How would you run Utah’s MuleDeer hunting?


Active Member
How you run Utah’s MuleDeer hunting? Do they have it exactly how you want it? All generals? All Limited Entry? Cut tags? Change some General units to LE units? Separate it into regions? Give the whole state a one year break? How would you run Utah’s MuleDeer hunting?
Leave the LE units but go back to regions this 30 units puts too much focus in an area. Before the 30 something units of the Ogden unit was on the decline hunters went to box elder now we don’t have that option so now they just shoot out the declining unit. My 2 cents
More accurate deer counts...
Investment in winter range forage...
Only one pool of accrued points...
Any CWMU tag burns your points...
Rotating one year closures on all units with like a six year cycle...
No outfitting on public lands...

My ultimate ask.?? Designate a unit as the "Conservation Unit" Its a unit just for auctioned tags (deer and elk and other species). Outfitting allowed there. They can even plant farm animals on the unit for all I care... all proceeds used to fund statewide conservation projects. 💥
I would leave the LE hunting units the same except I would make oak creek and San Juan a premium unit with the Henries and pauns. I would cut permits to 50,000 total permits in the state for a 5 yr period and have mandatory reporting so we can get some good data on what our units are doing and producing. I would leave the preference point system in place the way it is today. I would have those with even day birthdays apply one year and those with odd day birthdays apply the next year. Everyone would take a turn sitting out a year. I think we could all really hunt every other year. I think this could put some great bucks on the units and help those that want to trophy hunt and those that want opportunity to hunt. Let’s think outside the box and try something way diff like this. Just my opinion
Leave the LE units but go back to regions this 30 units puts too much focus in an area. Before the 30 something units of the Ogden unit was on the decline hunters went to box elder now we don’t have that option so now they just shoot out the declining unit. My 2 cents
That wouldn’t eliminate focus in a certain area, it would actually make it worse because if there are less units there will be more tags for each unit and there will be more people able to hunt that specific spot, and if it’s a know good spot, it will be bombarded even worse. If they were to make more units (smaller units) they could better control the amount of people hunting each small area and Limit the amount of people who hunt there by limiting the amount of tags.
I would quadruple the tags on all LE units and double the tags on all general units.

Cut the archery season down to 10 days and get rid of the extended hunts.

I would not allow auction deer tags outside of the governor's tag and Antelope Island. Sell those two tags for as much as you want!

Landowner tags are not allowed to be sold for any price. They can be distributed by the landowner however they desire, but not for any consideration. 3rd degree felony and a mandatory $5,000 fine for violating that offense. Minimum 1 year in jail for any subsequent violation.
I would get rid of LE and General tags. Cut it up into smaller units. Archery, Muzzy, First and Second rifle then a late Muzzy and a late archery.

Can either choose to hunt every year or wait years to hunt the "Better" units. CWMU's are also included in the draw with them.
First and foremost, and this has nothing to do with managing mule deer, but the very first thing I'd do is say if you possess a deer tag of any type, you lose your deer points. Period. Draw, OTC leftovers, LE, general season, CWMU, landowner, etc. etc. etc.

I am not even talking about mixing species or anything else, but if you made me king for a day, that is the very first thing I'd do. You get a deer permit for any reason whatsoever, you no longer have deer points.

Then I'd do the same thing for elk, antelope, BH sheep, bison, moose, and mountain goats.

Then we could start doing some other changes, but that is the very first one that needs to happen immediately.
First and foremost, and this has nothing to do with managing mule deer, but the very first thing I'd do is say if you possess a deer tag of any type, you lose your deer points. Period. Draw, OTC leftovers, LE, general season, CWMU, landowner, etc. etc. etc.

I am not even talking about mixing species or anything else, but if you made me king for a day, that is the very first thing I'd do. You get a deer permit for any reason whatsoever, you no longer have deer points.

You Can say That Because You've Already Drew Your LE TROPHY Tag!

It Also Means You Can't Earn Any More Deer Points For The Rest Of Your Life!:D

Then I'd do the same thing for elk, antelope, BH sheep, bison, moose, and mountain goats.

Then we could start doing some other changes, but that is the very first one that needs to happen immediately.

YOU Wouldn't Be Able To Gain Any Points!

(((With Your Own Rules!)))

REMEMBER:You Have That SPECIAL Tag & With Your Own Rules That Would Cancel YOU Out Every Year!

No, I say that because it’s the right thing to do.

Get a tag, lose your points. Pretty simple, actually! I don’t think it needs to be OIL, but we should all lose our points when we gain a tag.
Aaaah, I get it. You’re adding to my requirements of combining LE and general season pools? I didn’t pick up on that originally.

Honestly, I used to be adamantly opposed to that idea, and I’ve warmed up to it a lot the last year or so. But that is not part of the first thing I’d do. It’s probably in the first 5 years plan though.

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