! The Trykon is a good looking bow, if it wasn't unbalanced feeling & heavy, I would have bought it.
At the shop that carries Hoyts it also carried the Matthews. The shop owner said he set the Trykon & the Switchback back up at 70lbs 29" draw & shot the same arrow through the chrono. The Trykon was 15fps faster. For whatever that's worth, I thought I'd share that too.!!!!! Good Luck!!-------ElkNut1