How Wyo SFW get it's members


Long Time Member
If you participate in this coyote hunt, are not a SFW member and earn any Converse County paid bounty money, you will be required to use it on membership to WY SFW. Is this legal?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]Sure it is! They aren't forcing anyone to enter the contest and abide by the rules they have openly stated there. Maybe you missed the fact that it's the Converse County SFW Chapter that's putting up that bounty money and not the taxpayers. If the latter was the case, then I could see possible problems, but not the way they set it up. IMHO it appears they are groping for members after the Cody Chapter resigned and probably more members are following their lead as time goes by.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]About on par with business as usual at SFW, stooping to new levels of lowness should come as no shock.

But, what do you expect when your membership has dropped and your state chapters are folding left and right???

Have to come up with a gimmick to gain membership, if that doesn't work, extortion might.
Correct Topgun it is NOT County money for the bounty. This hunt is still very un-traditional in the way the other hunts are being run around the state.

Very self serving for SFW to offer this "bounty" but require ALL team members to be SFW members to receive it. Gaining members who otherwise would not be.
Thanks to SFW or any other conservation group that are spending money to improve hunting and wildlife. If you don't want to participate don't. Simple.
Yeah...if only they actually helped.

You don't have a clue what the WY Chapter is please don't participate.
I am the biggest SFW basher you will find. BUT, I am missing the conspiracy on this one. It would be sneaky if they didn't publish that part, but in fairness they do put it right out there. Like was said earlier, they are putting up the money, its a private group, private contest. You would be smart to not feed this cancer(SFW), but it is their deal. Sorry that the disease that is SFW spread from my state to yours, hopefully you guys dwr won't completely sell out!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
No conspiracy, WY SFW hides in plain sight. An organization that is supposed to represent sportsman in Wy is making a desperate attempt to increase members, because sportsman choose not to join on their own.

I think that's noteworthy...
I wonder if "Big dog/Little dog" is a secret code?:)


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
I believe the Wyoming SFW bashing comes from people that have no idea the positive impact they make for the sportsmen of the state. The Converse County Chapter recently received an award from the Wyoming Game & Fish. The plaque reads "In Appreciation Of Time, Dedication, And Contribution To Wildlife, Habitat, And Outdoor Recreation. Thank You For All You Do, November 2014."

The Coyote Hunt that seems to be a conspiracy to suck one in to becoming a member is nothing more than a good time that will thin out a few predators, create a bag of stories, raise a little money for projects, and heaven forbid signup a few new members.

Rather than sitting in your shorts in front of your computer bad mouthing a hard working group of Sportsmen, join them for a great weekend of fellowship and varmint shooting.
"The Coyote Hunt that is a conspiracy will thin out VERY few predators, create a bag of lies, raise a little money for Wharffs salary, and heaven forbid signup a few new, uninformed members."

Edited it for you...

Seems Wharff is pretty short on listing all the "projects" he's spending the money on that's being raised by the hard working group of Sportsmen???

What say you Northfork? How about a list of those projects your money is funding?

The Bighorn Chapter asked and was told they cant question Wharff.

Northfork---It isn't the grass roots people we bash. It's the upper echelon that are robbing you blind! Please read that letter slowly and carefully that BuzzH posted and if you can give any positive comments on it, other than the Cody Chapter made the right decision to withdraw from the SFW I'm listening!

Interesting reading. We are a free nation and one would think that the Big Horn Basin had every right to disagree with the structure of the organization and move on. However, that group had come into SFW with agreement that this sportsmen?s group was one of the very few in the state that's main directive was lobbying for the members of SFW. The Big Horn Basin Chapter also agreed with the fundraising structures and disbursements of funds. They had a seat on the Board of Directors, as did every other chapter, and had agreed to the conditions of how to change the bylaws, rules, or disbursement of funds. They did not however have any agreement that they could disband the chapter and seal the funds raised in the name of SFW. They were free to start another group and raise funds under the name of the new group. Their actions of closing the doors of the Big Horn Basin Chapter and using the funds to start another group would be considered ?robbing the till? in any corporate case. Basically, raising funds in the name of SFW and using them to start another group is fraud and the posted letter is Jochim and Frame?s confession.
Name me one "corporation" that wont disclose financial information to its own board of Directors.
>Interesting reading. We are a
>free nation and one would
>think that the Big Horn
>Basin had every right to
>disagree with the structure of
>the organization and move on.
> However, that group had
>come into SFW with agreement
>that this sportsmen?s group was
>one of the very few
>in the state that's main
>directive was lobbying for the
>members of SFW. The
>Big Horn Basin Chapter also
>agreed with the fundraising structures
>and disbursements of funds.
>They had a seat on
>the Board of Directors, as
>did every other chapter, and
>had agreed to the conditions
>of how to change the
>bylaws, rules, or disbursement of
>funds. They did not
>however have any agreement that
>they could disband the chapter
>and seal the funds raised
>in the name of SFW.
> They were free to
>start another group and raise
>funds under the name of
>the new group. Their
>actions of closing the doors
>of the Big Horn Basin
>Chapter and using the funds
>to start another group would
>be considered ?robbing the till?
>in any corporate case.
>Basically, raising funds in the
>name of SFW and using
>them to start another group
>is fraud and the posted
>letter is Jochim and Frame?s

So where is the evidence to back up the allegations you have now posted that would seem to be intentionally slandering a group and two people that pulled out of the WYSFW for exactly the reasons stated in that letter. I'd close my doors and leave an organization too under the circumstances involved in that letter where I was being stonewalled. The UTSFW is well known for not wanting to open their books to the public because of all heat generated the last few years. Now a state chapter of SFW will not even open the books to their biggest chapter and appear to be taking almost 100% of their money and will not show them where any of it is going. Great organization you have there and then you come on this Forum and try to say the state chapters are crooks because they left before they lost more of their hard earned money, LOL!!! I hope Birdman is reading this thread and chimes in with his feeling on this matter.
>Name me one "corporation" that wont
>disclose financial information to its
>own board of Directors.

Easy, Enron.

Let's go through this by the numbers since you did not comprehend the prior post.

1. Big Horn Basin joined the Wyoming Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (no affiliation with any Utah SFW) and agreed to follow all the rules and bylaws;
2. We are a country based on the rule of law;
3. Big Horn Basin raised money using the SFW?s name and tax ID number;
4. After being challenged to count the money from their fund raising banquet, at the banquet, before any one person bagged it up and went home, the attacks began toward the State level of SFW;
5. The money I and many others spent at that banquet was understood to be used to fund SFW;
6. Big Horn Basin SFW decided, for whatever reason makes no difference, to close shop and move on;
7. They had every right to move on and start a new organization, however they did not have the right to keep money raise under the SFW banner;
8. SFW State never restricted the Big Horn Basin from attending the board meetings and reviewing the treasurer?s report and vote ya or na on it;

Topgun, you are the one who called the Big Horn Basin crooks. I'm saying that using money that I spent at the Cody SFW Fundraising Banquet for another group is fraud. As you call it ?their hard earned money? actually was SFW hard earned money not the new group. The posted letter still looks like a confession no matter how many excuses you present on their behalf.
>Let's go through this by the
>numbers since you did not
>comprehend the prior post.
>1. Big Horn Basin joined the
>Wyoming Sportsmen for Fish and
>Wildlife (no affiliation with any
>Utah SFW) and agreed to
>follow all the rules and
>2. We are a country based
>on the rule of law;
>3. Big Horn Basin raised money
>using the SFW?s name and
>tax ID number;
>4. After being challenged to count
>the money from their fund
>raising banquet, at the banquet,
>before any one person bagged
>it up and went home,
>the attacks began toward the
>State level of SFW;
>5. The money I and many
>others spent at that banquet
>was understood to be used
>to fund SFW;
>6. Big Horn Basin SFW decided,
>for whatever reason makes no
>difference, to close shop and
>move on;
>7. They had every right to
>move on and start a
>new organization, however they did
>not have the right to
>keep money raise under the
>SFW banner;
>8. SFW State never restricted the
>Big Horn Basin from attending
>the board meetings and reviewing
>the treasurer?s report and vote
>ya or na on it;
>Topgun, you are the one who
>called the Big Horn Basin
>crooks. I'm saying that
>using money that I spent
>at the Cody SFW Fundraising
>Banquet for another group is
>fraud. As you call
>it ?their hard earned money?
>actually was SFW hard earned
>money not the new group.
> The posted letter still
>looks like a confession no
>matter how many excuses you
>present on their behalf.

From all the talk in circle, raising money to pay themselves, non disclosure, I would say wyo sfw is a carbon copy of Utah sfw. SFW, all the same cancer is the master of talking alot without saying anything. My wife is an the accounting supervisor for a fortune 500 company. At any time, at any point in the day she can tell you how much came in, how much went out, what the projections are, what the interest is, etc, etc, etc. Yet SFW can't do any of the above EVER. Wyoming, WE UTAHNS APOLOGIZE FOR THIS CANCER. Yeah I know, they aren't affiliated. Somehow though as Wyo SFW talks about corporate fraud, etc, they simply took the name of another established group(utah sfw) and it was shear coincidence. Bad new Wyoming, SFW a cockroach. Kill one, 2 come back. AGAIN SORRY!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-14 AT 08:01PM (MST)[p]Not affiliated with UTSFW at all, huh? Read the last sentence of this UTSFW portion of their website that I C/Pd regarding who they are:

About SFW

SFW is a team of 13,000 members spread throughout all 50 states. We are intensely dedicated to the perpetuation of wildlife, and we're passionate about hunting. Our membership is a collection of sportsmen and women including everything from average hunters and influential celebrities, to wildlife experts, firearm and ammunition manufacturers, taxidermists, guides and outfitters. We all work together to create a future for wildlife and for hunters.

SFW members have raised millions of dollars and volunteered tens of thousands of hours and equipment that is having very real affects on the ground. In Utah, Idaho and Wyoming more than 1,000,000 acres of public land has already been rehabilitated with SFW funds and influence.
>>Let's go through this by the
>>numbers since you did not
>>comprehend the prior post.
>>1. Big Horn Basin joined the
>>Wyoming Sportsmen for Fish and
>>Wildlife (no affiliation with any
>>Utah SFW) and agreed to
>>follow all the rules and
>>2. We are a country based
>>on the rule of law;
>>3. Big Horn Basin raised money
>>using the SFW?s name and
>>tax ID number;
>>4. After being challenged to count
>>the money from their fund
>>raising banquet, at the banquet,
>>before any one person bagged
>>it up and went home,
>>the attacks began toward the
>>State level of SFW;
>>5. The money I and many
>>others spent at that banquet
>>was understood to be used
>>to fund SFW;
>>6. Big Horn Basin SFW decided,
>>for whatever reason makes no
>>difference, to close shop and
>>move on;
>>7. They had every right to
>>move on and start a
>>new organization, however they did
>>not have the right to
>>keep money raise under the
>>SFW banner;
>>8. SFW State never restricted the
>>Big Horn Basin from attending
>>the board meetings and reviewing
>>the treasurer?s report and vote
>>ya or na on it;
>>Topgun, you are the one who
>>called the Big Horn Basin
>>crooks. I'm saying that
>>using money that I spent
>>at the Cody SFW Fundraising
>>Banquet for another group is
>>fraud. As you call
>>it ?their hard earned money?
>>actually was SFW hard earned
>>money not the new group.
>> The posted letter still
>>looks like a confession no
>>matter how many excuses you
>>present on their behalf.
>From all the talk in circle,
>raising money to pay themselves,
>non disclosure, I would say
>wyo sfw is a carbon
>copy of Utah sfw.
>SFW, all the same cancer
>is the master of talking
>alot without saying anything.
>My wife is an the
>accounting supervisor for a fortune
>500 company. At any
>time, at any point in
>the day she can tell
>you how much came in,
>how much went out, what
>the projections are, what the
>interest is, etc, etc, etc.
> Yet SFW can't do
>any of the above EVER.
>I know, they aren't affiliated.
> Somehow though as Wyo
>SFW talks about corporate fraud,
>etc, they simply took the
>name of another established group(utah
>sfw) and it was shear
>coincidence. Bad new Wyoming,
>SFW a cockroach. Kill
>one, 2 come back.
Isn't it amazing that this guy is accusing the guys of robbing the SFW state chapter when it appears that may be exactly what the state chapter was doing to the Cody group, LOL! Talk about justice being served, LOL!
They also get members when your friend buys you a ticket to a local banquet and it comes with a free year membership. Which is what happened to me and that banquet was a total joke. That was a few years ago right when the big horn chapter posted that letter that buzz posted above
I hope they start a new chapter and it works a lot better then The SFW one did. Money earned in their area should be use in their area. Yes they (SFW) are robbing the sportsman of Wyoming even as you sit there and claim they aren't.
You have sat in Smoke screen Bob's fire to long and he is still the best at bull$shitting the weak and easy. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>"The Coyote Hunt that is a
>conspiracy will thin out VERY
>few predators, create a bag
>of lies, raise a little
>money for Wharffs salary, and
>heaven forbid signup a few
>new, uninformed members."
>Edited it for you...
>Seems Wharff is pretty short on
>listing all the "projects" he's
>spending the money on that's
>being raised by the hard
>working group of Sportsmen???
>What say you Northfork? How about
>a list of those projects
>your money is funding?
>The Bighorn Chapter asked and was
>told they cant question Wharff.



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