how was it?


Long Time Member
How was everyones holiday weekend? Mine started with a funeral, had to work and fought with les schwab all weekend. Did get a little beer drinkin done after work and visited a few veterans from my family graves. All in all it was ok.

Was a good weekend for me, the wife and I took the kids canoeing on New River. It was interesting in a canoe with a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old!
Ok for me. Had my neck fixed/fused on Thursday. Not much for me to do except take my Norco/valium/Yukon Jack cocktail and watch the tube. BBQ on Saturday. Paid my respects yesterday.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
went to strawberry and expected it to be a zoo. when we arriaved we were the first boat in the parking lot. The fishing was hot all day long. Lost count of how many "wet socks we reeled in" all in the slot limit. We only caught one bow and we caught quite a few crawdads.

when we left we were the last one in the parking lot.




Nets are for fish!!
Great weekend here. Got home a little early on Friday and did all the olbigatory yard work and got it out of the way. Then while I was still sweating, took a nice long "night hike" around a 4 mile loop with a 25 lb. pack to burn a few extra calories as I knew the next few days would be calorie rich.

Saturday morning, got up had a somewhat lazy morning, then took a day long road trip to deliver my brother's oryx cape to his taxidermist who happened to be hunting a ranch near Kerrville, TX. On the way there, stopped in San Antonio at the LDS temple, got some stuff at the distribution center then had lunch at Firehouse Subs. Damn good corned beef and pastrami sandwich! Got to the ranch at about 4PM and as we drove through the gate, two zebra ran across the road in front of us (they have lots of exotics there). Dropped off the cape then turned around and headed back through Fredicksburg where we stopped and picked a half bushel of fresh peaches. Then we cruised through the beautiful Hill Country all the way back in to Austin. Absolutely gorgeous drive, no mountains but 1000 shades of green and at that time of day, the way the shadows fall makes it seem like you are driving through a painting.

Sunday I was assigned to talk in Church so I did some preaching and teaching then spent the evening relaxing with the family.

Yesterday was a lazy Monday. Should have got up and ran or at least did some fishing down on the creek but enjoyed using my perogative to just sit on my butt and stay cool. In the afternoon, some friends came over and while the kids played on the slip-n-slide I marinated and grilled up my turkey along with some chicken and hot dogs for the kids. Topped it off with some fresh picked peach cobbler for dessert.

Great family weekend - all the while we were blessed with the good memories of my dad and grandfathers who all served our country along with the rest of my deceased family who we remember too. One of my favorite holidays.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I took my 85 year old Grandmother up to my Mom & Dad's place in Show Low, AZ on Friday. She'll be up there for a month. Then on Saturdy I helped my Dad move some steel and timbers out of an area to get ready for our family reunion at the end of June. Early Sunday morning I drove around the woods around their house learning some new areas for my cow elk hunt in December. When I got back to the ranch Dad & I built a spair tire rack to go in the back of my truck because I carry two spairs now after last year's blowout the day before opening day of my bull hunt. Then we all just sat around watching the Indy 500 & the Charlotte 600 for the rest of the day. Monday morning I drove home real early so I could go out to the veteran's cemetary for the Memorial Day services. After the services I went to my American Legion Post here in Tempe for a potluck luch. All in all it was a nice weekend.[/img][/url]
Took off early Friday and did some work at my farm to get ready for a get-together that night with my 2 brothers,some cousins, and friends(8 of us in all).

We hog hunted, ate and sat around the fire laughing and talking that night. I even missed a big hog on purpose so the guys would have something to razz about. ;-)

Ate a big breakfast the next morning and split up by noon to be with our families.

Church on Sunday and saw a traveling Broadway musical with my wife and girls that afternoon.

Monday remememberance services and hot links and dogs on the grill around the pool.

All in all a great weekend for sure....
My weekend kicked ass!! I left for my cabin early friday morning. Shot my bow a bunch, scouted some bucks, did some shed hunting, scouted more bucks, drank myself stupid a couple nights, scouted more bucks, got snowed on, got rained on, got a sunburn, good times indeed!! Drove home Tuesday after noon to work the next 3 nights then going back for more :)



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