I'll bet woodruffhunter is Chilly this morning?

-18 here this morning!

The radio said -27 in Ballard this morning!

Gawd I'm enthused for work today!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
-16 35 mile an hour winds with gusts to 40 make it seem colder if that is possible. People that have never had there pipes freeze now have frozen pipes. Man do I feel lucky no frozen and broken pipes.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-11 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]-31

I drove about 7 miles in my car. By the time I got to work, my clutch wasn't working very good! I am about sick of this winter!
It was -20 with out the wind here at my place next to the river. Could be worse, saw it was -61 in Larimie Wy with the wind chill this am.
-23 here in far NW Colorado this morning. After it gets below 5 degrees does it really matter much? FREAKN' BRRRRRRRR!
-16 here up lake creek (east side of Heber, Ut) My fingers dont even stand a chance to keep warm out feedin the horses. Too damn cold!!
It's a chilly 46 degrees here this morning in So CA and it should get up to a high of about 68. The Santa Ana's are going to up today with gust upwards of 65-70 mph.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-11 AT 09:32AM (MST)[p]29 this morning headed for 48. I actually cut my lawn yesterday.
>AT 09:32?AM (MST)

>29 this morning headed for 48.
>I actually cut my lawn

And I thought my day was already bad. Thanks for ruining it more!!
9 here this morning with a negative wind chill of about- 10. Been selling the hell out of the propane. My calves that were born before this blast are faring well, but I had 2 born yesterday so quick they froze before I could get them in the barn:( damn heifers are not the greatest mothers yet either. Calved out 23 of 42 so far with only pulling one. hopefully it will warm up in the next day or so and get these girls some sunshine.
Highway patrolman friend said it was -41 here in the basin at 3am.

-28 when I got to the office this morning at 6am....

Right now I look like randy from a christmas story all bundled up trying to work.....

LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-11 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p]Sorry boys....but I'm in shorts and a t-shirt. It's 70 here in Santa Maria, Ca. I've already heard twice today, "That's why we pay to live in California!"

Here's what my weekend is gonna look it and weap!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Sunny skies and mid 60's in N. CA. foothills. Weather fore cast for the next 5-7 days will be the same.

-28 at daybreak 30 miles up valley it was -49 and it's supposed to get cold tonight... No more of that summery stuff.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-11 AT 06:51PM (MST)[p]left the house Ogden at plus 6 by Echo it was -12 by Evanston
-24 then -16 at Rock Springs -16 pretty much the norm to Elk Mt. Laramie was at a high -16 Radio said -30 for low then Cheyenne at 8 for a high. Freaking balmy here. It will take me 3 weeks at Phoenix to warm up. I will garandamntee no ground hog was looking for a shadow here. Seen more then 100 semi's along the road froze up bad day for truck driving across 80

I started feeding cows yesterday at 7:30 am and it was -32 and no wind...this arctic front has some moisture in it...reminds me of winter logging in Silver Lake Oregon country back in the early 80's.
Its a balmy 12 out now. When the "Blizzard Of 2011" went thru last week it was -21 with out the 45 MPH wind chill.
Been in the mid 40s to low 50s for the better part of 3 weeks in northern Nevada. Getting down to around 15-20 and night, maybe a little colder, but not too bad of a winter really. Only a couple days has it dropped below 0.

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